Chapter 543 Chapter543-The Unpredictable One

In the lowest level of the Great Library, Kingserp stood before Darklord and Mystery Protector, silent in response to the words spoken by Darklord.

Kingserp felt that the information he possessed was insufficient for making a definitive judgment.

He was even unsure whether Darklord was an ally or an adversary.

Kingserp's silence, of course, tested the patience of both Darklord and Mystery Protector.

Mystery Protector addressed Darklord directly, "He's already aware of information concerning us; it would be prudent to eliminate him. After all, our forthcoming plans must remain confidential. You're well aware that premature exposure could severely compromise our chances of success."

Mystery Protector's remarks were undeniably logical, believing that the fewer people knew of their plans, the safer those plans would be. Darklord, however, offered no response to Mystery Protector's words.

He merely continued to stare at Kingserp with his previous expression, as if waiting for Kingserp to respond.

Faced with this situation, Kingserp decided to confront it head-on, considering he wasn't a match for the two individuals before him anyway.

"What exactly are your intentions? It seems you're hesitant to dispose of me directly. Perhaps, then, you wish for me to act in accordance with your plans."

After Kingserp voiced his thoughts, Darklord responded with a smile, nodding slightly, "Indeed, I refrained from eliminating you because I hoped you could assist me later on. You're surely well-acquainted with the Dark Faction's forthcoming actions, aren't you? You must divulge all of Dark Faction's plans to me. After I've heard them, I will then instruct you on your subsequent course of action."

Darklord's words infuriated Mystery Protector and made him suspect that Darklord's motives were inscrutable.

In Mystery Protector's view, wasn't Darklord's objective to collaborate with the Mystery faction to seize control of Storm City directly?

So, why the need to learn all of Dark Faction's plans?

Wouldn't it suffice for the Dark Faction and the Order Faction to weaken each other?

Did Darklord's approach suggest that the Mystery faction had additional plans?

If the Mystery faction harbored further schemes, should Mystery Protector also prepare a response?

With numerous thoughts swirling in his mind, Mystery Protector grew increasingly concerned about the current situation.

Kingserp chose not to fully disclose the Dark Faction's plans.

In his view, revealing the Dark Faction's strategies could potentially lead to grave consequences.

However, Kingserp was aware that he couldn't maintain his silence indefinitely.

If he remained completely mute, Darklord would surely run out of patience.

And in such a scenario, it would be Kingserp himself who would face trouble.

After some hesitation, Kingserp decided to reveal only the superficial aspects of Dark Faction's plan.

He believed that after sharing these details, Darklord would not probe further.

"As you have seen, Dark Faction's current plan involves leveraging immense power to obliterate all of Order Faction's control zones around Sunset Mountain. Storm City, being the most crucial fortress city of the Order Faction in the vicinity of Sunset Mountain, falls squarely within this plan. Gaining control over Storm City would signify a successful operation for Dark Faction."

To Mystery Protector, Kingserp's words seemed like a fabrication.

He doubted the simplicity of Dark Faction's plan and suspected that Darklord could see through this as well.

However, Darklord's subsequent reaction took Mystery Protector by surprise.

Darklord appeared quite satisfied with Kingserp's response, nodding as he said, "If that's the case, then you should hurry back to the urban area of Storm City. I believe you should continue to collaborate with Dark Faction's efforts and expedite the eradication of all Order Faction's forces within Storm City."

After finishing his statement, Darklord gestured with his eyes for Kingserp to leave promptly.

Initially, Kingserp was quite hesitant, suspecting that Darklord might be deliberately toying with him.

Nevertheless, Kingserp felt that he had to take a calculated risk.

He slowly walked past Darklord and Mystery Protector and, upon realizing they had no intention of pursuing him, transformed into a swift black mist, heading towards the exit of the Great Library.

Once Kingserp had departed, Mystery Protector asked with evident confusion, "Why did you simply let him go? The plan he spoke of is clearly not genuine. I don't believe the Dark Faction's plan is that straightforward. Aren't the Dark Faction and your Mystery faction adversaries as well? This time, the Dark Faction probably aims to eliminate both the Mystery and Order factions."

Mystery Protector's question remained unanswered by Darklord, who simply wore a profound, inscrutable smile, and told Mystery Protector, "You need not concern yourself with these matters. Whatever actions Kingserp decides to take next will prove to be of great assistance to us. This is because John has already detected Kingserp's presence. John will undoubtedly target Kingserp next, given that he lacks substantial information and is utterly incapable of discerning our behind-the-scenes maneuvers."

When Darklord expressed his perspective, Mystery Protector began to understand the rationale behind his actions, albeit still feeling that such maneuvers were unnecessarily convoluted.

They could have simply eliminated Kingserp, thus depriving John of any chance to glean clues related to them from Kingserp.

Mystery Protector intended to probe further, but before he could articulate his questions, Darklord transformed into a streak of black light and vanished.

With Darklord gone, Mystery Protector glanced at the defensive magic circle before him, noticing some changes.

"Could it be that Storm City's defensive array is capable of self-

repair?" he pondered, sensing that the city's magical defenses seemed to be gradually reinstating themselves.

He hesitated, debating whether to dismantle Storm City's defenses once more.

After a moment, he decided against taking further action, acutely aware that any move he made would likely be detected by other powerful members of the Order Faction.

His previous actions had already risked much; he could not afford to take greater risks.

Realizing this, the Mystery Protector used a teleportation spell to return to the top level of the Great Library.

Just as he arrived back at the upper floors, several apprentice magi also made their way back into the Great Library.

Their condition was evidently poor, clearly having faced off against creatures from the Dark Faction in battle.

Although these apprentice magi weren't particularly powerful on their own, their collaborative efforts enabled them to vanquish demons of mid to high tier.

Their return to the Great Library was driven by a need for assistance from the Mystery Protector.

Arriving at the top level, the apprentices approached and knocked on the door to the room where Mystery Protector was. Despite the circumstances, Mystery Protector continued to feign a state of distress.

"What's the matter? Have you encountered grave danger? Were you unable to fend off the Dark Faction's assault? If that's the case, it appears I must intervene personally," Mystery Protector expressed, feigning deep concern.

Given his affiliation with the Order Faction, it was imperative for him to appear concerned about the safety of Storm City.

The apprentice magi felt a surge of hope upon witnessing Mystery Protector's reaction, believing that his direct involvement could potentially turn the tide in their favor.

"Indeed, you are right, esteemed Legend Magus. The power wielded by the Dark Faction this time is overwhelmingly strong. Even though Lord John and other formidable figures have managed to hold back the majority of the Dark Faction's forces at the city walls, the remnants still pose a challenge beyond our capability. Only someone of your esteemed status as a Legend Magus can truly counter the onslaught of the Dark Faction."

Mystery Protector nodded in acknowledgment and prepared to lead the apprentice magi out of the Great Library.

However, before exiting, he took a moment to place a seal in the room he had been occupying.

This seal was designed to ensure that no one could use a Detection spell to uncover any useful clues within that space.

Mystery Protector felt it was imperative to exercise caution with every action he took at this juncture.

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