Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 439: Left Foot On Right Foot, Fly Into The Sky

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Fast! Incredibly Fast! This attack was not only lightning-fast but also incredibly unpredictable. It was impossible to anticipate!

Sensing a sudden strike from behind, Chris felt a shiver run down his spine. At this point, he had no time to ascertain the identity of his assailant. Instinctively, he twisted his body and evaded!


Blood spurted.

Chris immediately felt searing pain in his neck, causing his pupils to contract. He released his aura and forcefully pushed the attacker away.

"It's you!" After the assailant landed gracefully, revealing her beautiful face, he exclaimed hysterically, as if he had seen a ghost.

He had already killed her with his previous attack, so why was she still alive? Not only had she survived, but she had also nearly succeeded in her counterattack! Chris touched the charred wound on his neck, feeling a mix of anger and embarrassment, his body trembling with intensity.

He swore to kill this woman who had repeatedly humiliated him. Otherwise, his rage would never find release.

"What a shame. I thought I could cripple him this time," Yaeger spoke with a hint of regret. Of course, even if she had successfully struck him, she knew it wouldn't be enough to kill him. A Myth-ranked individual's defense and health points were no laughing matter.

The spectators breathed a collective sigh of relief. This battle was incredibly intense, enough to give anyone a heart attack from watching. Fortunately, their hearts remained strong and healthy.

"How dare you mar my flawless body!" At that moment, Chris' primal roar of fury unsettled the onlookers once again.

As he spoke, Yaeger observed a silver aura emanating from his body, accompanied by the excretion of silver material. Blades formed on his arms, while barbs sprouted from his outer thighs.

"You've truly provoked me, you b̲i̲t̲c̲h̲!"


As Chris stomped on the ground, creating a sonic boom, he disappeared from his original position. Narrowing her eyes, Yaeger caught sight of a looming shadow before her as several silver streaks of light materialized.

In an instant, the foreboding of impending death enveloped her, and she knew that if she were struck, it would surely mean her end. The vivid image of being sliced into countless pieces flashed through her mind, sending a chilling shiver down her spine.

"What to do?" she panicked, realizing there was no time to dodge the opponent's swift and sudden attack. However, in this critical moment, her mental faculties reached their peak, and time appeared to stand still.

"My flash has a three-second cooldown left. There's no time. No, even if the cooldown were nonexistent, if I activate it now, I'll be torn apart." Flash was futile. Entering the void wouldn't work either. Phantom Step was still on cooldown. Yaeger was at a loss, unsure of how to overcome this dire crisis.

“If only I could step on myself and ascend…” The thought flashed through her mind, birthing an unorthodox idea.

In that very moment, her processing speed significantly slowed as mental fatigue set in, and time began to flow once more! The silver light flashed relentlessly, threatening to slice through her throat, chest, and abdomen.

Just when it seemed all hope was lost, an even swifter attack intervened. Within the blink of an eye, a semi-transparent fist slammed into her stomach, propelling her backward. Simultaneously, three flashes of light sliced through her afterimage, reducing it to fragments.

By the skin of her teeth, Yaeger narrowly escaped Chris's lethal strike, leaving everyone, including Chris himself, dumbfounded, shocked, and with their minds blown.

Half a second ago, despair washed over Yunuen and the others as they witnessed Chris materialize in front of Yaeger like a phantom. It seemed inevitable that his attack would connect, potentially claiming their beloved [Princess]'s life in a single strike.

But then, in a stunning turn of events, that scene of despair never unfolded. Instead, they were confronted with something entirely unfathomable. Yaeger somehow conjured a fist using her aura tentacle, propelling herself backward and evading the fatal blow. It was a maneuver that defied all logic and left them in awe.

Such a surprising and mind-blowing display of skill! Could an ordinary person possibly perform such a feat? The answer was a resounding no. It was clear to all that Yaeger possessed extraordinary abilities far beyond the realm of normalcy.

Chris stood frozen, his mind still replaying the image of Yaeger's imminent demise. The thought was both tragic and amusing to him, and he relished the satisfaction it brought. However, his satisfaction quickly turned to humiliation as he realized the ridiculous idea Yaeger had conjured to save herself in that moment of crisis. It was an idea that both enlightened and deeply insulted him, leaving him feeling exposed and deeply ashamed. He felt his intelligence had been gravely insulted, igniting a burning sense of shame that threatened to consume him.

"It hurts! Now I know how painful it is to be hit by my own fist… I feel sorry for those people I've hit before," Yaeger exclaimed, rubbing her stomach in pain. Thanks to the small barrier she had prepared, the damage was minimal.

Executing two tasks simultaneously in the blink of an eye was beyond the reach of an ordinary person. Only someone like Yaeger, with her extraordinary abilities, could manage it, albeit with great effort.

"Pfft… Hahahaha!" Despite realizing the inappropriateness of the situation, Yunuen couldn't help but laugh.

‘Princess is so strong and amusing!’ Little Fairy had to bite her lip to stifle her own laughter.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Nangong and the others burst into laughter, dissipating the previously tense atmosphere.

However, Chris felt utterly humiliated and seethed with anger. "B̲i̲t̲c̲h̲! I'm going to tear you apart and feed you to the dogs!" he screamed at Yaeger, his eyes filled with overwhelming hatred.

"I'm tired of hearing trash talk like that," Yaeger retorted, unfazed, her gaze fixed on the green cocoon. The swirling black particles within had decreased, indicating progress. But it was still too slow.

‘I hope Alicia can come out in time,' Yaeger thought, her worry evident. She had only exchanged a few blows with Chris, yet her mana and stamina were already depleted. With his fury unleashed, Chris would undoubtedly attack with relentless force, further draining her energy.

‘Should I use my trump card now?' Yaeger hesitated, contemplating her options.

Suddenly, the sound of a cannon firing reverberated through the area. Chris vanished in a flash of silver light.

"You won't catch me off guard with the same trick twice!" Yaeger declared, her external aura morphing into fox tails that began to dance gracefully behind her.

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