Chapter 107: Chapter 107

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

The fact of the matter was, had this been before my trip to the past, I likely would've left the Temple in a similar manner as before. However, things were different now. I spent time with them, even if they didn't know it, but things didn't add up. If they knew about the book that Aydan made, you'd think they'd be able to work out that I was Mordred. I wasn't exactly careful when I first arrived here.

Regardless, I cared for them since I did teach them in the past. "I suppose what you say has merit, but I will not allow you to start talking about war as if it is the most simple thing in the world. Lestrania is not how it was even a hundred years ago." Arceana explained. "Keep your opinions about this to yourself for the moment until we get an actual plan."

I frowned at that, but Elincia quickly spoke. "We have allies that we can reach out to before making any decisions. It would be best to have as much information as we can before we begin."

Seeing as how I was unaware of who Lestrania's allies were at this time, I decided to nod in agreement. "Very well. I will refrain from telling others my thoughts on the matter unless they ask me about them."

Both seemed to accept that as Arceana smirked. "I am starting to understand you a little bit more and more, Sir Arthur."

"Oh?" I replied, somewhat interested.

"Yes. You are willing to answer questions, but they have to be the right questions. Your own code of morality keeps you in line, for the most part, and you work within it to the best of your abilities."

I shook my head. "So, you say, but neither of you knows the first thing about me."

Arceana jingled her scepter before her smile widened. "Maybe not, but I know enough that I can trust you."

That made me quirk a brow. "Why trust me now?" I inquired in a cautious tone before gesturing to myself. "We've done nothing but buttheads since I've arrived."

"I'm going to get started on my own plans."

Arceana quickly chimed in. "There is no way to move forward so quickly in this type of situation, Arthur."

I walked into the portal. "I will either find a way, or make one."

Elincia's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"Did I miss something?" My sister inquired as she looked at me as Arthur's portal closed. "I thought the conversation was going well, despite its bumps here and there."

"No. I doubt this was because of us." Then I turned toward her. "Not that I know of, anyway."

Moving her scepter in front of her, she studied it. "Then it is likely we forced his walls back up, but I have no idea what the cause was." Arceana became quiet for a moment before she spoke softly. "Why do you suppose he refused to see Lucia and the General?"

Crossing my arms, I answered. "It is tough to say. He told me the same thing in the lowest rung." It was a confusing thing to ponder. "What do you suppose he meant by 'personal reasons?'"

"For whatever reason, Arthur seems to keep his distance from everyone. I am unsure if he deals with us because of our status and is mandatory for him or if he merely treats everyone this way."

"Cassidy did say he liked to keep up walls even to those who are close to him." I then shrugged. "Something happened at the Reed home, but Augustus has not said anything about it. Nor Cassidy."

"Then we will continue to proceed as planned but keep Lucia and Alwin apprised of the situation. Perhaps they can lower those walls better than we can."

I quirked a brow at that. "That seems unlikely."

"Yes, it does, but not impossible that we know of. It will be interesting to see how he handles what we have in store." She then frowned as she eyed where his portal opened. "Such a strange man and an unknown. Whatever his plans are, we need to make sure they do not hinder us or ours."

While my sister may say that, the question was, could we even do that?

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