Chapter 546 Chapter546-Kingserp's Bluff

As one of the most powerful Devils, the Flame Knight's combat prowess surpassed everyone's imagination.

He effortlessly destroyed the defensive magic formation surrounding Duke Arsena's palace.

The Flame Knight strode into the grand hall of Duke Arsena's palace, where he encountered resistance from the Order Faction guards who were stationed there.

However, he didn't even bother to consider these guards as worthy opponents.

With a single fiery spell, he obliterated all of the defending guards.

With no more immediate obstacles in his path, the Flame Knight hesitated before taking further action.

Despite his strength, he wasn't very familiar with the layout of Duke Arsena's palace.

Before him, there were three different corridors, and the Flame Knight, being a formidable Devil, sensed that these three corridors were imbued with the power of a space seal.

If he chose the wrong corridor, he would find himself trapped within the seal.

Therefore, he decided to use a Detection spell to observe the specific conditions of these three corridors within Duke Arsena's palace before proceeding.

While the Flame Knight contemplated which corridor to enter, Kingserp appeared at the entrance of Duke Arsena's palace.

Kingserp's confidence soared the moment he spotted the Flame Knight's presence in Storm City.

Kingserp believed that the direct appearance of a Devil in Storm City meant that the Dark Faction's operation was sure to succeed.

He no longer needed to worry about threats from the Order Faction or Darklord.

He hurriedly made his way to Duke Arsena's palace.

Upon seeing the Flame Knight again, Kingserp immediately knelt on the ground and spoke in an obsequious tone, "Great Devil, your loyal servant Kingserp has come to offer you assistance!"

The Flame Knight turned all three of his heads to look at Kingserp, and the twelve eyes on his heads continuously emitted a green glow.

Under his piercing gaze, Kingserp felt increasing pressure.

While the Flame Knight didn't directly eliminate him, Kingserp sensed that the Flame Knight was not particularly friendly.

"Great Devil, I am indeed here to assist you. I can guide you through the corridor that leads deep into Duke Arsena's palace!"

Kingserp's face was covered in sweat as he uttered these words.

His statement ultimately earned the Flame Knight's approval, as the Flame Knight could sense a formidable dark power emanating from Kingserp.

Furthermore, the Flame Knight had also extracted information about Kingserp from the memories of other Dark Faction demons.

"Very well, then quickly tell me which corridor to take! My time is precious!" the hoarse voice of the Flame Knight reached Kingserp's ears.

Kingserp hastily stood up and retrieved a coin from his pocket.

This was no ordinary coin; it had the power to divine which path would lead to the correct area. Kingserp tossed the coin high into the air, and as it descended, he kept a close watch on its trajectory.

He needed to ensure that the coin wasn't influenced by any other forces.

The coin landed, pointing directly at the left-hand corridor.

Kingserp confidently informed the Flame Knight, "Great Devil, the left-hand corridor will lead you to your destination!"

Without hesitation, the Flame Knight entered the left corridor, with Kingserp following closely behind.

Kingserp's divination proved to be accurate as both he and the Flame Knight entered Duke Arsena's study.

In the study, the Flame Knight successfully located an hourglass that controlled Storm City's defensive magic formation.

By simply reversing this hourglass, all the city's defenses would collapse.

The Flame Knight wasted no time and grabbed the hourglass.

However, at that moment, the hourglass suddenly suffered a heavy blow, causing it to fly out of the Flame Knight's grasp.

This unexpected attack left the Flame Knight furious and Kingserp astonished.

In Kingserp's eyes, there shouldn't have been any formidable presence within Storm City capable of defeating a Devil.

The Flame Knight angrily surveyed the surroundings and quickly identified the direction from which the recent attack had come.

In the very direction of the attack, John's figure appeared in the Flame Knight's line of sight.

"I almost fell for it. It seems that you demons aren't all that foolish. You actually managed to think of using this method to breach Storm City's defenses," John remarked.

Kingserp was stunned the moment he heard John's voice.

He couldn't understand how John had returned to Storm City so quickly.

Kingserp's previous information indicated that John was outside Storm City battling the Dark Faction's headquarters alongside another Devil and a Dark Magus.

After delivering these words, John turned his gaze toward Kingserp, who was standing beside the Flame Knight.

Upon seeing Kingserp once again, John couldn't help but acknowledge the man's incredible resilience.

Despite Kingserp's multiple failures and his knack for causing trouble, he had a remarkable ability to bounce back.

John was thoroughly disgusted with Kingserp.

"A jumping clown like you is still alive, and your strength has even returned to its previous state. But none of that matters. Next, I'll make sure that the account you currently possess becomes utterly worthless," John declared.

The Flame Knight seethed with anger as he swiftly identified the source of the recent attack, which was none other than John himself.

John's presence appeared directly in the Flame Knight's line of sight.

"I nearly fell for it. It seems you demons aren't all as foolish as I thought. You actually managed to conceive of using this method to breach Storm City's defenses," John commented.

Kingserp was frozen in shock the moment he heard John's voice.

He couldn't comprehend how John had returned to Storm City with such remarkable speed.

Kingserp's prior information indicated that John was engaged in combat outside Storm City at the Dark Faction's headquarters, alongside another Devil and a Dark Magus.

After delivering these words, John shifted his gaze to Kingserp, who stood beside the Flame Knight.

Meeting Kingserp once more, John begrudgingly acknowledged the man's remarkable resilience.

Despite Kingserp's numerous failures and his talent for causing trouble, he had a knack for bouncing back. John was thoroughly fed up with Kingserp.

"A jumping clown like you can still continue to exist, and your strength has even returned to its previous state. But none of that matters. Next, I'll make sure that the account you currently possess becomes utterly worthless," John declared resolutely.

He was determined to seize this opportunity to eliminate Kingserp, stripping him of all his weapons and permanently locking his level at one.

John had already figured out how to lock a player's level at one, and although it came at a significant cost, it was a reasonable choice when dealing with someone like Kingserp, whom John intensely despised.

Upon hearing John's words, Kingserp initially appeared fearful.

However, his fear quickly dissipated because he felt confident due to the presence of the Flame Knight, a Devil, by his side.

With a Devil nearby, why should he be afraid of John, even if John was a top-tier player?

Surely, a top-tier player couldn't defeat two Devils in succession.

After realizing this, Kingserp grew noticeably more confident and replied, "John, don't waste your breath here. Don't think your strength is all that formidable. Just because you defeated me before doesn't mean you can do it now. My power has grown significantly stronger, much stronger than before. Furthermore, I'm not alone in this fight. I have the assistance of the great Devil here, and the great Devil will ensure your demise."

As Kingserp delivered this speech, he subtly took a few steps closer to the Flame Knight's direction.

It seemed that in Kingserp's mind, staying too far from the Flame Knight might lead to his direct elimination by John.

It was evident that Kingserp's current words were an attempt to appear stronger than he actually was, relying on the Flame Knight's power.

While John harbored a strong dislike for Kingserp, he couldn't help but acknowledge that there was some truth in what Kingserp was saying.

After all, the Flame Knight was a Devil, and a Devil who had not suffered any weakening.

When facing such a Devil, John needed to be cautious.

He didn't immediately retort to Kingserp's words, which only served to make Kingserp believe that he had successfully intimidated John, prompting him to continue speaking.

"If you choose wisely now, perhaps the great Devil may spare you. However, if you decide to obstruct our actions, you will face utter annihilation," Kingserp warned.

Throughout Kingserp's speech, the Flame Knight remained still, taking no action.

This was because the Flame Knight didn't hold the same level of contempt for John as Kingserp did.

The Flame Knight was aware that John had previously defeated several Devils, so he had to be cautious when dealing with such an opponent.

The Flame Knight desired more time to assess John's actual strength before taking any corresponding actions.

After gaining a clear understanding of John's abilities, the Flame Knight would decide how to proceed.

However, John had no intention of giving him that much time.

After listening to Kingserp's words, John chose to initiate an attack against Kingserp directly.

He employed Abyssal Prison to seal Kingserp away.

Although he harbored strong aversion towards Kingserp, John understood that the primary threat at the moment was the Flame Knight.

As long as he could eliminate the Flame Knight, Kingserp was of little consequence.

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