Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 345: Poor People Must Have Something to Hate!

The moment Fugaku's gaze fell on Aoba, his first impression was that Aoba could read Kidoshiro's memory.

This thought flashed through his mind.

Then, he became even more aware of one thing.

That was, Aoba was not only a ninja of the Yamana clan who could perform mind reading but also a Konohagakure Intelligence Division member.

"You are showing off in front of an expert!"

Fugaku could not help but sigh. He felt he should have handed over the interrogation to Aoba just now and would not have roared here for a long time.

Konoha Military Police Force had always been like this.

After capturing the prisoner.

Make a simple inquiry.

After taking down the statement.

They then reported the whole story to Konohagakure Prison and then handed it to Konohagakure Intelligence Division's ninja to find the details of the crime through interrogation and write a confession letter.

He did not hand over Kidoshiro to Konohagakure Intelligence Division and interrogate him in Konoha Military Police Force himself.

There were two reasons.

The first was that Konohagakure Intelligence Division had already off work, and even if he handed it over, it would be the next day.

The second was that he wanted to interrogate Kidoshiro personally. What caused him to become like this, and why did he want to kill those people?


Just as Fugaku called out Aoba's name, he thought of Aoba's instructions, and there were two more people here. He immediately stopped talking.

"I'll hand him over to you. I hope you can tell him everything that happened in half an hour."

Fugaku suddenly felt that he had to make use of the resources thoroughly. Now that Aoba was beside him, how could he not make good use of Konohagakure Intelligence Division's ninja?

"You can't even complete this task independently?"

Aoba glanced at Fugaku. Now, he was sleepy and his head was aching a little. Fugaku actually wanted him to interrogate this person here?

"Help me." Fugaku smiled at Aoba. He had already treated Aoba as a friend, so he did not care about this little bit of face. As long as this person spat out what he should spit out before entering Konohagakure Intelligence Division, he did not work for this case in vain.


Aoba nodded and stood up directly.

At the same time.

Fugaku sat down in peace, putting on a show. He had never seen Aoba interrogate a criminal.

Such a scene.

It also fell into Nara Saki's eyes.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with confusion.

What did that mean?

These two people were playing riddles!

Can't you speak more clearly?

You're like this; people can't even understand the drama!


Nara Saki had already started to think. Her eyes looked up and down at the clothes that Aoba was wearing. At least she could confirm that it was Anbu's people, but she didn't know which division he belonged to.

Under the gazes of several people.

Aoba got up and walked step by step toward Kidoshiro.

"I know who you are."

Aoba lowered his head and looked at Kidoshiro. His tone was very calm as if he was chatting with an ordinary person. He did not directly ask him a question as Fugaku did.

As if he hadn't heard Aoba's words, Kidoshiro sat there silently without saying a word.

"They hurt you a lot, didn't they?"

Aoba said indifferently. As he spoke, he raised his right hand and touched Kidoshiro's head.

"Do you know that the feature that reveals your identity is your white hair?"

Aoba's right hand grabbed onto Kidoshiro's head, then he pulled on the white hair, lifted Kidoshiro's head, and looked at his face.

It was a withered face.

There was no blood.

It looked like he was going to die.

The eyes in the sunken eye sockets looked so turbid and lifeless.

"Ding Dong! Memory Reading Succesful! Obtained: Nehan Shoja no Jutsu(Feather Illusion Jutsu)!"

Along with a clear electronic prompt, a genjutsu appeared in Aoba's mind. After using it, it could cause illusory feathers to descend in a very large area, causing enemies in this range to fall asleep.

It could be said to be a large area of AOE hypnosis-type genjutsu.

Its adaptability was very high!

This made Aoba very satisfied.

The reason why he did these actions just now was to read the person's memory in front of him, who was called Kidoshiro. It was only because two people were watching next to him that he used some words and actions to attract their attention to help him complete the task of memory reading.

"Do you think you can drag things over without saying anything?"

As Aoba spoke, he directly did something that left Fugaku and Saki dumbfounded.

They see.

Aoba sat directly on the ground.

He just happened to sit in front of Kidoshiro.

His eyes were wide open as he stared at Kidoshiro.

It was as if he wanted to see through what Kidoshiro was thinking.


A question mark appeared in Saki and Fugaku's minds. When they saw Aoba's performance, they were both a little dumbfounded.


Extremely puzzled!

They had no idea what Aoba was doing!


They didn't dare to ask!

It wasn't just the two of them who were shocked. Even the silent Kidoshiro sitting on the chair was dumbfounded. He could see Aoba, especially when he saw Aoba's actions. He was very puzzled.


He was not interested in this at all.

Aoba could do whatever he wanted.

Anyway, he didn't want to talk.

After Aoba sat on the ground, he also didn't say a word. His eyes were wide open as if he was staring at Kidoshiro. In fact, the scene playing in front of his eyes was Kidoshiro's memory.

Scenes after scene.

Just like that, it flashed across Aoba's mind.

Four days ago.

When Kidoshiro was preparing to commit the crime for the first time, his hands were still trembling, but it could be seen that he was extremely determined in his heart. He beat Ishida Yamato with a ruler, who was tied to the tree, repeatedly.

"You are a splash of stinky dog shit!"

"You're a stinking piece of sh*t!"


Kidoshiro was like a repeater, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart to his heart's content. After beating the person to death, he turned his head and looked toward the Ninja School.


"This is my gift to you."

"Pay off your debt from back then."

"You probably don't even remember me!"

"It doesn't matter."

"I don't care what you think!"

"As long as I am happy!"

"In the last period of my life, if there is hatred, there is revenge. In any case, I am going to die, and you will not have a good time!"

After saying this, Kidoshiro immediately took the blood-stained ruler, turned around, and walked into the woods, leaving the crime scene.

'Is he sick?'

From Kidoshiro's words, Aoba found two very important pieces of information.

The first was that Kidoshiro seemed to be dying soon, so from the moment he killed Ishida Yamato, he embarked on the road of revenge.

The second was that Kidoshiro's reason for killing Ishida Yamato was not because of Ishida Yamato himself but Ishida Yamato's mother, Noriko, a female teacher who works at the Ninja School.

Especially the last point.

This was beyond Aoba's expectations, but it was understandable.

'What kind of illness did he get?'

With this question, Aoba immediately looked at Kidoshiro's memory and found it.

In the consultation room on the third floor of Konoha Hospital.

After a medical ninja looked at Kidoshiro, he sighed and shook his head at him.

"This is a blood-inherited disease."

"If I am not wrong."

"Your father or mother died at the age of 21, right?"

"And just like you, they had white hair."

The medical ninja stared at Kidoshiro and said. His eyes flashed with helplessness. This disease originated from Kidoshiro's genes, and he had no way to treat it. If he had to give him a definition, it could be said that this was life!

"My mother died at the age of 21, but I don't know if she has white hair. I have no impression of her." Kidoshiro said in a deep voice.

"Then there should be no problem. This kind of blood-inherited disease is usually like normal people. After the onset, the hair will turn white directly, absorbing all the vitality in your body within seven days. You only have the last seven days. If you have any unfulfilled wishes, hurry up and realize them!" The medical ninja shook his head at Kidoshiro. He had not seen this blood-inherited disease many times. He wanted to help Kidoshiro, but he could do nothing.

"I understand."

After hearing the last sentence of the medical ninja, Kidoshiro suddenly felt no pain in his heart. Instead, he suddenly felt relieved. The burden in his heart was instantly put down, replaced by a heart-burning revenge.

After that.

Kidoshiro directly left the hospital and did not go to the medical ninja team. He walked on the familiar road and began to think.

Not long after.

Kidoshiro walked to the gate of the Ninja School and looked at the familiar teaching building through the fences. The memories of the past appeared in front of him.


Kidoshiro's tone became cold and seemed like it was squeezed out from the teeth, showing a very fierce feeling.

There was no one around here.


If someone were to hear it.

They would be certain that Kidoshiro had a grudge against this Noriko!

Immediately after.

Kidoshiro did not walk toward his home but walked along the Ninja School toward Konohagakure's bustling area.

After a while.

Kidoshiro arrived in front of a teahouse.

His gaze was cold as he stared at the wall on the second floor of the teahouse.

"Damn fatty!"

Kidoshiro seemed to be determining his target. He turned around a corner and looked at the bookstore not far away.

Through the glass door of the bookstore.

He could see the busy female clerk inside.

"Damned woman!"

The city assistant said coldly.

He did not know the names of the fatty and the shop clerk.

Therefore, he used the adjectives he could think of to describe them.

His actions did not arouse anyone's curiosity.

After all, this was a time of war, and everyone was busy with their affairs. No one was willing to meddle in other people's affairs.

Kidoshiro walked in another direction. After a while, he stopped outside a hot spring house.

Far away.

He could see a woman in front of the hot spring house.

"Takeuchi Suna!"

An intense killing intent instantly shot out from Kidoshiro's eyes. He had already memorized the location of these people.

In the end.

Kidoshiro walked toward his home.

It was only when he reached an intersection that he stopped.

He stopped and looked toward the building not far away.

That was the residence of the Nara clan.

"Nara Tetsu!"

"Unfortunately, you are already dead!"

"I don't know if you have any relatives!"

"Let's see the situation at that time! "

After saying this, Kidoshiro walked back to his home.


Aoba withdrew from Kidoshiro's memory.

He did not dig deep into the memories.

Because he did not have that much time, digging deep was impossible. It could be seen from Kidoshiro's condition that it had come too suddenly. It caused him to lose the conviction to live completely. After that, he began to seek revenge.

All the things that had accumulated in the past erupted at that moment.

Aoba did not know how long these things had been suppressed. They had been completely released at the moment when the illness was confirmed. If Aoba dug deep into Kidoshiro's memories, finding the information might take a lot of things.

Just Noriko's side.

That person was a female teacher in the Ninja School, and Ishida Yamato, who was killed, was Noriko's son. In this way, the anger might have accumulated during the Ninja School.

Such a thing...

It was very difficult to investigate in a short period of time.

As Aoba recovered, his eyes focused on Kidoshiro sitting in the chair in front of him.

"You still have... two days!"

Aoba said lightly. He had just calculated that from the day Kidoshiro's hair turned white, then to the hospital, and the last things he had done, he could calculate Kidoshiro's final time.

The sun rose not long after.

It will be the second-to-last day before Kidoshiro meets his end.

This kind of thing seemed quite reasonable. Anyway, he was going to die. What difference did it make if they caught him or not? It didn't matter whether he spoke or not.

Kidoshiro didn't want to speak.

It could even be said that he was already prepared to meet his end.

He had already realized this in his heart.

As a result.

He was like a disheartened person who was waiting to quit the game. He no longer intended to pay attention to the things in the game.


After Aoba said this.

Kidoshiro's eyes slightly changed, as if he did not expect the masked ninja in front of him to immediately recognize his physical condition.

But that was all.

He had no intention of continuing to speak.

"Do you want to bring these things into the grave?" Aoba spoke again. He looked at Kidoshiro doubtfully and asked a question that even he did not understand. He said, "Did you really not care if the dead know you did it?"

Kidoshiro's heard Aoba's words, but he still did not say a word. He had no intention of answering.

"You think your goal is complete, but in fact, the problem is still there. Since you are about to die, you should not wrong yourself and say what you should say. It is far more satisfying than holding it in your heart!" Aoba slowly said. After speaking, he stood up from the ground and turned to walk toward where he was just now.

"I can't interrogate him."

"If a dying person does not want to speak."

"Then no one can pry open his mouth."

"He is not even afraid of death."

"What else is there to be afraid of!"

Aoba swept his gaze over Fugaku and Saki. His words seemed meant for them, but in reality, they were meant for the Kidoshiro.

"What do you mean?"

When Fugaku heard Aoba's words, he was stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes widened, and his eyes flashed with helplessness.

"No way..."

"You mean..."

"He's about to die"

This was the scene that Fugaku wanted to avoid encountering the most. If a dying person's last wish was to kill his previous enemy and successfully do it, then there was really no regret. He was not afraid of anything.

Saki, who was next to Fugaku, opened her beautiful eyes wide. Her eyes were full of curiosity. She seemed to understand it but also seemed not to understand it. These things were things she had never experienced before. She suddenly felt that these two people's life experiences were far richer than hers.

"That's right." Aoba nodded to confirm what Fugaku had just said.

"Then there's no way..." Fugaku directly spread out his hands and made a helpless gesture. He shook his head and said, "I was wondering why Kidoshiro became like this. It turns out that he is about to die. If he doesn't want to say it, no one will know. He would take all the problem to his grave."

Fugaku's words just happened to reach Kidoshiro's heart.

That was what Kidoshiro thought.

Take all together to his grave.

All the treatment he had suffered back then.

Let all of these disappear with his death.

So he didn't want to say a word.

Those were his own secrets. It was his business. It had nothing to do with others, especially the two people in front of him who had ruined his final plan.

"Kidoshiro, if I'm not wrong, you will find a place to wait for death after you kill this girl named Nara Saki." Aoba slowly opened his mouth and pulled the topic back to Kidoshiro. He still wanted to use his own way of speaking to get the words in Kidoshiro's mind out because it was far easier to get Kidoshiro to speak it out than to find out through his memory.

"A little regretful."

Aoba suddenly shook his head and then looked at Nara Saki. There was no expression on his masked face at all.

"Everything you do is inexplicable in the eyes of the dead!"

"And this Nara Saki!"

"She doesn't even know what you're doing this for!"

"She just think of you as a lunatic!"

"If I were you..."

"Since I'm about to die, I will let those who were killed by me know who I am and even tell them what kind of feat they have done!"

"Unfortunately, I am not you, and you are not me!"

"Brother Fugaku, let's go. He won't say anything. Let him bring these things into his grave."

Aoba said one sentence after another. He was using his own method to influence Kidoshiro's heart and make the latter make some mistakes in his judgment.


Fugaku directly stood up and followed behind Aoba. He vaguely felt that Aoba was acting. After all, in his opinion, Aoba was Konohagakure Intelligence Division's interrogation expert. There would not be such a situation where he would give up without questioning.

This is not the professionalism of torturer ninjas!

One must know...

Among Konohagakure Intelligence Division.

All kinds of criminals could be encountered.

Anyone would need to be interrogated.

How could they stop the interrogation just because one person was about to die?

Not to mention dying...

Even if Kidoshiro would die on the spot!

Aoba could read Kidoshiro's memories after his death!


Fugaku felt that Aoba was acting, but at this time, he decided to cooperate with Aoba's performance and leave with him.


Saki was here preparing to eat melons. She waited and waited, but what she waited for was the news that they were leaving. This caused a big question mark to appear in her mind and puzzlement was written in her eyes.

What the hell?

Was this a torture expert?

Directly retreat?

Just leave like this?

Waiting for nothing?

A feeling of regret suddenly arose in Saki's heart. If she had known that things would turn out like this, she might as well not wait here and go directly to find Rin. She let Rin wait and come here.

After Kidoshiro heard Aoba's words, he faintly felt a trace of truth in his heart. He had lived for 21 years and had always been depressed and aggrieved. It could be said that he was extremely bored. He had never lived by himself.

A few days ago, he had angrily killed all of his previous enemies!

This could be said to be the most presumptuous thing for him!

According to his plan...

After doing this, he could officially say goodbye to this world, and there would be no future.


Aoba's words.

He was suddenly enlightened.

It was just like what he had heard from the medical ninja in Konoha Hospital.

It had the same effect.


"I am about to die!"

"What else can't I say?"

"What else do I have to be afraid of?"

"I just want revenge!"

"I want to kill all those people!"

"I don't think I have any problems. This is what I have to do. I have done everything. I have no regrets. I can calmly face this result and say everything I have done!"

"I have nothing to fear!"

Kidoshiro raised his face as he spoke. His eyes looked straight at Aoba and the others. His eyes were indifferent and calm. It could be seen that his heart was in a very peaceful state. It was not a disguise at all. It was the feeling of being carefree after seeing life and death.


The corner of Aoba's mouth behind the mask slightly curled up, making a puzzled sound. He was imitating the way the medical ninja from Konoha Hospital spoke.

A single sentence from the medical ninja arouses Kidoshiro's white-haired murderer.


He could also use the same method.

Arouse the murderer that was preparing to bring all the secrets into the grave.

"I thought you wouldn't dare to say it!" Aoba said indifferently and directly gave Kidoshiro a booster injection.

"This sentence is unnecessary. This stimulating method of yours is useless. I just figured it out myself." Kidoshiro said calmly. He could hear that Aoba's last sentence was skillful. Moreover, he could also hear that Aoba's previous words were also stimulating him. However, he thought it was not because of Aoba's words but because he figured out what kind of attitude he should use to face these only two days of life.

"So you are willing to say it?" A smile appeared on Fugaku's face. He silently gave Aoba a thumbs up in his heart. As expected of an interrogation expert. An expert was indeed an expert. He was truly amazing.

"That's right." Kidoshiro's tone was still very calm. It could be seen that his heart had already reached a new height.

"Everyone, take a seat."

Fugaku looked at Aoba and nodded at him. Then, his gaze fell on Nara Saki, who was next to him, indicating that the latter should return to her original position.


Saki's expression calmed down. She now understood that this was not the reversal of a story at all. It was not the person in front of her who had thought it through. It was the contribution of the masked man next to her.

He was indeed an interrogation expert.

What he had done during the entire process made people look inexplicable.

He had only grabbed Kidoshiro's handful of hair.

Apart from that, he had no physical contact with Kidoshiro and ended the interrogation just like that.


Saki had never seen how Konohagakure Intelligence Division interrogated. However, her former teammate, Yamanaka Kaze, had successfully entered Anbu and entered Konohagakure Intelligence Division. While on missions, Kaze would occasionally show off some interrogation scenes using torture instruments.

Now it seems...

Kaze was simply too weak compared to this person!

They were not at the same level at all!

Saki could not help but glance at Aoba from the corner of her eyes. She was now even more curious about this person's identity. She really wanted to take advantage of the fact that Aoba was not paying attention to use Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique) to control the other party and then take off the other party's mask.

"You can ask. No matter what the question is, I can answer it truthfully." A smile appeared on Kidoshiro's face. This was a free and easy smile, full of calmness toward life and death.

"Why did you kill Ishida Yamato?" Fugaku immediately asked. He had been puzzled about this question for a long time. According to the information he had, it could be said that there was no intersection between him and Kidoshiro. It would be fine if it were an aimless revenge against Konohagakure, but it seemed to be revenge. He did not know the enmity between Kidoshiro and Ishida Yamato.

"Ishida Yamato!"

The smile on Kidoshiro's face disappeared. His overall posture was still very indifferent, but you could still feel his mood fluctuation from the faint aura change.

"He died for his mother!"

"His mother is a teacher in the Ninja School. Her name is Noriko, and she was my class instructor!"

"I still remember when I first entered the Ninja School..."

"That year, Noriko was my class instructor, and she was pregnant. It was not a bad thing, but she vented all the negative emotions during her pregnancy on us."

"Of course, not everyone, but I'm the heaviest one!"

"Every time, she would take a ruler and hit me hard on the head. Then she even insulted me with a sentence, 'You're a stinking piece of sh*t!' This sentence and how she spoke at that time made it hard for me to forget!"

When Kidoshiro finished speaking, the expression on his face began to become ferocious and twisted gradually. The calm and indifferent bearing just now suddenly disappeared, and his whole person was filled with hatred. At that time, Norikoi's actions had brought great damage to his young heart, leaving him with an unforgettable impression. So before he died, the first person he thought of was Noriko.

"Noriko hit you with a ruler, and you used the ruler to kill Ishida Yamato. Then why didn't you just directly kill Noriko?" Fugaku frowned and asked a very important question.

"It's very simple!"

Kidoshiro suddenly grinned. Combined with his skinny appearance, he looked very horrifying.

"I observed it later."

"Noriko-sensei is an excellent teacher in the Ninja School!"

"Many students are very grateful to her!"

"This makes me understand one thing."

"That is, Noriko-sensei herself is not a bad person, but because of Ishida Yamada, she became a bad person."

"Then, of course, I will beat Ishida Yamato to death!"

Kidoshiro's words could be said to be roared out, directly giving Saki, sitting in the middle, a big fright.

In a few short words.

Kidoshiro seemed to have changed his face.

Not long ago, he had been indifferent to life and death and did not care much about anything.

But now, he had turned into a demon.

"What kind of logic is this!" Fugaku's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. He suddenly felt that he did not know Kidoshiro. The person before him seemed to have changed into a different being. It was completely different from what he remembered. The whole person gave people a terrifying feeling.

"This is my logic!"

Kidoshiro said coldly. After saying these words, he suddenly felt very good. This made him want to say more and he had no intention of stopping.

After Aoba heard Kidoshiro's words, the mystery in his heart was also solved.

'So that was the case.'

'No wonder Kidoshiro was so angry when he slapped Yamada to death.'

'And like a repeater, he kept repeating the sentence, "You're a stinking piece of sh*t".'

'He also used a ruler specially used by the Ninja School teachers.'

Kidoshiro had completely transferred his hatred for Noriko to Ishida Yamato. In the same way, he presented it extremely, directly beating Ishida Yamato to death.

Now that the problem had been cleared up.

There were no more questions in Aoba's heart.

The remaining few.

They must have angered Kidoshiro to varying degrees.

It could be the friction in life.

It could also be some embarrassing things.

In short.

It was in the past.

However, Kidoshiro firmly remembered it in his heart.

At this moment, he completely vented it out.

He still had to be kind to others!

Aoba silently warned in his heart. It was not that he did not have confidence in himself, but that he had to be careful in everything and not get involved in unnecessary hatred. This way, he could avoid more trouble.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about you.

It would be dangerous if you accidentally offend such a narrow-minded existence and don't know such a thing.

"What happened to the clerk of the bookstore? Why did you kill her?" Fugaku asked again. He had already solved the secret of Ishida Yamato's death, and now he was even more curious about the other three people.

"That damn woman!"

When Fugaku mentioned the shop clerk, Kidoshiro slightly narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"When I was still a student of the Ninja School, I went to buy a book once, but I was not rich, so I had to secretly put the book in my bag and planned to go out directly," Kidoshiro recalled.

"You are stealing books!" Fugaku immediately interrupted.

"That's right, I was stealing books, but I was about to succeed at that time. I had already walked to the bookstore entrance, but that damn woman had discovered me. She pulled me back and pointed at me, saying I had stolen books from the bookstore. At that time, I was surrounded and ridiculed by many people. You wouldn't know how embarrassing that scene was!" When Kidoshiro thought of this, his chest heaved up and down violently. He was not in a good mood. It was obvious that this was something that poked at his memory.

"You were discovered by others when you stole the book. Isn't it right to educate you?" Fugaku frowned. He suddenly realized a big problem with Kidoshiro's discipline sitting in front of him. He couldn't help but realize that maybe Noriko didn't target Kidoshiro because she was pregnant but because Kidoshiro was stubborn and hard to discipline. Hence, she poured more energy into it and even used physical punishment.

"If that damn woman didn't point me out and scold me, would I be ridiculed and embarrassed? In the end, she forced me to get a bookstore membership card. That card cost me a lot of money and greatly impacted me. After registering the membership card, I never went to that bookstore again!" Kidoshiro's face twisted again. From his expression, it could be seen that his heart was suffering a lot, but this pain was inexplicable.

"So you used a membership card to kill that clerk?" Fugaku was speechless. He didn't know what to say anymore. Now he felt that this Kidoshiro was a complete madman. There was no good or evil to speak of.

"Yes! I used the membership card she personally applied for me to cut her to death on the way home. I was so happy to see her struggle. However, I feel a little regretful now. I should have told her who I was at that time. Seeing her surprised expression, I should have felt better!" Kidoshiro's mouth slightly curled up, revealing a cold arc. His eyes stared at Fugaku in front of him. He found that it was just as the masked man said. After saying these words, he felt even better. It was extremely refreshing and indescribable.

"The teahouse owner blackmailed you with that pudding, right?" When Fugaku heard this topic from Aoba, he already knew the general idea in his heart. Perhaps it was only on this matter that Kidoshiro could be said to be innocent, but the way Kidoshiro handled it was still too intense.

"Very smart!"

Kidoshiro nodded to Fugaku. The expression on his face changed again, and he recalled an unforgettable memory.

"A few years ago."

"I can't remember exactly what year."

"When I was in Konoha Hospital, I met a beautiful woman in the ward. She was Suna!"

Kidoshiro did not mention the teahouse owner. Instead, he directly changed the topic to Suna, and Fugaku did not interrupt him.

Next to Fugaku.

Saki kept blinking her big eyes as she listened to Kidoshiro talk about the past. There was a feeling in her heart that she didn't know how to say it.

She originally thought that there would be something big going on here.

However, they were all small things that happened daily.

These small matters contributed to the tragedy.

'Sure enough.'

'Life itself was troublesome!'

Saki supported her chin with both hands. Although she felt that life was troublesome, she was still curious about what Kidoshiro would say in the end.

This time.

Even Aoba was puzzled.

'Could it be...'

'Did the fatty in the teahouse have any connection with Suna from the hot spring?'

Earlier, Fugaku was asking about the teahouse.

However, Kidoshiro was talking about Suna.

This made him feel confused. He also stared at Kidoshiro and waited for the latter to say what he wanted to say next.

Kidoshiro seemed to be very satisfied with the three people's eyes.

"This is the feeling!"

Kidoshiro opened his eyes wide, his eyes flashing with excitement. Now, he began to like this feeling. It was to be noticed by others. He worked hard to make up for the exciting part lost by not revealing his identity to those dead people.

For a moment.

Kidoshiro's gaze swept over the three people in front of him and finally landed on Fugaku.

"At that time, I was attracted by her beauty, so I began to pursue her when she was in Konoha Hospital."

"Now that I think about it, that period of time was still very beautiful..."

"Every day, I am trying my best to please someone. As long as I see her smile, I will feel that everything I have done is worth it!"

"I don't know if you can understand my feelings!"

"I was really happy during that time!"

When Kidoshiro spoke these words, although he did not say any details about the two of them, from his slightly intoxicated expression, it could already be seen that he really liked Suna and was very serious about that relationship.

"But all of this has changed with Suna being discharged from the hospital!"

Kidoshiro's tone suddenly changed here. It could be seen that his mood was not very good at all, especially the expression on his face. It had completely changed into a different appearance. There was no sense of intoxication from being immersed in love just now. Instead, he had turned into an angry attitude like a madman.

"One day."

"Suna asked me out for tea."

"It was at the teahouse that that damn fatty opened."

"I dressed up in high spirits and accurately prepared a lot of confession words. Then I went to participate in my first date with Suna."

"It was that date."

"I began to know that the teahouse also sells pudding!"


Kidoshiro suddenly laughed loudly. His laughter was full of ridicule, and he looked very unhappy.

"You probably don't know yet!"

"The pudding in the teahouse is sold for 1,000 ryo per serving!"

"There is no such thing as pudding on the regular menu. Only the special menu for insiders has pudding!"

"That pudding is specially used to fool us who are blinded by the illusion of love!"

"Suna for three plates of pudding cheated me!"

"Not only did I spend 3,000 ryo to walk out of the teahouse, but that damn fatty also beat me up."

"What I can't accept the most is..."

"After Suna made money for that damn fatty, she got the favor of that damn fatty and followed that damn fatty into his room, earning even more money!"

"It was only then that I discovered that the love in my heart was not worth mentioning in front of that dirty and stinky money. There was simply no comparison."

"Do you think I'm ridiculous? "

After Kidoshiro said this, his rapidly rising and falling chest slowly calmed down. His entire mood calmed down again, and the ferociousness on his face completely disappeared.

"That's why I killed Suna and that damn fatty. They all deserve death."

Kidoshiro's last sentence was very calm. He found that it was really cool when he said all these things. However, it was only for a short while. After that, he felt a sense of emptiness and lost interest instantly.

"I understand what you said. Then why did you attack Saki? Why did you attack her?" Fugaku immediately asked in a low voice. He needed to know this reason. It was more important than this to him. He wanted to know who else Kidoshiro had a grudge with.

"Yes, why did you target me? I don't know you!" Saki also asked in confusion. After hearing what Kidoshiro said, she felt this person must have something to hate. It was this feeling. However, she had no relationship with this person. Why did he kidnap her?

"I don't know her at all."

Kidoshiro's gaze fell on Saki, and he repeated the name Fugaku had just mentioned.


"Your name is Saki."

"Nara Saki."


Kidoshiro's eyes had already dimmed. When he mentioned this name, it was unlike when it came to the four people where his eyes were shining.

Now, it looked very ordinary.

It was as if he was talking about a completely insignificant person.


Saki nodded. Her eyes were filled with confusion. The more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong. She had no interaction with this young man called Kidoshiro at all. She didn't even know him.

"You know Nara Tetsu, don't you?" Kidoshiro said indifferently.

"I know. He is a member of our Nara clan. A while ago, he caused a great disturbance. I can't comment on his matter. Could it be that this matter has something to do with him?" Saki's eyebrows jumped fiercely. It had to be known that the Nara clan was almost punished because of the matter with Tetsu. Fortunately, under the protection of Third Hokage that the condemnation group led by Danzo quieted down.

"One day, I drank a beverage bottle, threw it into the trashcan, and missed it, but I didn't care about it. I was about to leave, but my body suddenly stopped moving at that time. A shadow appeared under my feet. The owner of the shadow was Nara Tetsu." Kidoshiro slowly said. His tone was very calm. Then he continued, "Tetsu used Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique) to control me to pick up the bottle and throw it into the trashcan. He also told me to be careful in the future and not throw things randomly."

"Is this it?" When Fugaku heard this, he was dumbfounded. This person was too hypocritical; can't he even say a word if he has done something wrong?

"That's it." Kidoshiro nodded.

"Are you going to kill me because of this?" Saki's beautiful eyes were wide open and flashing with a strange light. She could no longer believe her ears.

"That's right." Kidoshiro nodded, then stared at Nara Saki and said, "Unfortunately, before I could do anything, you were saved. But it doesn't matter. That old man Tetsu is already dead. This kind of result is acceptable."

"..." Saki was completely speechless.

"Why is it her?" At this time, Fugaku still kept the seriousness of the Konoha Military Police Force ninja at this time. He was keen not to reach the end of the matter and asked a very important question.

"No reason. I just walked around Nara clan houses, thinking it was whoever I met. In the end, I met her," Kidoshiro said casually.

"Just because of this?" Fugaku was stunned.

"Yes." Kidoshiro nodded.

"You are very good!"

Fugaku nodded and gave Kidoshiro a thumbs-up. He had nothing else to say. He had already said what he needed to say.

"Saki, you can go back now. However, the sky is still dark, and it is still very dangerous. I still have things to deal with at hand. Let him send you back." Fugaku stood up and patted Aoba on the shoulder.

"I don't want him to send me back!" Saki pouted and said. She did not have a good impression of Aoba now and felt that the other party was a boring lump.

"Saki, I'm looking for teammates for you. Isn't your team for the Chunin Exams lacking a person?" Fugaku patted Aoba on the shoulder again and said, "He is a Genin who has never participated in Chunin Exams. Moreover, he is from the Yamanaka clan, so he was enough to fill up your trio!"

"Are you from the Yamanaka clan?"

Saki immediately widened her eyes. She felt that she had encountered many things today, which seemed a bit difficult to accept. She immediately tilted her head and asked.

"What's your name?"

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