Fugaku stared at the figure not far away. His face was very serious. He did not realize that he had just come out of Konoha Hospital and encountered such a thing. It was too much of a coincidence.


Aoba said in a low voice. After he said this, he looked at Fugaku in surprise.

Fugaku was indeed the leader of the younger generation of the Konoha Military Police Force.

It was just a back view.

He had already determined that the other party was the white-haired murderer.

Very sharp!

Aoba silently praised Fugaku in his heart. No matter what, he had seen the white-haired murderer in the memory.

However, Fugaku had never seen anything. All he knew was the characteristics of the white-haired murderer that he had brought out.

He could make a judgment like this.

It was still very powerful!

"This person is holding a young girl in his arms. It looks like he is preparing to make a move. Now, cooperate with me to capture the white-haired murderer. You take good care of the unconscious young girl!" Fugaku immediately entered the state and assigned the tasks. He told Aoba what he had to do.

"Okay." Aoba nodded. At this time, he had already seen the white-haired murderer in front of him. Even if he did not want to, he did not have enough reason to refuse Fugaku. After all, he had seen such a scene on the spot.

"Then leave the white-haired murderer to me!"

Fugaku's blood-red eyes flashed with a cold light. He had long disliked this white-haired murderer. Now that he had suddenly met him, he could not let him go.

"Be careful; the other party has drugs," Aoba said in a low voice.

"Don't worry!"

Fugaku suddenly jumped up and chased the white-haired murderer extremely fast. After considering it midnight, he did not shout in the village and chose to chase quietly.

Even so.

The sound of Fugaku's quick movements still reached the ears of the white-haired murderer.

"Not good!"

The white-haired murderer's heart tightened, and he suddenly quickened his pace.


At this moment.

Fugaku directly caught up with the white-haired murderer. The speed was so fast that the white-haired murderer did not even have time to exclaim.

"I can't go on like this!"

The white-haired murderer immediately realized that if he continued to carry the girl in his arms, he would not be able to do what he wanted to do and would not even have the chance to escape.

In an instant.

The white-haired murderer immediately made a decisive decision. He used all the strength in his body and threw the girl in his arms back fiercely.

The girl drew a parabola in the air and smashed toward Fugaku, who was chasing after him.

He threw the young girl out like this.

Not only did he lose a burden and increase his speed, but he could also use it to interfere with the Konoha Military Police Force person chasing after him.

He did not believe the person chasing him would directly ignore the young girl.

Since his goal could not be achieved.

Then at least run away first!


After losing the young girl, the white-haired murderer's speed suddenly increased by a large chunk, instantly pulling away a bit from Fugaku.

He planned to throw Fugaku off in one wave.

And then escape to heaven!


Something unexpected happened.

Fugaku ignored the girl thrown out and directly chased after the white-haired murderer who was running away. He had no intention of letting that person go at all.


Many question marks appeared on the head of the white-haired murderer. This was not the Konoha Military Police Force's style of doing things!

He had already investigated Konoha Military Police Force, dominated by the Uchiha clan, in detail.

In the process of the pursuit.

The other party often focused on saving people!

Why did he keep chasing like this?


The white-haired murderer did not have time to think about it. He could not care about anything now. He used all his strength just to run faster.

"Where are you running too!"

Fugaku could not help but shout. Even he himself could not say why. It seemed that if he did not shout when he was catching people, he would feel that his momentum was strange.

In a split second.

Fugaku's figure chased after the white-haired murderer. His speed was getting faster and faster, and the gap between the two was getting closer and closer.

Aoba witnessed this scene with his own eyes. There was no change on the face behind the mask. He had long seen Fugaku's pursuit ability. At that time, his identity was still the disguised Satsuma Rentaro.

Just now, he also saw the skills of this white-haired murderer.

He was not a match for Fugaku at all.


After thinking about it, Aoba felt that he was worrying too much.

Now that Fugaku had opened his Mangekyo Sharingan, let alone a mere white-haired murderer, there were only a few people in the entire Konohagakure who could be Fugaku's opponent.

Uchiha clan members.

Opening Sharingan and not opening were completely different; they could be said to be two types of Uchiha!

And in the opening of Sharingan.

The number of tomoe also showed the Sharingan ability.


No matter how many tomoe's Sharingan it was.

There was no way for them to be compared to the Mangekyo Sharingan!

Once the Uchiha clan members opened their Mangekyo Sharingan, it was like having a cheat, completely displaying a different power.

Fugaku chased after the murderer.

Aoba accurately positioned where the girl would land and gently raised his hand to catch her.

Chokeijugan no Jutsu(Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique)!

When Aoba's hands touched this girl's body, he immediately controlled his chakra and used Chokeijugan no Jutsu(Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique) to catch her perfectly.

In fact.

This was not because Aoba was afraid that this girl's weight would hurt him.

It was because he was afraid that the force of the fall would be too great. If he didn't pay attention, he would cause secondary damage to the girl and so on...

Of course.

The thing he was most worried about was waking the girl up.

It would be troublesome when the time came.

After catching the girl, Aoba began to size up the girl. The girl looked about the same age as him. She was dressed in plain clothes and looked neat. Her long black hair was combed into a scorpion braid hanging behind her back. The facial features on her oval face looked quite delicate. Her long eyelashes were pressed together, and her eyes were closed tightly. She looked like she was asleep. She seems to be dreaming some sweet dreams base on her symmetrical breathing.

"It seems that she was drugged."

Aoba only looked at her once and immediately removed Chokeijugan no Jutsu(Ultralight-Weight Rock Technique). The girl's weight was pressed on his hands.

After that.

Aoba directly put the young girl down and then placed her on a chair next to the alley. He placed the young girl directly there and laid her down.

At this time.

Just as Aoba pulled out his hand, the young girl suddenly moved. The latter directly stretched out her hand and grabbed Aoba's wrist.

This kind of situation was something that Aoba did not expect. However, he was wearing a mask and did not expose his identity at all. How could he be afraid of this young girl? He almost dodged the young girl's hand in a flash.

The next moment.

Aoba suddenly felt a strange power surge into his body, directly controlling him.

"What do you want to do to me?"

The girl's crisp voice sounded. Then she raised her hand to rub her eyes and jumped up, standing directly in front of Aoba.

"He's actually wearing a mask!"

The girl's voice was filled with deep dissatisfaction. She lowered her head and looked down. Just as she lowered her head, Aoba felt a binding force controlling his body to lower his head.

This force was extremely strange.

It was as if something was pressing down on him.

Forcing him to make a move.

Aoba had a vague feeling that as long as he used brute force, he could break through this restraint. However, it was possible to hurt the girl in front of him. Moreover, he also wanted to see what kind of plans this girl had.


Aoba let the force lower his head. In his sight, he could see a black shadow under his feet. This shadow was connected to the girl.

'It turned out to be someone from the Nara clan!'

Aoba suddenly understood. He hadn't noticed just now that the dosage of this girl from Nara's clan wasn't high. She was already on the verge of awakening. After being thrown out and tossed about for a bit, she woke up when he placed her on the chair. This was something he hadn't considered.

'A little interesting.'

Aoba looked at himself, who was controlled by the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique).

This was the first time he felt this way.

"Now, I will take off your mask and see who you are!" The girl from Nara Clan immediately raised her right hand. A binding force surged toward Aoba when she raised her right hand. Aoba's right hand also grabbed his face.

At this time.

Aoba clearly felt that powerful binding force.

This made him lament that the Nara Clan's secret technique could be seen. However, when the person was proficient in using it and had sufficient chakra, even jonin would not be able to easily break free of this binding force in a short period of time.

"You are mistaken. I am not the one who kidnapped you. I am the one who saved you." Aoba's gaze fell on the body of this Nara clan girl in front of him. He did not excessively resist her technique, nor did he completely let the other party control him. Therefore, when he raised his hand to his shoulder, the other party's hand was a little unable to lift. It felt as if he was lifting iron, incomparably heavy.

"I don't care who you are!" The girl from the Nara clan said unhappily. When she said this, she was still using all her strength to lift her arm and grab at her face. However, this process did not seem to be that easy. She could not help but say with some dissatisfaction, "I will definitely take off your masks."

"Then try it."

Aoba looked at the girl in front of him. Although she looked a little rude, he did not find her annoying. He did not know if it was because she was Nara. Moreover, he had to wait here for Fugaku to come back. He could not leave this girl here alone. Since he was waiting anyway. He might as well play with her.

Aoba did not use too much strength. From his appearance, it was as if the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique) controlled him. He could not move and made the same move as the girl in front of him.


Only this girl knew best.

Right now, she was in a very delicate situation.

"Why are you so heavy?"

The girl from the Nara clan asked doubtfully. She had used all of her strength but could not lift her hand even a little bit. Her body was trembling slightly, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead and cheeks.

Facing this girl's question, Aoba simply did not speak. He just stood there like a statue.


The pupils of this girl from the Nara clan suddenly shrank, and her eyes flashed with a strong sense of horror.

She suddenly realized a problem.

It was not that the person in front of her was too heavy!

It was because she was too weak.

'No, it might be the drug that had weakened me!'

'I have not recovered my strength yet!'


'With my strength, how could I not restrain such a person?'

'Absolutely impossible!'

"You just said you were not the one who kidnapped me but the one who saved me. Then why are you wearing a mask to save me? And even if you saved me, you have to tell me your name and let me thank you properly!" The girl rolled her eyes and began to use words to get Aoba's words. Moreover, she hoped that she could use this method to make Aoba relax a little so that she could better bind him.


As the girl finished speaking.

It was like a stone sinking into the sea.

There was no reply at all.

The person in front of her, trapped by the shadow she created using Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique), was like a petrified statue standing there without any reaction.

If this person had not spoken just now.

The girl would probably think that this was really a statue.


"No way!"

"Are you that bored?"

"This is too boring!"

This girl from the Nara clan continuously launched verbal attacks at Aoba. However, her body still used the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique). This technique was, in name, restraining the other party, but in reality, even she was unable to move at all in the process of casting the technique. She was directly locked in a stalemate with Aoba. She could only blink her eyes to express her emotions when she spoke.

Of course.

Such a scene fell into Aoba's line of sight.

It made Aoba feel a little emotional.

Even if it was just staring...

The acting of this girl from the Nara clan was far better than some of the big shots he had seen on TV in the modern world.


"I believe you..."

"I'm sure you saved me..."

"Can you tell me your name?"

The tone of this girl from the Nara clan suddenly collapsed, as if she had accepted her fate. As she spoke, she even pouted her lips, looking quite cute.


When Aoba saw this, he directly closed his eyes. He was simply too lazy to pay attention to this girl.

'What kind of joke is this!'

'If you really think of me as the person who saved you!'

'Why are you still insisting on using the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique)?'

'You didn't put this technique away.'

'Yet you actually dare to say that you believe me...'

Aoba felt a little helpless in his heart. He didn't even sleep well before being dragged into this matter.

Originally, he wanted to help Fugaku catch that white-haired murderer.

This was also pretty good...


Who would have thought this girl had mistaken him for the villain who took her away?

Now, he didn't want to say a word.

He will just wait for Konoha Military Police Force's Uncle Fugaku to come and explain.

He didn't want to waste his breath right now.

The girl from the Nara clan blinked her eyes and stared at Aoba. Her collapsed face immediately returned to normal. Just now, she had used several clever tricks to lure this person in front of her to take the bait. But there was no way at all.

For a moment.

A strong sense of defeat emerged in her heart.

She had always been very confident in her IQ. However, she didn't use her intelligence to learn ninjutsu and make battle plans. It was all some clever tricks. But at this moment, she found that her cleverness was completely useless in front of this dull lump.


This girl from the Nara clan snorted in her heart. Then, she was ready to withdraw her hand. She was a little tired of this pose.


Her pupils contracted slightly. Just now, she had discovered a very terrifying thing. It could be said that it had completely exceeded her expectations.


She could no longer move!

She can't move her raised hand!

The feeling she felt now was like when she was a child learning Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique). Her father's shadow bound her, and she couldn't move at all.

This was the feeling she had now.

"You... you are so heavy..."

The sweat on this girl's forehead from the Nara clan became even more. She wanted to lift her legs and walk out but could not even lift her feet.

"Something is wrong!"

The expression on her face began to panic. She suddenly realized something even more urgent and terrifying. No matter what she wanted to do, raise her hands, lift her feet, turn her neck, or something like that, as long as their shadow was connected, she could not do it. This feeling was like using the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique) to control a motionless statue.

"Whose shadow is this?"

"You know the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique)?"

"Are you a member of the Nara clan?"

"You used the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique) on me while I was not paying attention?"


"It should not be like that."

"But why are you so heavy?"


The girl from the Nara clan began to talk to herself. She had never encountered such a situation since she learned the secret technique of her clan when she was young.

Now, if such a scene was reflected in the eyes of people who don't know.

They would probably think this was a technique the masked ninja used.

Not to mention that she had not controlled the other party.

She directly controlled herself to death...

This situation directly made her dumbfounded. She didn't know how what to say at all. She was completely confused.

She was very clear in her heart.

Unless she took the initiative to undo the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique).

Otherwise, she might not be able to move at all.


"Can you say something?"

"It's boring for you to be like this!"

"If you don't say anything..."

"The two of us can only be bound together like this!"

The girl from the Nara clan said rather helplessly. She could not control this person in front of her right now, but she did not dare to undo the technique. After all, she had no way of determining whether this person was good or bad. If something went wrong once the technique was undone, she could say there was nothing she could do about it.

After her voice fell...

There was still silence.

The masked man in front of her completely ignored her.

"Damn it!"

The girl was so angry that she wanted to stamp her foot but could not lift her leg. Such a simple way to vent her emotions was not successful. In the end, she could only heave a sigh, and her facial expression completely collapsed.

This time, it was not a play.

It was true.

She was completely helpless.


On the other side.

Fugaku chased after the white-haired murderer not far away with a blood-colored three-tomoe Sharingan. He was in a very angry state.

At this time.

He had already poured all his feelings for Sekai into this side.

During the war period.

Killing the enemy and being killed by the enemy. This was a very normal phenomenon and also a very normal pain.


If you were killed by your own people!

That was simply the humiliation of humiliation!

Fugaku would rather commit suicide than die at the hands of his own people!

Of course.

If the person who attacked him was someone very important to him...

Perhaps it was another outcome!

Fugaku stared with his three tomoe Sharingan. He did not use his Mangekyo Sharingan, not only because this white-haired murderer was not worthy of him using it, but also because the three tomoe Sharingan was like a dragon-slaying knife used by a chicken butcherer. In addition, he had accumulated experience from the last time he was chasing after a Kirigakure ninja, and that was not to use the Mangekyo Sharingan easily when chasing people. It did not help chase people; it might even have a negative effect, causing the pursuit to fail.


Fugaku's figure quickly shuttled through Konohagakure. If it was a forest, he might encounter some difficulties, but he was a super rookie in the Konoha Military Police Force. One day, he would inherit the Konoha Military Police Force captain position. The most common thing he did in daily life was to patrol Konohagakure. He was familiar with Konohagakure street, and no one could run away from him in Konohagakure's residential area.

The white-haired murderer ran in the front. He had already displayed his speed to the extreme, but he found that the speed of the ninja chasing him was even faster. The distance between the two did not open but was getting closer and closer, almost catching up.

He couldn't run away!

The white-haired murderer was already panicking.

People were often like this.

If Fugaku was as fast as him, he could still use his strong will to escape and run with all his might.

But in this situation.

All kinds of despair began to emerge in his heart.

At this time.

Fugaku, following closely behind, suddenly had his eyes light up. He discovered that when the white-haired murderer's mood fluctuated, his movements changed a little. His speed suddenly slowed down a lot. He immediately reached into the ninja bag and grabbed several shurikens.

Immediately after.

Fugaku threw the shuriken in his hand at the white-haired murderer.

In an instant, the shuriken pierced the night sky.

It shot toward the white-haired killer.

The speed was extremely fast.

It was far faster than the speed of the white-haired murderer.

The shuriken flew toward the white-haired murderer. However, it was as if they had been shot in the wrong direction and did not touch him at all.

"That's it?"

The white-haired murderer was stunned for a moment. He did not expect the ninja chasing after him to be so weak. Even the most basic ninja throwing skill was so poor.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

However, at this moment.

The sound of metal clashing against metal rang out in front of the white-haired murderer.

The shuriken collided with each other as they spun, then flew away.


When the white-haired murderer saw this scene, he was completely stunned. He was instantly dumbfounded. He had never seen such an operation before.

'Is this a newbie?'

'Did he throw the shuriken randomly?'

'Why did it collide with each other?'

'How could such a person be Konoha Military Police Force's ninja?'





However, just as the white-haired murderer laughed at Fugaku for not using the shuriken properly, his body suddenly trembled, and his entire lower body felt a heart-wrenching pain.


He staggered.

In an instant, his center of gravity became unstable.

He was unable to maintain his running posture.

His entire body directly fell to the ground, heavily falling down, and he slapped the ground directly with his face as the focus.

"What's going on?"

Until the moment the white-haired murderer fell, he did not know why his knees and ankles suddenly seemed to have been stabbed. A heart-wrenching pain made him unable to exert his strength, and he fell directly to the ground.


At this moment.

Fugaku's figure flashed and directly appeared behind the white-haired murderer. He suddenly stomped heavily on the back of the white-haired murderer.


Accompanied by the sound of a collision.

The white-haired murderer slammed heavily on the ground. His whole body was directly stuck to the ground. The place where the shuriken stabbed his body was penetrated deeper because of the tight squeeze with the ground.


The white-haired murderer immediately felt an even stronger pain. His eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with bright red blood. The pain in his body completely stimulated him.

"Now you know the pain?"

Fugaku stared at the white-haired murderer who had been pressed to the ground by him, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a disdainful arc.

"Why didn't you feel any pain when you tortured those four people?"

"But yes..."

"At that time, the pain was not on your body, but on their bodies. Of course, you wouldn't feel pain!"

"What a pity."

"You won't have the chance to do those things again!"

Fugaku lowered his head and grabbed the back of this white-haired murderer's neck. Powerful chakra surged out from his fingertips, directly sealing the chakra pathway of this white-haired murderer, making the latter unable to do anything else.

Immediately after.

Fugaku touched the ninja pouch of this white-haired murderer and directly took out everything inside.

There was a medicine bottle inside.

There were also several ninja tools.

There was also a shriveled soda can.

Apart from that.

There was nothing else.


The thing that attracted Fugaku the most in these things was the medicine bottle. He was almost sure that the contents of that medicine bottle knocked out those victims, including the girl.

"What else do you have to say now?"

Fugaku stuffed these things back into that person's ninja pouch. Then, he directly pulled the pouch down and held it in his hand. Then, he pulled the white-haired devil up and walked toward Konoha Military Police Force.

After the white-haired murderer heard Fugaku's words, he fell silent. He did not say a word and allowed Fugaku to turn him around.


Fugaku's gaze landed on the white-hair murderer's face.

The first thing he saw was a strand of white hair.

"It's you!"

Fugaku's pupils contracted slightly. He recognized the person in front of him. Not long ago, he had seen this person; his name was Kidoshiro!

"How could it be you?"

"Why has your hair turned white?"

"What happened?"

Fugaku asked Kidoshiro repeatedly. In his opinion, this person had become different from his previous impression. He no longer had the same feeling as before. Now he looked even more gloomy.


Kidoshiro didn't say a word, as if he knew nothing. He did not even look at Fugaku as if he had accepted his fate.

"Alright, it's fine if you don't want to say it. I will naturally find a way to find your problem later!"

When Fugaku saw Kidoshiro's appearance, he simply sneered. He ignored this person and directly brought him back to where he came from.


More than ten minutes later.

Fugaku walked to the place where he had just discovered Kidoshiro.

In a split second.

The scene in front of him stunned him.

"What are you guys doing?"

The corners of Fugaku's mouth twitched violently. In his line of sight, Aoba, who was wearing an Anbu uniform and a mask, was standing opposite the girl who had just been thrown out. Their movements were exactly the same. They just raised their hands in the air, revealing strange things everywhere.

"You are... Konoha Military Police Force's ninja?"

When the girl from the Nara clan saw Fugaku, her eyes suddenly lit up. She seemed to be shining brightly in the night sky, showing a feeling of radiance.


When Fugaku saw the girl in front of him, combined with the latter's question, he instinctively nodded. Then, he looked at Aoba, and the question mark on his head did not disappear.

"What... are you guys doing?"

Fugaku asked again. He did not get the answer he wanted just now. He could not help but ask again.

It was just...

When Fugaku asked this question.

He didn't notice Kidoshiro next to him, who was staring at the girl from the Nara clan.


"You really are Konoha Military Police Force's ninja!"

"This person launched a sneak attack on me in the middle of the night!"

"He knocked me out and placed me here in an attempt to do something bad to me!"

"Now I have bound him."

"Hurry up and take him away!"

This girl from the Nara clan had already determined that the person who had attacked her was Aoba. In fact, this could not be completely blamed on her. From the moment she regained consciousness, she had only seen Aoba. She had not seen anyone else. For her, she instinctively thought that the person who kidnaped her was Aoba.

Although Aoba had argued that he was not the one who kidnaped her but the person who had saved her, she did not dare to believe such a thing before she was certain. After all, if she was not careful, she might fall into the other party's trap.

She was very clear.

The person who had stunned her.

There was a drug in his hands!

She would rather stay here and wait for others to come and help her than take the risk.

This was the most conservative and safest method she got after thorough analysis.

"Cough... cough..."

Fugaku raised his eyes and looked at Aoba. His face revealed an expression as if he was watching a show. He looked like he was a bystander. He said, "Didn't you explain it to her?"

"Do you think an explanation is useful?" Aoba said helplessly. It wasn't like he hadn't said it before. However, after he knew that it was useless, he simply didn't say it. In any case, Fugaku would return. To him, this was also the simplest and most stable solution.

"Do you know each other?"

The girl from the Nara clan narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Fugaku. Then, she frowned and turned to look at Aoba. She instantly had an idea in her heart.

"It was you who saved me, right? I misunderstood you!"

This girl was not a fool. Not only was she not a fool, but she was also somewhat clever. She knew in her heart that if the person in front of her was not the one who kidnapped her, then he was the one who had saved her. Thus, after seeing Fugaku say these words, she immediately had an answer in her heart.


She still did not release the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique). She had to wait for Fugaku to give her a direct answer. Otherwise, it might still be a risky move.

She had already been attacked once.

Then she can't be careless for the second time.

Otherwise, it was really unreasonable!

"Hahahaha, let him go. He is not the one who tried to kidnap you but the one who helped me save you. If he were not here, I would not be able to catch Kidoshiro so quickly... This white-haired murderer!" Fugaku nodded to the girl and said. He looked at Aoba again, and there was an indescribable feeling of wanting to laugh in his heart. Then he asked the girl, "Didn't you see that he was wearing an Anbu uniform?"

"I saw it!"

The girl from the Nara clan nodded after hearing Fugaku's words. Then, she said meaningfully, "Who said that an Anbu wouldn't be a bad person? I couldn't believe anyone in the situation at that time!"


The girl's words suddenly changed. She smiled at Fugaku and said, "I still believe in Konoha Military Police Force's people!"

After that.

The girl immediately released the Kagemane no Jutsu(Shadow Imitation Technique) that was already a burden to her.


The chakra slowly dispersed.

The shadow on the ground suddenly retreated from Aoba's body bit by bit and returned back to the girl.

"I'm so tired..."

After the girl undid the technique, she immediately moved her joints. She had been copying Aoba's action just now. It was as if she had been bound. She felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Come with me to Konoha Military Police Force!"

Fugaku's gaze first focused on the girl. Then, he turned to look at Aoba and smiled at him, "You are destined to have a sleepless night tonight."

"It's fine."

Aoba waved his hand. He felt that this was also quite good. He directly dealt with the matters here. There was no need to drag things too far. Tomorrow, he would no longer need to worry about this case.


The girl from the Nara clan quickly nodded. She also had some questions she wanted to ask. Even if Fugaku did not bring her along, she would still follow to Konoha Military Police Force to ask.

"You guys come with me!"

Fugaku grabbed Kidoshiro and walked in front. The girl from the Nara clan followed behind Aoba. The four of them walked into the Konoha Military Police Force direction together.

The girl from the Nara clan walked at the back. Her gaze floated on Fugaku and then looked at the cloaked Kidoshiro and frowned slightly.

"Could this person be the one who attacked me?" The girl couldn't help but ask.

"That's right," Fugaku replied.

"How come I don't know him?" The girl narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at Kidoshiro's face from behind. She was sure that she had never seen this person.

"Haven't you seen him before?" Fugaku was stunned and said, "He seems to have graduated one or two years earlier than you!"

"I'm sure I haven't seen him before!" The girl nodded. However, she obviously had no intention of continuing to linger on this topic. After all, she felt that the question was just that she knew few people. Then, she turned to look at Aoba and asked, "What's your name?"


Aoba was speechless. He didn't know why the topic suddenly came to him. However, he didn't want to get entangled with this girl. He just wanted to hurry to Konoha Military Police Force to end this matter.

The girl stared at Aoba with a look of expectation.

She waited for a while.

Seeing that the other party did not react at all.

He had no intention of responding to her at all.

She immediately pursed her lips.

She then rolled her eyes at Aoba.




This girl from the Nara clan continuously said a few words to describe Aoba, and her angry tone amused Fugaku, who was walking in front of her.

Not long after.

The four of them arrived at Konoha Military Police Force's entrance.

This time, it was different from the time when Aoba came. When Konoha Military Police Force's ninjas guarding the entrance saw that Fugaku was holding a person, they immediately greeted him.

"Inform Akaru-sama, tell him that the murderer of the recent murder has been found, and now I will interrogate him overnight," Fugaku said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" When the ninja heard this, he quickly walked out and disappeared.

"Continue to guard here!"

Fugaku said to the other ninja.

After he finished speaking.

He escorted Kidoshiro inside Konoha Military Police Force.

Aoba and the girl from the Nara clan followed behind.

They walked into a dark corridor.

Then, they arrived in front of a room.

Fugaku pushed open the room. He did not close the door. Instead, he left the way in for the two people behind him.

Aoba and the girl from the Nara clan walked in together.

Fugaku took off Kidoshiro's cloak and pressed him onto a chair with his hands and feet bound.

On this chair.

Even a ninja could not move easily.

Moreover, he was unable to form seals with his hands.

It played a great restraining role.

"The two of you can sit anywhere you want. Logically speaking, no one should participate in the interrogation. However, it has something to do with you, so it doesn't matter." Fugaku nodded at the two of them. He knew this was against the rules, but his heart was in a good and bad mood now, so he didn't care about these rules.

There were actually two points here.

He was in a good mood because he had caught the murderer!

However, he was in a bad mood because the murderer was a Kidoshiro he knew. Moreover, this person had actually killed someone from the village. This made him unable to accept and extremely resentful.

"Alright, alright!"

After hearing Fugaku's words, the girl from the Nara clan immediately sat down in a chair with great satisfaction. She was still a little curious about such a scene. After all, she had never experienced it before. Moreover, she still had many questions waiting to be answered.

Aoba did not say anything.

He sat down directly.

His eyes stared at Kidoshiro sitting on a chair not far away in front of him. He was very sure that this person was the white-haired murderer that he had met in the memories of the four people. There was absolutely no possibility of a mistake.

Fugaku sat next to the girl from the Nara clan, who happened to be sandwiched between Fugaku and Aoba.

"Let me ask you first!"

Fugaku raised his eyes and looked at the girl. His eyes had already changed from blood-red Sharingan to pitch-black eyes after grabbing Kidoshiro.

"You are Nara Saki of Nara Clan. I didn't remember wrongly, right?" With just a glance, Fugaku knew who this person was. This was something he had been doing seriously after Sekai died. He planned to remember everyone in Konohagakure. This way, he would be able to solve any unexpected problems with ease.

"You actually know me!"

After hearing Fugaku's words, Nara Saki immediately widened her eyes. Her eyes were filled with shock. She had a whole new level of respect for this Konoha Military Police Force ninja.

"This is a normal operation. There is no need to be so surprised. Tell me about your matter. What actually happened? Why did you run out in the middle of the night and get kidnapped?" Fugaku did not linger on the meaningless topic with Nara Saki. He felt there was nothing to be proud of for him to remember everyone in the village.

"It's like this..."

Nara Saki could not help but pout. Memories flashed in her eyes. She seemed to be thinking about what had happened earlier and what exactly had happened.

At this moment.

Aoba frowned slightly behind the mask.

Nara Saki.

He seemed to have heard this name somewhere before.

But the impression was not very deep.

Moreover, he was certain that he had never seen this girl before. Perhaps it was from some person's memories...

For Aoba.

The more memories you read, the more information you can grasp.


This would also cause him to encounter some memory points.

He couldn't tell if it was his own memory.

Or a memory that he had read.

In a sense, it was a memory.

This was also a rather troublesome matter...

Aoba did not open his mouth to ask anything or make any special movements. He only silently listened to the girl named Nara Saki beside him talk about what had just happened.

He was somewhat curious about what exactly had happened to this girl. Just like what Fugaku had asked, why was she still outside at such a late hour?

Nara Saki raised her hands and propped them on the table with her elbows. She spread out her hands to support her chin, her eyes staring at Kidoshiro, who was tied up in front of her.


"It's not that I didn't sleep; it's just that I woke up too early."

"I have an appointment with Rin..."


When Nara Saki said this, she suddenly slapped her thigh. She suddenly realized a very important problem.

"I haven't gone to see Rin yet!"

"I let Rin wait!"

"Oh my god!"

"Why did I forget everything?"

Saki widened her eyes. Her expression became very strange, and her eyebrows were filled with annoyance. She did not need to think to know that Rin was definitely going to be angry with her.

"Is the Rin you're talking about Akimichi Rin?"

Fugaku immediately asked. Not only did he remember all of Konohagakure's people, but he also figured out the relationship between some ninjas. He knew that Nara Saki and Akimichi Rin were ninjas of the same age group, and their relationship was very good. Together with them were Yamanaka Kaze. However, that person had become Danzo's subordinate and no longer carried out missions with them.

As for how he discovered that Yamanaka Kaze had become Danzo's people...

This was no longer a secret!

Yamanaka Kaze had completed the special task that Danzo had given him and had become Danzo's subordinate. There was no need to investigate this matter at all. Kaze had almost told everyone around him with his big mouth.


Now was a very special period.

After all, Danzo was injured and did not have the time to manage Root. Root had already been handed over to Orochimaru to manage.

It was precisely because Fugaku was paying attention to Orochimaru that he was more aware of these things.

"That's right; it's her. I made an appointment to go to her home. Then, we can discuss who to apply for Chunin Exam together. After all, there is still a week before the deadline for registration. A team must have three people; we still miss one person." Saki said helplessly. Recently, she had been very worried about Chunin Exam. Who knew that such a thing would happen before she even arrived at Rin's house?

"So this is not your daily activity, but you suddenly did this today?" Fugaku frowned slightly and immediately found the key point of the problem.

"Yes! I only sneaked out today, but I didn't even see Rin's face, and I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I saw this masked man touching my body. Of course, I have to be vigilant!" When Saki finished speaking, she did not forget to look at Aoba, who was beside her.


A lot of question marks suddenly appeared in Aoba's head. What the hell was this? How could she describe it as if he had some intention?

"So that's how it is!"

Fugaku's gaze swept past Saki and landed on Aoba. His eyes were filled with deep meaning, and it seemed as if he was saying...

You actually dared to make a move on her while she was unconscious!

This isn't something that a gentleman should do!

When Aoba saw the look in Fugaku's eyes, he couldn't help but twitch his lips. He didn't know what to say.

Even if he jumped into the Yellow River now, he wouldn't be able to wash himself clean!


He still followed the principle that silence was gold.

He did not say anything.

As long as he did not say anything.

Then everything has nothing to do with him.

"Continue..." Fugaku once again focused his attention on Saki, but suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind. He asked, "Is it so difficult to form a team for the Chunin Exam?"

"Ah, it's not just difficult. It's simply too difficult. This matter is simply ridiculous. It needs three people to form a team. One person can't do it, and two people can't either. It's so annoying!" When Saki heard Fugaku's question, he happened to poke at the pain points she had been feeling during this period of time. Immediately, her face was full of helplessness, and she was in a bad mood all of a sudden.

"Isn't it just looking for someone?" Fugaku said casually.

"It's not as simple as you think!"

Saki immediately entered the topic that she was familiar with. After all, she had been studying this matter all this time. She immediately stretched out her right hand and spread it into five fingers. Then, her left hand swung the index finger of her right hand.

"First of all, we are two people, so we only need to find one person. That person has to be a Genin, who has the qualifications to participate in Chunin Exam, which makes us stuck!"

"In this kind of situation, there are only two kinds!"

"The first kind is the very outstanding people in the team. They want to participate in Chunin Exam, but their teammates don't want to participate. Then we can team up, but this type is very rare. Usually, their teammates will cooperate with them to participate or wait for the teammates to be ready and participate in the exam together."

"The second is that the other two team members have already passed the Chunin Exams, and the remaining one has not. However, those people have often formed a team with familiar people of the same age group. There are not many people left."

"The problem we are facing now is that we can't find a person who can match us to participate in the Chunin Exams. The remaining people don't even bother to participate after hearing that it's the two of us!"


"Forget it!"

"Let's not talk about this anymore!"

"In any case, we might not even have a companion who can participate in the exams with us in the end!"

Saki suddenly felt irritated. She directly shook her hand. The more she analyzed it, the more she felt no one wanted it. This feeling was enough for her and Rin to comfort each other. If she said it now, it would simply be a joke.


When Fugaku saw Saki's slightly cute appearance, he laughed out loud. He suddenly felt that this girl from the Nara clan was also quite cute.

"You're laughing at me!" Saki pouted and glared at Fugaku.

"No, no, absolutely not!" Fugaku waved his hand and quickly changed the topic, "Let's get down to business. You came out of your house and prepared to meet up with Rin. Before you reached Rin's door, you were knocked out, right?"

"Yes." Saki nodded. She still pouted, but she no longer bothered with Fugaku.

"I understand."

Fugaku nodded. Then, he shifted his gaze back to Kidoshiro. His gaze was solemn and doubtful. He was deeply puzzled by this person's ability to do such a thing.


"If I remember correctly."

"You are a medical ninja."

"And you were not like this in the past!"

"What exactly happened to you?"

Fugaku asked in confusion. The person he remembered was still the black-haired boy with a restrained personality. Before he graduated from Ninja School, he began to study medical ninjutsu. Finally, he became a medical ninja.

From the information he got from Aoba, he already knew that the other party's strength was between Genin and Chunin, and it was very likely that the other party was a medical ninja or working in the Konoha Hospital.

This was indeed all right.

However, he never thought that the person would actually be Kidoshiro.

Kidoshiro maintained his current sitting position and did not say a word, as if he did not hear what Fugaku said.

"Say something!"

Fugaku slammed the table, startling Saki. However, it did not affect Kidoshiro at all.

The other party was still incomparably silent.


"You won't tell me!"

"Do you think I can't pry open your mouth?"

Fugaku stood up angrily. Just as he was about to walk toward Kidoshiro, his gaze fell on Aoba, sitting at the side.

"How could I forget about this?"

Fugaku suddenly slapped his forehead, and then the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, revealing a charming smile.

"I already have a ready-made interrogation expert here!"

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