Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 438: As Long As There Is Food In The Fridge, There Is No Need To Panic

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In a blur of silver light, Chris moved with lightning-fast speed, aiming to strike Yaeger's right eye with his blade. Reacting swiftly, Yaeger gripped her weapon tightly and counterattacked while simultaneously evading the lethal strike.


[Sunscorch] clashed against the silver sword, producing a sharp metallic sound. The forceful impact only managed to slightly deflect the trajectory of Chris' attack. Nonetheless, it bought Yaeger precious moments to dodge, leaning backward and spinning rapidly to escape her opponent's range.

Her strategy was clear: Delay!

It was her only option.

Given her current strength, confronting Chris directly was a daunting task. If not for the limitations imposed by the underground maze and his deliberate suppression of power, he would have easily dispatched her in an instant.

Clang, clang, clang!

"What? What? What? Is that all you've got? Weak. Utterly weak!" Chris taunted, his voice filled with disdain. As the battle raged on, Yaeger found herself increasingly on the defensive, completely suppressed by her opponent.

Yunuen and Little Fairy watched with deep concern, their worry etched on their faces. In the real world, Nangong and the others remained silent, their eyes glued to the screen. Pixie, too, sensed the precarious situation, realizing that it was only a matter of time before [Princess] would be defeated.

In their hearts, Nangong and Sachiel cheered Yaeger on silently. They had witnessed similar circumstances before, such as when the weak [Princess] barely escaped defeat in her encounter with Old Man Tian. The difference now was that retreat was not an option. [Princess] had to confront the challenge head-on.

In a certain apartment suite, Rakshasa lay on her bed, clenching her hands tightly and biting her lip. Her gaze remained fixed on the phone resting on her pillow.

"My princess will never lose to this exhibitionist!" she thought vehemently.

In her heart, [Princess] was always the epitome of strength and invincibility. Nangong had once recounted the confrontation between Old Man Tian and Yaeger in the Guild's group chat, but Rakshasa firmly believed that [Princess] would emerge victorious in a true battle against him. She saw Yaeger's strategic retreat back then as a testament to her unbeatable nature.

In fact, if Yaeger took the risk, she had a fifty percent chance of defeating Old Man Tian. However, the question remained: was it worth it?

As it turned out, it wasn't.

Yaeger didn't want to rely on the activation of [Lethal Hit]. Furthermore, she had no intention of engaging in a life-or-death struggle with Old Man Tian.

Inside the Ability Management Department, Mylene's gaze remained fixated on the screen. "Sister is in serious trouble," she murmured to herself. As a Grandmaster, she could discern that the exhibitionist was far superior to her sister, like an adult facing a child. Thankfully, his strength was currently suppressed, giving Yaeger a fighting chance.

"This can't go on," Mylene whispered, fully aware of the exhibitionist's overwhelming combat experience, tactics, and absurdly high health points and defense. Engaging in a prolonged fight would only put Yaeger at a significant disadvantage, yet that was precisely what they were doing now. "Unless Sister can unleash that immensely destructive ability again, it won't be long before…" Mylene's words trailed off as her wide-eyed gaze remained fixed on the screen.

Deep within the underground maze, the sacred heritage site, Chris continued his aggressive assault on Yaeger, suppressing her as before. His swordsmanship appeared flamboyant, displaying apparent weak spots. However, those with sufficient knowledge could discern that this seemingly extravagant style was, in fact, exquisitely refined, devoid of any true vulnerabilities.

As Chris unleashed a barrage of rapid attacks, Yaeger's health points steadily dwindled. After a while, they reached a critical point, falling to 49%. Simultaneously, a black aura emanated from Yaeger's body, and her eyes flickered with a crimson light.

"Are you finished?" a seductive voice resounded.

In an instant, a tremendous inferno erupted!


A powerful shockwave and intense heatwave forcefully pushed Chris backward, his sword energy shimmering in response. Observing this, Chris' eyes sharpened, and he swiftly raised his silver sword to block.

At that moment, Yaeger swiftly struck.

The clash of their swords resounded with a crisp noise. Immediately afterward, a surge of formidable impact sent them both staggering backward. The residual energy dispersed in a visible shockwave, spreading in all directions.

Yaeger landed gracefully, her eyes filled with determination as she held [Sunscorch] tightly, its flames burning with newfound battle spirit.

Chris retreated several steps, his recovery somewhat lacking in grace, before regaining his balance, his face contorted with anger. As a Myth-ranked individual, being pushed back by a Platinum-ranked opponent, even due to a momentary lapse, was enough to enrage him, fueling his desire to obliterate Yaeger on the spot.

Onlookers were initially stunned by the spectacle before letting out a collective sigh of relief. Indeed, emotions could cloud one's judgment. They had momentarily forgotten that Yaeger was at her strongest when her health dropped below the halfway mark.

"B̲i̲t̲c̲h̲! I'll rip you to shreds!" Chris bellowed, his sense of expert pride deeply wounded. The only way he could appease his anger was by utterly obliterating Yaeger and slaughtering everyone present. Gripping his sword tightly, his body exuded a palpable aura of killing intent, causing the temperature in the vicinity to drop by several degrees.

"The last person who said that to me is dead," Yaeger responded calmly. Chris was undeniably strong, exceptionally so. Despite his suppressed Level, his aura and combat experience as a formidable powerhouse still caused her distress. However, defeating her wouldn't be so simple.

"I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. I'll use them all if necessary," Yaeger thought to herself. She had always been well-prepared, as the saying goes: as long as there was food in the fridge, there was no need to panic. When faced with challenging situations, her vast resources reassured her and rendered her fearless.

So what if he was a Myth-ranked individual? So what if he was a Great Warlock? In this confined space, his power was limited to that of a Level thirty. It was Level 30 versus Level 30. She had nothing to fear!

"Die!" Chris roared, hurtling toward her like a cannonball, his weapon emanating a dazzling silver light.

Observing his fierce charge, Yaeger chose to evade. She rose onto her tiptoes and swiftly retreated while taunting him. "What's this? Weren't you calm and composed earlier? Why do you resemble a rabid dog now? Heh, maybe this is the real you!"

Chris, upon hearing her words, became consumed with rage, veins bulging on his forehead as the silver light on his weapon intensified.

"Annihilate!" he viciously slashed.

His attack was as swift as lightning, the surge of silver light accompanying his strike.

Yaeger couldn't evade such a horrifying, wide-range assault and was instantly struck.


An earth-shattering explosion of energy and silver light reverberated through the air, shaking the sky above. At that moment, all spectators were filled with deep anxiety. Anyone caught in the aftermath of such an attack would either die or sustain grave injuries.

"Hmph! Arrogant fool. You deserve to die! Next, it's your turn, Alicia!" Chris sneered, tilting his head to gaze at the cocoon of green light, his words laced with grim determination.

However, in that instant when he tilted his head, a fiery slash of a sword materialized like a phantom, striking his head with precision!

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