Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 437: The King's Power Is Displayed

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Yaeger's exclamation reverberated through the air, leaving everyone in a state of bewilderment. Her astonished expression and the familiarity in her voice left them perplexed. Did [Princess] actually know this man? And who exactly was he?

The pale-faced man, too, was taken aback by Yaeger's recognition. He had believed his disguise to be flawless, making her revelation impossible. In his mind, he dismissed her shout as a bluff, convinced that she couldn't have seen through his facade. With a grim smile, he tightened his fists, radiating an intense aura of malice. He resolved to eliminate the troublesome Black-hearted Princess without hesitation.

However, before he could launch his attack, Yaeger's voice cut through the tension once more. "It's really you, Vice Guild Leader of the Adventurers' Guild, Chris," she stated calmly, her words hanging in the air. In that instant, the man's pupils constricted, his heart racing, and a subtle tremor ran through his body. Doubt and disbelief flooded his mind. How could she possibly know his true identity? His perfect disguise, his carefully concealed name—none of it should have been revealed. This revelation threatened him, igniting a surge of murderous intent within him.

Yaeger, perceiving his reaction, continued with composure as she retrieved her weapon, [Sunscorch]. The man's earlier display of power had triggered a sense of familiarity within her, and upon seeing his name, her suspicions were confirmed. If Chris hadn't intervened during her duel in the Adventurers' Guild, she wouldn't have recognized his aura. Even now, seeing his name, she wouldn't have immediately associated him with the Vice Guild Leader—a legendary powerhouse. After all, the underground maze had a Level Restriction in place. Yet, her instincts and the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

"If you don't say anything, it means you admit it," Yaeger spoke calmly, her gaze unwavering. The gravity of the situation settled upon them, and a tense silence hung in the air. Chris' intentions had become crystal clear, and Yaeger was prepared to face him head-on.

Yunuen and Little Fairy redirected their attention to Chris, their eyes fixated on the blue name displayed above him: [Chris]. They then glanced at his Level: Level 30. Confusion etched upon their faces as they exchanged glances. Chris was a renowned figure in Jade City that garnered attention and speculation on the game forums. The mysterious and powerful Chris that they had heard of had been shrouded in an aura of enigma and strength. Yet, the Level difference before them was stark.

They couldn't help but question if this seemingly low-level Chris could be the same person. If Yaeger hadn't spoken those words, they would have found it impossible to believe. The disparity was too vast, defying their expectations.

"Take off your fake skin, Chris," Yaeger declared with a grim tone, her eyes fixed on her opponent. She didn't rush to attack, instead opting to buy time. With each passing second, their chances of victory grew stronger. If they could wait until Alicia fully recovered, their odds would increase significantly.

Behind them, Alicia was embraced by a gentle green light, slowly purifying and restoring her body. It was a soothing sight, a symbol of hope amidst the impending battle.

"Hehehe, since you saw through me, this skin is useless!" Chris responded, gripping his face and tearing away the facade. The layer of pale yellow skin was ripped apart, exposing his snowy-white complexion. In an instant, he unleashed his aura, effortlessly slicing through his clothing like a sharp blade. The garments fell away, revealing a perfectly sculpted physique. His muscles appeared like chiseled white metal, exuding symmetry and balance.

Chris stood there, nearly naked except for the equipment adorning his neck, head, hands, and ankles. These accessories were of luxurious and high-grade quality. As for his lower body, it was adorned with gemstone-encrusted, alluring boxers. Despite his well-defined physique, he possessed an effeminate face accentuated by purple eyeliner and lipstick.

In a confident display, Chris placed one hand on his hip, accentuating his graceful posture. With the other hand, he ruffled his smooth, cascading locks, exuding an air of self-assurance. The illusory sunlight danced upon his skin, imbuing it with a vibrant radiance that made it irresistibly eye-catching.

"It's been a long, long time since I revealed my true appearance. Ah, shedding my disguise and basking in the freedom of sunlight feels wonderful. Absolutely amazing, don't you think?" Chris chuckled, his voice carrying an undertone of deadly intent.

"So, I'll personally send you on your way, to achieve true freedom!" After uttering these words, sinister pitch-black runes began to emerge on Chris' face and chest.

"[Warlock Markings]!" Yaeger exclaimed, her mind racing with sudden realization. Until now, she had been puzzled as to why Chris would target Alicia for assassination when they had no prior conflicts. But now, the truth became clear to her.

"He's a member of the [Warlock Association]!" Yaeger's thoughts raced as she made the connection. The plummeting Favorability after she defeated Yasa and the distinct sense of killing intent she had felt from Chris in the guild—it all made sense now. He sought revenge for foiling their plans.

In an arrogant display, Chris spoke triumphantly, "Oh, you actually know about the [Warlock Markings]… I suppose Alicia informed you. Since you all will soon meet your demise, allow me to introduce myself. I am Silver Chris, one of the seven Great Warlocks of the [Warlock Association]!" With a wave of his hand, he exuded a sense of self-assurance.

Astonished, Yaeger couldn't help but exclaim, "A Great Warlock?" The gravity of the situation sank in. The [Warlock Association] consisted of Combat Warlocks, Spell Warlocks, and the formidable Great Warlocks who excelled in both aspects. The sheer power and threat posed by a Great Warlock were daunting.

Yaeger's heart sank as reality dawned upon her. "I can't win. I have no chance against him," she thought, her confidence waning in the face of this formidable adversary.

But soon, she regained her composure. She realized that Chris was intentionally suppressing his level to thirty using special methods, weakening himself for a specific purpose. As long as Alicia recovered, defeating him wouldn't be an insurmountable task.

Of course, that relied on Yaeger being able to hold her own until that pivotal moment arrived. She understood that Chris and Alicia were fundamentally different. Despite his level being suppressed, his physical abilities, techniques, and combat experience remained intact. Silver Chris was still the most powerful individual present.

"Oh, it seems Alicia's curse is being purified. You've managed to find such a rare item capable of achieving that. But in the end, it's all in vain. I know what you're planning. You're just trying to buy time until the curse is completely dispelled," Chris taunted, a sly grin on his face. "Heh, the expression on your face confirms my suspicions. But it's futile. No matter how hard you struggle, it's all useless useless useless useless useless useless!"

As he spoke, Chris' aura surged, and a silver substance oozed from his right arm, cascading down to his palm. In a matter of seconds, the silver material miraculously transformed into a gleaming silver sword.

"Perish, woman!" Chris exclaimed, his voice dripping with malice, as he brandished the silver sword with deadly intent.

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