Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 436: Love Is A Ray Of Incredibly Green Light

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The light sphere before Yaeger instantly shattered, releasing a burst of mesmerizing green light that enveloped the entire space. The surroundings transformed into a tranquil green hue, creating an oddly soothing atmosphere. It felt as if they were immersed in a lush forest, bringing about a profound sense of comfort to everyone present.

Silence filled the air, with all eyes fixed on the radiant green orb. It was evident that this was the coveted reward concealed within the sphere. The tension in the room escalated, and a palpable nervousness gripped everyone's hearts.

The stakes were high. If they failed to obtain a curse-dispelling item this time, all their previous efforts would be in vain. Alicia's desperate need for rejuvenation and Yaeger's aspiration to reclaim her masculinity hung in the balance. The weight of anticipation burdened the souls of each individual.

Yaeger maintained a composed exterior, masking the slight unease that dwelled within her. Nevertheless, she knew there was no turning back. She had to confront the outcome, no matter what it held.

As all eyes remained fixed on her, Yaeger took a deep breath and gently tapped the radiant orb. A moment of anticipation engulfed the room, holding its occupants captive in suspense.

Then, it happened.

The information panel materialized before them, revealing the long-awaited revelation.

Legendary Equipment: [Blessing of the Goddess of Life] (Low-level)

Effect 1: Cleanses the body of all negative effects and repairs the damage caused by such effects.

Effect 2: Provides complete restoration.

Description: This seed of blessing is bestowed by the goddess of life. Its miraculous healing and purifying properties are exceptionally rare.

Note: Cannot purify negative effects of Divine rank or above. Cannot reverse death.

Upon reading the message, a unanimous thought reverberated within their minds.

"Ding! We hit the jackpot!"

Elation engulfed everyone in the room, their hearts brimming with joy. Yaeger tightly clenched her fists, expressing her immense relief and gratitude for her astounding Luck stat of 666. With a single draw, all problems could be resolved. And if need be, they had the option to draw again!

Though Alicia couldn't discern the details of the item, she could sense that the radiant green light emanating from it possessed the power to suppress her curse. It was as if the curse itself quivered in fear in its presence.

"Congratulations, Alicia," Yaeger beamed, extending her hand in a warm gesture.

Alicia was taken aback, her eyes welling up with tears as an overwhelming sense of ecstasy washed over her. Finally, she was convinced that the prize they obtained was indeed a treasure capable of dispelling curses. The wait had been long and arduous, but now, everything she had yearned for was within her grasp.

Words could not adequately capture the depth of her excitement, gratitude, and sheer happiness in this pivotal moment. The gentle, alluring green light hovering in the air was everything she had hoped for—a beacon of salvation.

With every ounce of anticipation and determination, Alicia took her first step forward, ready to seize the prize that would eradicate the curse haunting her for years and restore her body to its former vitality.


In the instant Alicia took her first step, a figure suddenly lunged towards her, malicious intent gleaming in their eyes.

"Hahaha! Perfect timing, Alicia. Prepare to meet your end!" the voice echoed behind her, causing her to swiftly turn around and come face to face with a pale-faced man. His right hand extended like a deadly eagle's claw, emanating a horrifying aura.

As the menacing hand, filled with destructive energy, closed in, Alicia trembled, a foreboding sense of impending doom coursing through her veins. She realized there was no escape, unable to dodge the imminent strike. If she were hit, death would be inevitable.

She stood only a single step away from reclaiming her life, and yet someone had appeared to sabotage her. Why? Why did she deserve such contempt? Did even the heavens themselves hold disdain for her?

Alicia found herself drowning once again in boundless despair. Yunuen and Little Fairy were caught off guard, unable to react in time. Even the real-life spectators, including Nangong and the others, were taken aback. How could someone dare to intervene at such a crucial moment? Why was fate so cruel?

"Hahaha!" On the screen, the pale-faced man laughed triumphantly, his deadly claw mere centimeters away from Alicia's head. In a split second, her life would be extinguished.

Despair settled upon everyone present. It was over. Her short life was about to be snuffed out. Alicia closed her eyes, surrendering to the inevitable.

In that moment, no one could truly grasp the depths of her desperation.

"Annoying flies," indeed, even Yaeger was unable to comprehend the intensity of Alicia's despair. But she didn't need to, she had made her preparations.

With a resounding bang, a semi-transparent hand, concealed beneath the ground, moved with lightning speed. Just as the assailant entered its striking range, it unleashed a devastating blow.

Ever since Yaeger became aware of a certain someone plotting against her, she had remained vigilant, never letting her guard down. This attack was not an impulsive reaction but a calculated strike, honed by her foresight. Consequently, its power was awe-inspiring.

The force of Yaeger's strike sent the assailant hurtling through the air, akin to a volcano erupting and spewing forth molten lava.

Stunned. Shocked. Surprised. Bewildered. Ecstatic. Emotions shifted dramatically among the onlookers.

No one had anticipated Yaeger's meticulous preparations, as if already expecting for the assailant's appearance. In their elation, they had become carried away, unaware of the imminent danger.

But despite the circumstances, [Princess] remained ever watchful, ultimately neutralizing the assassin's lethal attack and saving Alicia.

Admiration filled the hearts of everyone present. They were on the verge of raising their hands in celebration, shouting, "Long live Princess!" In fact, one person in real life even did just that—Sachiel's eyelids twitched as she observed Nangong, who seemed to be inebriated.

On the other side, Rakshasa was also overcome with ecstasy. "My Princess can handle anything. Absolutely everything!"

Within the game, Little Fairy and Yunuen were so overwhelmed by the turn of events that tears nearly spilled from their eyes. In the instant the assailant had appeared before Alicia, all hope had been lost. Little did they know that everything would change. Not only was Alicia left unharmed, but the attacker himself was sent flying. The sudden and exhilarating reversal of fortunes was almost too much to comprehend.

Alicia opened her eyes, as if awakening from a deep slumber. But quickly, she regained full awareness.

Once again, the [Child of Destiny] had come to her rescue.

Her heart swelled with profound gratitude.

"Alicia, use it quickly! Yunuen and Little Fairy, protect her!" Yaeger's voice cut through the excitement, filled with tension and urgency. Unlike the rest, she was not carried away by the moment but rather on high alert. This opponent proved to be unexpectedly formidable; her charged attack had barely made a dent.

Upon hearing Yaeger's words, Alicia's intuition kicked in, and she swiftly moved into action. Approaching the green ball of light, she reached out and grasped it tightly.

In an instant, a brilliant explosion of green light engulfed Alicia. Her entire form took on a vibrant green hue, shimmering with an otherworldly glow. It was a sight that brought relief to the golden figure's gaze.

Yunuen and Little Fairy drew their weapons, positioning themselves around Alicia with solemn expressions. They understood the gravity of the situation and were prepared to defend her at all costs.

Meanwhile, the pale-faced man descended to the ground with a powerful leap, his eyes blazing with intensity. His aura surged, exuding a dangerous energy.

"It's you!" In that moment, Yaeger's eyes fell upon the nametag on his head, and she couldn't contain her surprise. The realization hit her like a thunderbolt, prompting an exclamation to escape her lips.

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