Chapter 545 Chapter545-An Inconceivable Predicament

Upon learning that someone was deeply concerned about the possibility of demons appearing at the teleportation point in Storm City, both Adam and Blue Sea realized that the situation might differ from their initial assumptions.

"Do you have any ideas why someone would be concerned about demons appearing at the teleportation point in Storm City? Even if demons are attacking Storm City, it's unlikely they'd enter through the teleportation point, right?"

Blue Sea voiced his doubts, as, in his view, it was improbable for the Dark Faction's demons to use the teleportation points of the Order Faction's main city.

Moreover, wasn't the Dark Faction's objective to destroy the defenses of Storm City's walls?

Even if the Dark Faction could enter Storm City through the teleportation point, they would face numerous obstacles.

The teleportation point is centrally located within Storm City, surrounded by Duke Arsena's palace and the Great Library, both of which possess formidable defensive capabilities.

Despite Duke Arsena's mysterious disappearance, his palace still housed several Order Faction guards.

These guards, in collaboration with the magi from the Great Library, constituted a formidable fighting force.

Furthermore, they could leverage the magical formations within Duke Arsena's palace and the Great Library for combat.

Faced with Blue Sea's inquiry, Adam was unable to provide any answers.

Equally perplexed by the situation, he decided to investigate the surroundings.

"I'm not sure why this is happening either. However, I think we should search the area for more information. It's possible that the person who posted on the gaming forum isn't just concerned about the teleportation point itself but about the area surrounding it!"

Considering another possibility, Adam's suggestion went unchallenged by Blue Sea.

Together, they began to search around the teleportation point in Storm City for any noteworthy details.

Their search led them first to Duke Arsena's palace, where they noticed the absence of Order Faction guards at the entrance.

"Could it be that all the Order Faction guards from the palace were sent to the city walls? The battle there was intense earlier. To ensure the walls weren't breached by the Dark Faction, it's plausible that all available Order Faction guards were mobilized to defend them," Blue Sea hypothesized, sharing his thoughts.

As he voiced this possibility, Adam's expression darkened significantly.

"What's wrong, have you thought of something terrible? Why has your expression suddenly turned so grim?"

Adam nodded, indicating he had indeed conceived a dire possibility.

If all the Order Faction guards from Duke Arsena's palace had been dispatched to the walls of Storm City, it raised the question of whether the magi from the Great Library had also gone to the city walls.

Such a scenario would leave the city's defenses perilously weakened.

If dark forces like demons could indeed enter directly through the teleportation point into the heart of Storm City, the city could fall under the control of the Dark Faction in an instant.

"We need to head to the Great Library immediately to assess the situation there."

While Adam had envisioned a potentially critical situation, he couldn't be certain without seeing the state of the Great Library for himself.

After stating this, he promptly made his way to the Great Library, with Blue Sea quickly following behind.

The scene they encountered at the Great Library mirrored what they had seen at Duke Arsena's palace: the absence of any Order Faction's powerful defenders.

"We are in an extremely critical situation! We've all been deceived by the Dark Faction's previous actions! Their assault on the walls of Storm City was merely a diversion to scatter our focus! They are about to transport more demons into Storm City through the teleportation point. You must quickly get all the top players from the city walls here. We have to find a way to defend Duke Arsena's palace and the Great Library at all costs. These two buildings are the most important structures in Storm City."

Adam's tone was filled with urgency, startling Blue Sea.

However, recognizing the potential severity of the situation, Blue Sea didn't waste any time and immediately headed for the city walls.

At the same time, a dense black fog began to envelop the area around the teleportation point in Storm City.

This fog gathered and shrouded the teleportation point in utter darkness, within which terrifying figures flickered in and out of visibility.

As these ominous figures multiplied, the teleportation point in Storm City eventually linked up with a teleportation point in the Dark Realm.

The Dark Faction was finally able to transport its forces directly into Storm City through the teleportation point, with a Devil from the Dark Faction overseeing this operation.

"I have finally stepped into the heart of the Order Faction's main city. This time, the Order Faction must pay a very heavy price!"

Surrounded by green flames, the towering demon known as the Flame Knight, Calvize, emerged from the teleportation point.

Wherever the Flame Knight's gaze fell, it was shrouded in green flames, possessing the power to burn souls.

The NPCs and low-level players who hadn't had a chance to escape around the Storm City teleportation point were instantly annihilated.

Moreover, the dark flames unleashed by the Flame Knight successfully sealed off the teleportation point in Storm City.

The Order Faction could no longer provide support to Storm City through the teleportation point.

After stepping out of the Storm City teleportation point, the Flame Knight immediately locked onto his target: Duke Arsena's palace.

The Flame Knight was well aware that Duke Arsena's palace was the center of Storm City.

By controlling Duke Arsena's palace, he could control everything in Storm City.

The appearance of the Flame Knight left Adam shocked and terrified.

Adam knew that he absolutely couldn't confront a Devil head-


He could only inform John about the situation in Storm City.

However, John was currently engaged in battle with the Corruptor and the Dark Magus, making it impossible for him to immediately gather all the information from Storm City.

When the Flame Knight appeared in Storm City, it wasn't just Adam and his group who were shocked.

Even the Mystery Protector, who was halfway across the city from Duke Arsena's palace, was greatly surprised.

The Mystery Protector had already collaborated with other apprentice magi to eliminate all the low-ranking demons from the Dark Faction who had previously entered Storm City.

He was planning to follow these apprentice magi to support the city walls of Storm City.

He never expected that a Devil from the Dark Faction would suddenly appear within the city itself.

The apprentice magi noticed the change in the expression on the Mystery Protector's face and immediately inquired about the situation.

With a slightly trembling voice, the Mystery Protector explained, "A Devil has appeared right in the heart of Storm City. It seems to have entered Storm City through the city's teleportation point."

The words of the Mystery Protector left the surrounding apprentice magi in shock.

None of them could believe that a Devil from the Dark Faction could actually enter Storm City through the teleportation point.

However, they couldn't refute the Mystery Protector's statement because they all knew he had no reason to lie about this matter.

The Mystery Protector had no knowledge of whether the Darklord had anticipated such a situation.

In his view, the appearance of another Devil would jeopardize both his and the Darklord's plans.

With two Devils launching an attack on Storm City simultaneously, there was no way the city could defend itself.

Additionally, it was unlikely that the Order Faction and the Dark Faction would both suffer equally.

In the presence of two Devils, the Dark Faction was bound to secure the ultimate victory.

It seemed that Darklord's and Mystery Protector's plans had utterly failed.

"Although I'm probably not a match for a Devil, I must hurry and try to stop the Devil's attack on Storm City," the Mystery Protector firmly stated to the surrounding apprentice magi.

He then used a Teleport Spell to return to the Great Library.

Upon reaching the top floor of the Great Library, the Mystery Protector immediately saw that the Flame Knight had already destroyed the defensive magic formation around Duke Arsena's palace and entered the palace itself.

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