Chapter 544 Chapter544-Adam's New Discovery

While the Mystery Protector had resolved to join forces with the other apprentice magi to combat the demons from the Dark Faction that had infiltrated Storm City, he had no intention of exerting his full efforts.

His goal was merely to give the impression that he was earnestly fighting for the Order Faction.

Simultaneously, as the Mystery Protector made his move, Adam and Blue Sea, leading a group of elite players, finally reached the walls of Storm City.

The battle at the city walls had escalated to an intense stage.

Natasha and Shatras, despite their formidable strength, ultimately failed to halt the Corruptor.

Their power was insufficient against the Devil, rendering them almost ineffective.

Under the assault of the Corruptor, Shatras sustained severe injuries.

Had Natasha not intervened at a critical moment to block a skill from the Corruptor, Shatras might have been vanquished by the fiend.

"I owe you my gratitude for deflecting that demon's skill. Without your intervention, I surely would have been destroyed by it," Shatras expressed her thanks to Natasha immediately after they evaded the Corruptor's attack.

However, Natasha's concern was not with this acknowledgment but with whether John's efforts on another front had been successful.

Although she sensed that the foundation of Storm City was no longer under threat, this did not necessarily confirm the success of John's plan.

Natasha straightforwardly said to Shatras, "I'm uncertain if John's efforts have been successful. It seems the Devil is heading towards the Dark Faction's stronghold. We should also make our way there because I suspect John is embroiled in a tough battle. Meanwhile, the Dark Faction probably isn't in a position to claim victory either. Otherwise, the Devil wouldn't need to provide support there. We must hasten to assist John, for if he fails, the defense of Storm City will utterly collapse."

Convinced by Natasha's words, Shatras agreed, and the two quickly employed a Teleport Spell to rush to the Dark Faction's stronghold.

As they breached Storm City's walls, they immediately encountered John, facing off against a severely wounded Dark Magus.

The Dark Magus had nearly depleted all of his dark power, which ultimately led him to summon the Corruptor, the Devil, as a last resort.

With the Corruptor's return to the Dark Faction's stronghold, the formidable dark power it brought with it enabled the Dark Magus to regain his optimal condition.

The Dark Magus glanced at Natasha and Shatras standing behind John, deeming them insignificant in his eyes.

He launched a pitch-black mirror towards John's direction, which, surprisingly, did not target John for attack.

Instead, the mirror passed through John's vicinity and trapped Natasha and Shatras within a seal made of dark power.

John was naturally very concerned about this development and decided that his first priority was to break the seal cast by the Dark Magus.

However, just as John was about to take action, the Corruptor and Dark Magus launched a joint attack.

The Dark Magus was confident that he would not fail this time.

"You are indeed a formidable adventurer, but in the end, that is all you are. It is impossible for you to defeat us! The Dark Realm is destined to emerge victorious!" he proclaimed.

Although both the Dark Magus and the Corruptor were high-ranking members of the Dark Faction, their logic differed significantly.

The Dark Magus had not yet reached the realm of Devils, so his reasoning had not been fully corrupted by dark power.

The Dark Magus was still capable of rational thought and was acutely aware that success hinged on thwarting John's plan.

With the combined assault from the Dark Magus and the Corruptor, John found himself unable to dispel the seal on Natasha and Shatras.

His immediate concern had to be countering the attack from these potent forces of the Dark Faction.

As the battle on the walls of Storm City waned with the departure of the Order and Dark Faction's elites, the intensity of the conflict diminished.

With the support of top players, the guards of Storm City managed to repel the demons of the Dark Faction from the walls, securing a temporary peace for the city.

"It seems our reinforcement arrived just in time, with the high-

level demons having retreated from the walls of Storm City. We must have completed the quest to defend Storm City," Blue Sea remarked, believing that Storm City was now safe and that they had fulfilled the quest assigned by John.

However, Adam, standing beside Blue Sea, harbored different thoughts.

Glancing at the demons of the Dark Faction below the city walls, Adam felt uneasy, suspecting that the demons hadn't launched their full assault.

It appeared they were biding their time, waiting for a more opportune moment to strike.

"Why are you silent? Have you made some new discovery?"

Blue Sea found Adam's silence odd and followed his gaze towards the direction Adam was looking.

"These Dark Faction demons haven't chosen to retreat yet; they're still lingering below the walls of Storm City. Should we descend from the walls and eliminate all of these demons?! Only then can we ensure the safety of Storm City to the greatest extent!"

While Blue Sea did observe the demons of the Dark Faction beneath the walls, his assessment differed vastly from Adam's.

He was inclined to join forces with other members of the Order Faction to eradicate the demons.

Adam, of course, disagreed with Blue Sea's plan.

He had anticipated the next move of the Dark Faction.

Turning to Blue Sea with a sense of urgency in his voice, Adam said, "I believe we've fallen into a trap set by the Dark Faction. The attacks before the dark war were not their full assault; those were merely diversions to scatter our attention."

After expressing his thoughts, Adam promptly used a teleportation scroll to return to the teleportation point in Storm City.

This abrupt action left Blue Sea utterly astonished.

Before Blue Sea could fully grasp the situation, Adam had already left.

Although Blue Sea was quite dissatisfied with Adam's sudden departure, he had no choice but to instruct the other top players to guard the walls, then he too headed towards the teleportation point in Storm City.

Upon arriving at the teleportation point, they noticed that there were very few Order Faction guards around the teleportation point, and there were some players curiously surveying their surroundings.

Both Adam and Blue Sea were wary of these players, given the dire circumstances Storm City was facing.

They wondered why these players would choose to be here, as lower-level players would typically seek out safer locations.

The presence of these individuals here clearly indicated they had ulterior motives.

Adam quickly teleported in front of a low-level Assassin Player and asked directly, "Why are you here at the teleportation point right now? Don't tell me you're just here to spectate."

Adam's sudden approach took the low-level Assassin Player by surprise, leaving him momentarily at a loss for words and unable to immediately respond to Adam's query.

Blue Sea, standing beside Adam, pressed further, "You'd better answer his question. If you choose not to, we will have no choice but to eliminate you. It should be clear to you that our levels are much higher than yours."

Faced with Blue Sea's stern warning, the low-level Assassin Player quickly realized the gravity of the situation.

After a brief hesitation, he disclosed his reason for being there.

"Someone posted a quest on the gaming forums. I accepted the quest from that post, which brought me here. My task is to observe the situation around the Storm City teleportation point. Should any demons from the Dark Faction appear here, I am obliged to immediately report this to the person who posted the quest."

As the low-level Assassin Player explained, he simultaneously shared the post from the gaming forum.

Adam and Blue Sea scrutinized it carefully and confirmed that the Assassin Player wasn't lying.

Understanding that the player likely didn't possess any further information, Adam then allowed the low-level Assassin Player to depart.

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