Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 346: The Uzumaki Clan Still Has a Phoenix!

When Aoba heard Saki's words, his face suddenly became black. He helplessly glanced at Fugaku, and his eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

'What happened to this person?'

'Didn't we agree not to reveal my identity?'

'Why did he still say that he was a member of the Yamanaka clan?'

'He almost said my name!'

'This is a little too much!'

Aoba was a little unhappy. He felt that Fugaku was a little too talkative. It was not only because he exposed his identity as a member of the Yamanaka clan, but it might also bring him many unnecessary troubles.

Especially the Chunin exam was simply extremely troublesome...

"I'm not interested. You can go by yourself."

Aoba said unhappily. After saying this, he directly took a step forward, completely ignoring Saki and Fugaku behind him.

"I'll go back first!"

After saying that.

Under the gaze of the two, Aoba directly walked out. He did not look back and walked out of Konoha Military Police Force's door.


When Fugaku saw Aoba like this, his heart immediately felt refreshed. The mood he had suppressed just now was released at this moment.

He was not dissatisfied or angry at Aoba's action.

After all, Aoba had helped him so much.


He had already treated Aoba as a friend!


Saki looked at what was happening in front of her in a daze. Her head was dizzy, and she could not understand what had happened between them.

After that.

She looked at Fugaku, tilted her head, and stared at him, her eyes full of questions.

What was going on?

Why did he suddenly leave?

He didn't look happy...

Why was he inexplicably angry?

"What happened to him?"

Saki asked Fugaku in confusion. Her beautiful eyes were full of doubt. She still didn't know what had happened to Aoba. Why did he suddenly react so strongly?

"Is it because he doesn't want to send me?"

This was the only reason Saki could think of. It was a very simple reason. No matter what was said earlier, this person was not angry. Now that Fugaku mentioned sending her home, he was immediately unhappy. How could she not overthink?


Fugaku shook his head without hesitation.

"He is not angry with you..."

"He is angry with me..."

"Maybe he doesn't want me to arrange for him to participate in Chunin Exam!"

Fugaku immediately explained.

In fact.

He was very clear in his heart.

Aoba put on a displeased look.

It was because he said that Aoba was a ninja of the Yamanaka clan.

He knew that when Aoba left Anbu's dormitory, he told him that he did not want others to know his identity.


He did not tell Saki the real reason.

Instead, he made up an answer that Aoba did not want to participate in Chunin Exams. This made it easier to accept.


Fugaku also wanted Aoba to give it a try!

He could feel that although this girl's strength was not strong, she had a tacit understanding with Akimichi Rin. This way, the effect would not be simple. Their strength was still quite reliable.

The most important thing was...

The two of them were just short of one person. Otherwise, he would not think of Aoba. In fact, he was not helping Nara Saki and Akimichi Rin. Instead, he wanted to help Aoba. He wanted to give Aoba a chance to take the ride so that Aoba could also participate in Chunin Exam.

This was Fugaku's deep friendship with Aoba. After he realized he had a chance to help Aoba, he immediately fought for it.

"Saki, how about this? I'll send you home now."

Fugaku changed the subject quickly and said that he decided to have a good talk with Saki and do ideological work on the way to send her home.

"Aren't you busy?"

Saki was stunned for a moment. She felt something strange but couldn't tell what it was. She just stared at Fugaku suspiciously, and question marks kept appearing in her head.

This wasn't what Konoha Military Police Force's ninja would say!

Didn't he have no time just now?

Why did he have time now?

Why did this person speak in such a contradictory manner?

All of a sudden.

The look in Saki's eyes when he looked at Fugaku had changed. He vaguely felt that the latter was not so reliable.

"This night is too dangerous. I can't let you go back alone. Anyway, we've already figured out what happened with Kidoshiro. Now, let him reflect on his actions in the room!"

Fugaku waved his hand casually.

In fact.

After he figured out what Kidoshiro had done, he had nothing else to do.

What he said earlier.

It was just to provide Aoba with a chance to send Saki home and see if it was possible to join their team.


Looking at Aoba's current actions.

He seemed to be a little repulsed.

Then he had to send this Nara girl back personally!

He couldn't let her walk back on her own.

Just as Aoba decided not to send her back, Fugaku had already prepared to send her home. After all, he was Konoha Military Police Force's ninja, and the other party had just encountered a near-death incident, so he had to be careful.

Although he had already captured the murderer, he could not bear the responsibility if something went wrong on Saki's way home again.


He still had to put in more effort!

He wanted to see if he could help Aoba finalize the formation of the Chunin Exams team.


Saki just felt that Fugaku was strange, but he couldn't tell where the specific problem was, so she didn't say anything more. She nodded and said, "Okay."

"Let's go."

Fugaku nodded at Saki. After that, he took the lead and walked out. His pace was not fast, and he was waiting for Saki to follow.


Saki responded and followed him out.

When the two walked out of Konoha Military Police Force, it was still very dark outside, with only a full moon hanging high above the night sky, using that gentle moonlight to shine on the earth in the dark night.

After walking for a while.

Saki felt that the atmosphere was a little stuffy, which was not interesting. Then, she shifted his gaze to Fugaku.

"That... You saved me. I still don't know your names!" Saki blinked her big eyes and said.

"My name is Uchiha Fugaku. Nice to meet you!" Fugaku said with a smile. When the other party said he did not know him, he was slightly surprised. After all, he was the best among the younger generation of the Uchiha clan. There were not many people who did not know him, but the girl in front of him was just one of them.

"Hehehe, Brother Fugaku, I won't introduce myself. You know who I am!" Saki said with a smile. After hearing Fugaku's introduction, she knew that the two of them had become much more familiar. After that asked again, "What about that Anbu Ninja with you? What is his name?"

"He is wearing a mask and is at work. He needs to keep his identity a secret. I won't tell you. In the future, you will have the chance to meet again." Fugaku said seriously. He did not say Aoba's name directly. If Aoba did not express dissatisfaction with revealing his identity just now, he would have taken the opportunity to introduce Aoba to Saki.


Saki rolled her eyes at Fugaku. She originally thought that her relationship with Fugaku was a little better, but now she couldn't even ask for a name, making that person look strange and mysterious.

"Oh, right!"

After complaining, Saki seemed to have suddenly thought of something. She suddenly realized and stared at Fugaku with her eyes wide open.

"Brother Fugaku!"

"I don't want to go back to my own home!"

"I want to go to Akimichi's house."

"Rin and I have made an agreement!"

"It has been a long time since the meeting time..."

"She might be angry!"

As Saki spoke, she suddenly slapped her head. This matter was almost forgotten by her again.

"Alright!" Fugaku nodded. It did not matter where he went. He just needed to send Saki to the location safely. There was no difference whether it was Nara's or Akimichi's house.


Saki patted her slightly puffed chest; this person seemed to be in shock again.

"I almost forgot..."

"If I really went home directly..."

"Rin will definitely kill me tomorrow!"

Saki seemed to have already seen the consequences. Thinking about it, she couldn't help but shiver. One must know that her best friend was a violent woman!

"Are you going to discuss the matter of your last teammate with Akimichi Rin?" Fugaku's eyes suddenly lit up. This was what he was waiting for. Otherwise, he would feel that there was no point in sending her.


When Saki thought of this, she felt a headache. She immediately spread out her hands and put on a helpless posture.

"Rin and I can be said to have used all the methods we can think of. Even our cousins are helping us find people everywhere. They are very active, but we can't find a single person. Those who are weaker don't want to participate in Chunin Exams because they fear danger. Those who are strong are not willing to team up with us two female ninjas. It is too embarrassing."

Saki told him about the predicament she was facing. This could not be explained simply by understanding.

Even in the world of ninjas.

There was still some gender discrimination.

Usually, it was already the limit for a team to have a female ninja. If there were more, then their combat power would be greatly reduced. This was a problem that existed even in the modern world. It was impossible to ignore or avoid.


Their cousins did not want them to pass the exams, so when they were looking for people, they did not go to those who could help them.

Instead, they went to find those who obviously could not pass the Chunin Exams to pull them down.

Aoba was one of them who was found.

Of course.

The things that these cousins had done were far more than this.

After all, one of them was called Nara Shikaku. His brain was very good, and his ideas came one after another. He had no intention of letting these two sisters pass the Chunin Exams so easily.

They already had a chat with those few stronger ones, so they rejected these two sisters.

Because of this.

With Nara Saki and Akimichi Rin not knowing anything, their already few choices became more difficult to achieve.


When Fugaku saw Saki's appearance, he could not help but laugh out loud. This was not a mockery but a cheerful smile. Why did he feel that Aoba's chance had become even greater?

"Alright, Brother Fugaku. It's fine if you don't help me, but you actually laughed at me. Don't you feel pain in your conscience?" When Saki heard Fugaku's laughter, it immediately fierce her. She was in a bad mood and immediately stood still. From her pitiful appearance, it seemed that she was about to cry.

"How could I laugh at you..." Fugaku immediately realized that the situation was not good. He quickly restrained his laughter and put on a serious posture. He said, "Saki, don't worry. I'll help you. Leave your Chunin Exams companions problem to me. I will solve it for you. I will definitely let you participate in the Chunin Exam!"

"Really?!" Saki's eyes immediately lit up. Recently, she had been worrying about this matter and had no clue at all. Her emotions were stirred up in an instant, and her eyes were fixed on Fugaku. She had just acted like a spoiled child and did not have much hope for Fugaku. However, she expected the latter to have differing views. This made her feel pleasantly surprised.

"Of course, it's true. How can I lie to you about this kind of thing? Don't worry, it will definitely be fine!" Fugaku nodded heavily. His face was filled with a serious expression, and there was no meaning of joking at all.

Saki widened her eyes and stared at Fugaku, standing in front of her. When she saw the latter's real appearance, a thought suddenly appeared in her mind.


Saki widened her eyes.


"Brother Fugaku."

"The person you were talking about..."

"Could it be the masked man from earlier?!"

The corner of Saki's mouth twitched a few times. She had not thought about it earlier, but after seeing Fugaku's appearance, she suddenly realized this possibility.

And it was a big possibility!

When she asked this question, her mind was already thinking about the masked man just now.


She didn't even know what the other person looked like.

She didn't even know his name.

This situation...

She didn't feel much at all.

"Yes... it's him!"

Fugaku nodded repeatedly. In his heart, he had already decided that he wanted Aoba to participate in the Chunin Exams.

He felt that this was just the right thing to do.

Aoba had never participated in the Chunin Exam.

He could take this opportunity to try.


He felt that it would take a lot of work for Aoba to find such an opportunity in the future.

There would no longer be such a team that just happened to lack people appearing.

Although Aoba seemed to be unwilling to participate.


He did not care about Aoba's opinion. He would slowly do Aoba's matter, believing he could convince Aoba.

"If you can really persuade him, it's not that we can't..."

Saki did not feel much about the masked man. Although there was some misunderstanding when they first met, it was not a big deal. After all, they were really lacking a member.

As long as he could really join their team and participate in the Chunin Exam, she had no objections.


The only thing she was concerned about was that the masked man did not show her his real face and did not know what his name was.

However, if she thought of his Anbu identity, it would be fine. The problem was not big. If it could really solve her current problem, she would be very happy.

"Alright! With your words, I am relieved. Leave the rest to me!"

Fugaku's eyes suddenly lit up. Now, he felt that this was no longer a problem. It could be said that it would be easily solved.


At this time.

Aoba still did not know that Fugaku had sold him. Just as he returned to the Anbu dormitory, he fell directly on the iron bed.

This night was really too tiring.

He needed to rest.

Aoba just quietly lay on the bed.

He didn't want to think about anything else.

He just wanted to have a good sleep.

Wait until tomorrow to talk about the other things!



Half a night passed quickly.

When Aoba opened his eyes, it was already the morning of the next day.

He did not even change his Anbu uniform. After all, he was too tired yesterday. This made it much easier for him in the morning.

Aoba immediately washed up.

After packing his things, he began walking to Konohagakure Intelligence Division.


Not long after he walked out, he immediately heard a shout. The voice was very familiar to Aoba.

It was Konohagakure Intelligence Division's Captain, Morino Eaton.

After hearing Eaton's voice, Aoba immediately looked over and saw Eaton standing not far away.

"Brother Eaton, why are you here?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Aoba immediately called out the address they would only say when they were alone together.

"Aoba, have you forgotten? Today, I will introduce you to the compartment's ninjas. I will let them know of your existence and let them listen to your arrangements." Eaton said to Aoba. He had already informed those people yesterday and was going to report the situation to Aoba early in the morning today.

"Brother Eaton, there is no need to make such a big fuss. Let's keep a low profile. There is no need to hold any greeting ceremony. I will go to the office to wait for them. Let them come to the office to see me. I will deal with the rest slowly." Aoba said to Eaton,

These were his true thoughts!

After Kidoshiro's incident, he realized even more deeply...

One had to keep a low profile!

This was very important!

Otherwise, he wouldn't even know when he was targeted!

Although the current Aoba was not very afraid of these Konohagakure Intelligence Division ninjas. It was better than nothing. At least, he wanted peace.

"Aoba, do you really think so?" Eaton stared at Aoba and asked. He was very concerned about Aoba's opinion. This was not a matter of one or two days.

"Yes, Brother Eaton. If it is possible, let me control the process myself. I want to follow my rhythm." Aoba nodded heavily. The eyes on the mask revealed a determined look.

"Alright, I just haven't told them who their squad leader is this time. Then I won't tell them. Now I will tell them to go to your office to find you. You can deal with the rest yourself!" Eaton immediately nodded and said. He respected Aoba's opinion and directly followed Aoba's instructions.

"Thank you, Brother Eaton!" Aoba immediately thanked Eaton. He was very clear about the principle of reciprocity. He immediately took out a brand new blank book and waved it in front of Eaton. He said, "Brother Eaton, I have already thought of a new book. If there are no accidents, I can write the first chapter today."

"This is really good news!" After hearing Aoba's words, a smile immediately appeared on Eaton's face. It could be seen that he was really happy. It had been a long time since he had seen a new one. The story of the Teacher Bai of the Ninja School's degree of excitement was slowly getting reduced.

"Brother Eaton, I will go to my office if there is nothing else." Aoba nodded to Eaton. He had already discovered that writing such a thing would be a killer move to Eaton. Every time he took it out, it was extremely effective and has been tried and tested.

"Go, go!"

Eaton nodded at Aoba. He could not help but start to look forward to it. As for informing the ninjas, it was not a big deal at all. As long as Aoba could write happily and with wonderful content, everything would be worth it.

After Aoba sent Eaton away, he immediately walked toward his office.

There was no problem not revealing his identity.

Wearing a mask in Anbu doesn't mean everyone knows everyone. Normally, everyone doesn't know each other, and it's not surprising.

Aoba just did not want to expose the fact that he had been promoted too early.

How long had he been in Konohagakure Intelligence Division?

He was directly promoted.

There were bound to be a lot of jealous eyes.

This was not a good thing.

As early as when he helped Danzo read the memories of those Kumogakure Ninjas, Aoba found that many people of the Yamanaka clan envied Yamanaka Kaze.

He did not want such a thing to happen to him.

Aoba soon arrived at his office. He sat directly on the chair in the office and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"They will be here soon!"

Aoba directly closed his eyes and rested. He had not slept well yesterday and woke up early in the morning. He wanted to take advantage of the time before these Konohagakure Intelligence Division ninjas came here to rest for a while.

As time passed.

Half an hour passed.

Dong Dong Dong...

A series of knocks sounded at the iron door. Following these sounds, Aoba was directly awakened from his resting posture.

"Come in."

Aoba said indifferently. Then, he slowly opened his eyes. Behind the eye socket of the mask, his eyes were shining brightly.


As soon as Aoba said this.

A ninja wearing a mask and an Anbu uniform walked in. This ninja was Konohagakure Intelligence Division's ninja.

"Squad Leader!"

After the torturer ninja entered Aoba's room, he immediately bowed to Aoba. He looked very respectful. It was obvious that Eaton had instructed him. He did not dare to make Aoba, this squad leader, feel bad.


Aoba nodded. His gaze fell on the ninja. Then, he slowly asked, "What place are you in charge of?"

"I'm in charge of compartment No. 1."

The ninja immediately introduces himself. After he finished speaking, he began to explain the contents of his work one by one.


For the next period of time.

One by one, torturer ninjas entered Aoba's office.

There were a total of nine torturer ninjas.

Their work location was between compartments No. 1 to No. 9.

The nature of daily work was exactly the same as that of Aoba in the past. Moreover, this time, everyone only got to know each other. There was nothing like a job handover, so there was no place to waste too much time.

After every torturer ninjas walked through the office, they all returned to their respective compartments and started today's interrogation.


After the last interrogation ninja left, Aoba could not help but let out a long breath. He suddenly felt that this kind of work was more tiring than interrogating a criminal.

He didn't want to deal with so many strangers.

He knew this very well.

Of course.

During this process.

Aoba did not ask for the names of these people. At the same time, he did not say his own name. Both wore masks, and this place maintained the most basic mystery.

After the torturer ninjas of the Konohagakure Intelligence Division left.

Silence returned to Aoba's office.

It could be said that it was time for him to be alone.

"Actually, it's good to be promoted. At least it's very quiet now. No one can disturb me at all. I can do what I want with peace of mind."

Aoba muttered to himself.

After that.

He closed his eyes tightly.

He raised his hands and placed his elbows on the table, pressing his fingers into his forehead and temples, trying his best to let his brain relax.

At this time.

Aoba was already preparing to read the matter regarding the Uzumaki Clan.

In a moment.

Aoba accurately found the part that was marked in Danzo's memory, the part that belonged to the Uzumaki Clan when the incident happened.

He stood in the first-person perspective.

He entered Danzo's memory.

He was in the Hokage Office.

At this moment.

There were only two people here.

One was Shimura Danzo, the source of the memories, and the other was the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was wearing a Hokage robe with his hands behind his back and looking out of the window.

Aoba noticed the current time node.

It had been about ten years since Hiruzen became the Third Hokage, and all the major forces in the ninja world had already known that he had become the Third Hokage.

After the cleansing of the First Ninja World War.

The Ninja World had experienced a short period of development.

But there was already some movement around the corner.

According to Danzo's memories.

Two years later from this time.

The Second Ninja World War had erupted!

At this point in time, Konohagakure's regime had already fallen into Hiruzen's hands, but it was not completely stable yet. It was in a period of peace on the surface but turbulent undercurrents.

After all, there were still many extremists outside who did not accept Hiruzen becoming the Third Hokage.


After Hiruzen became the Third Hokage.

To create his usual kind personality, he wanted to be full of love for the village, forgive many mistakes, and stand on the side of the sun.

It was because of this choice.

Many people who opposed Hiruzen were not disposed of at that time.

Hiruzen also specifically told Danzo not to touch those people for the time being because the entire village was not very convinced of his rule. If those people disappeared in an instant, it could be said that people would easily suspect him.

It was not good for him to establish a bright character!

Because of this.

The remnants of the old era lived until the time when Aoba came to the Ninja World.

"Hiruzen, you already know about that matter, right?" Danzo said in a low voice. His eyes were focused on Hiruzen, who was looking out of the window with his back facing him. His whole body was emitting a gloomy aura.

"Got it." Hiruzen nodded, took a deep breath, turned around, and looked at Danzo. He said, "Ashina-sama has passed away. "

"The current Uzumaki Clan leader intends to lead the Uzumaki Clan back to Konohagakure. He has already sent the letter." Danzo stared at Hiruzen and said.

"Do you have any ideas?" Hiruzen glanced at Danzo and asked. After he said this, he opened the drawer and took a kiseru from it. Then, he held the kiseru in his mouth, lit it, and took a few puffs.

"Ignore," Danzo answered without hesitation.

"Why?" Hiruzen calmly took a puff. He was not dissatisfied with Danzo's words at all. Perhaps only in front of Danzo would he take off his disguise and appear normal.

"The Uzumaki Clan is not a small clan. They are distant relatives of the Senju Clan. The members of the clan are very good at sealing techniques. Their strength can not be underestimated. After all, their clan has built up a village. If we accept them, it is no different than inviting wolves into our home!" Danzo immediately said.

"Why did you lead a wolf into our home?" Hiruzen was calm. He took another puff of smoke and looked up at Danzo. He said, "You know that Ashina-sama signed a friendship agreement with the first-generation Hokage-sama in the early years. In order to show the friendship between the two countries, we, Konohagakure, have the symbol of the Uzumaki Clan on our ninja uniform. Moreover, when Konohagakure was established, the Uzumaki Clan joined Konohagakure. However, they were separated later, and now they will return. Don't you think the village can add a strong fighting force?"

"Hiruzen, the Uzumaki Clan is indeed a strong fighting force, but you have to see if we can use this force. This is very important. Now that the Uzumaki Clan has lost the Ashina-sama, it can be said that they are a group of dragons without a leader. But there is a phoenix in Konohagakure. You must not ignore Mito-sama!" Danzo said very seriously.

"You mean... Mito-sama may lead the Uzumaki Clan into a coup?" Hiruzen's face began to turn heavy. In fact, he had already thought of these things, but he just wanted to hear Danzo say them out. This way, not only could he turn the person who raised this topic into Danzo, but it could also further confirm his thoughts.

"Mito-sama may not have this idea right now, but after the people of the Uzumaki Clan come, it is hard to say!" Danzo said directly.

"Tell me in detail. I want to hear your analysis and then make the most appropriate decision." Hiruzen nodded to Danzo. At this point in time, he trusted Danzo very much. There was not even a bit of estrangement between them.

"The current Konohagakure is the most suitable for you. The people of the Senju clan have withered, and all of them have fallen into a state of madness for the experiment of Wood Release. There is no need for us to do anything. The Senju clan will be annihilated in the long river of history..."

Danzo immediately began to talk about his thoughts.

"At that time, the number one clan title in the village will fall on the Uchiha. We only need to target the Uchiha. With the death of Kagami, the Uchiha has fallen into a state of being leaderless and can not make any waves in a short period of time."

"This stage was very suitable for the development of the Sarutobi Clan. As long as the Sarutobi Clan was tied up with other clans, especially the Nara Clan, Yamanaka Clan, and Akimichi Clan. Together with the Inuzuka Clan, the Aburame Clan, and Hyuga Clan, the entire Konohagakure could slowly become a piece of iron. If the Uchiha Clan wanted to have any ideas, they could only rely on their clan's strength, and there will naturally be a gap in strength. "

"But the premise of this ideal situation is that Uzumaki Clan will not mix in!"

"As I said just now, the Uzumaki Clan is extremely powerful. Their overall combat strength is no weaker than the Senju Clan. Although the Uzumaki Clan has lived in the Uzushiogakure for the past few years and is nominally an independent village, they have always been protected by the Senju Clan. No one has attacked them at all. They have been accumulating strength over the years!"

"To what extent is this strength? How terrifying do you think it will be?"

When Danzo said this, his tone became slightly excited. Then, he relaxed a little, making himself look less excited. His entire being became much calmer.

"That's the way it is."

"It's already on the surface."

"Ashina-sama has just died"

"You have to know that this differs from the Senju clan dying. Hashirama-sama is the leader of the Senju clan. His death caused the Senju clan to lose their way directly. As for Ashina-sama's death will completely release the clan, allowing them to go from a relatively muddle-headed leader to a powerful leader."

"That powerful leader..."

"It's the Kyuubi Jinchuriki who still doesn't seem to have any trace of age!"

"Just think about it."

"If the Uzumaki clan, which is comparable to the strength of a village, enters Konohagakure, it will directly become a super clan that surpasses the Uchiha clan."

"And the head of this super clan."

"It is the wife of the First Hokage, the powerful Kyuubi Jinchuriki, Uzumaki Mito-sama!"

When Danzo said this, his voice directly stopped. The corners of his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a mocking arc.

He was not mocking anyone else.

It was the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was in front of him.

"This way."


"You, the Third Hokage, who has been in power for ten years and still has someone who opposes you."

"How can you continue?"

Danzo's last sentence was like a sharp bayonet, directly stabbing into the weakest part of Hiruzen's heart.

"You are right!"

Hiruzen directly put down the kiseru in his hand. His expression was no longer as calm as before, and he looked especially serious.

"The people from the Uzumaki Clan are not friendly!"

"If they enter Konohagakure."

"The Uzumaki Clan is stronger than my Sarutobi Clan."

"The name Uzumaki is far better than me, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"I am afraid I will have to reach the end of this position!"

After muttering to this point, Hiruzen slowly shook his head. His seemingly calm eyes revealed a ruthless look in the depths of his eyes.

"I can not let the Uzumaki clan enter Konohagakure!" After Hiruzen finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Danzo again and asked, "Danzo, do you have any ideas?"

"I have plenty of ideas, but how much is not your determination?" Danzo said indifferently.

"The Uzumaki Clan is different from those remnants," Hiruzen said meaningfully. He did not speak too clearly, but his meaning was accurately conveyed to Danzo.

"Leave it to me."

Danzo nodded directly. His left eye, exposed on the outside, slightly narrowed and shot out a fierce gaze.

"I will now go through my intelligence network and spread the information about the death of Uzumaki Ashina. They have long been afraid of the sealing technique of the Uzumaki Clan. They have not moved because they fear Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Ashina."

After Danzo finished speaking, he turned directly and walked toward the office door. After he said this decision, Hiruzen did not say a word. He knew that this was a tacit agreement. The two had already formed this tacit understanding.

Just as Danzo walked to the door.

He stopped.

He turned his face slightly.

He glanced at Hiruzen, who was sitting at his desk.

"Don't worry about Mito-sama. From the standpoint of our Konohagakure, not only will we not attack the Uzumaki Clan, but we will also send ninjas to help the Uzumaki Clan."

"When something happens to the Uzumaki Clan..."

"Hiruzen, you will personally lead the ninjas there!"

"Always let the people in the village see that you, the Hokage, attach great importance to the Uzumaki Clan."

After saying that.

Danzo directly walked out of the Hokage's office.

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