Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 416: Shadow Clone Jutsu! The Forbidden Quartet!

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As the second Swift Black Dragon landed in the arena, Alicia immediately jumped out of her seat to assist Yaeger. However, the barrier mercilessly repelled her, bouncing her back.

Yunuen acted quickly and caught Alicia in mid-air, but they were both propelled back by the force of the barrier's rejection, tumbling and stumbling until they finally regained their footing after retreating several dozen steps.

As Yaeger faced the attack of both Swift Black Dragons, the tension in the air heightened. The spectators knew that the situation was precarious. They understood that the arrival of the second dragon didn't just double the danger, but the combined force of both dragons was far greater than their individual strengths. One plus one in this case was not equal to two, but perhaps three or even four!

The assumption that the danger had increased was based on the fact that the two Swift Black Dragons were working together and had great synergy. They seemed to be coordinated and their levels were the same. Any differences in strength between them would likely be negligible.

Yaeger found herself in a perilous predicament as she faced the two coordinated Swift Black Dragons. The dragons silently communicate with each other and the injured one conjures a black energy ball in its mouth. The other dragon lunged towards Yaeger, thumping its left foot heavily on the ground, as if a mountain were descending from the sky.

Yaeger swung [Sunscorch] to push the attacking Swift Black Dragon back, but was caught off guard by the energy ball coming from the other dragon. However, just as it was about to hit her, one of Yaeger's semi transparent fox tails swung around and deflected the attack.

The washing basin-sized energy ball was deflected by a semitransparent fox tail and exploded on the barrier with a loud bang. If a person were hit by such a terrifying force, the consequences would be dire. Although Yaeger managed to fend off both Swift Black Dragons, she wasn't feeling good. The counterattacks she used earlier caused some backlash to her, and now she faced a bigger problem: she had depleted one-third of her Mana. If she couldn't finish off these Swift Black Dragons quickly, she would lose due to Mana depletion.

“The situation is grim. I must figure something out.”

Yaeger didn't have time to wonder why another Swift Black Dragon had shown up, and she didn't care. It was all too absurd and unfair.

The Swift Black Dragon that had been pushed back slammed onto the ground, then spun around and charged toward Yaeger like a black tornado. As if they were coordinated, the other Swift Black Dragon at the rear did the same. Soon, two black tornadoes were attacking Yaeger from both sides.

Observing the situation, everyone couldn't help but release a deep breath. They had now understood that these magical beasts were proficient in teamwork and were good at it.

Yaeger, or rather, Princess, was now in a perilous situation. Her face became serious as she found herself trapped between two black tornadoes. She had a limited teleportation range, and there was a cooldown period of fifteen seconds. No matter which direction she chose, she would inevitably be surrounded again.

Yaeger thought to herself, ‘Going up won't work.’ She realized that both Swift Black Dragons would quickly attack her with their deadliest attacks if she appeared on top of them.

‘Forget it, let's see who attacks faster!’ In an instant, Yaeger made a decision and used teleportation decisively.

Both black tornadoes collided in the next moment, but the anticipated result didn't occur. Once they recognized that they missed their target, they separated with remarkable synchronization. Following that, they stopped abruptly and gazed upwards. As anticipated, Yaeger was now above them.

Both Swift Black Dragons took advantage of the moment and created powerful black energy balls with their jaws, intending to kill Yaeger in one strike. However, Yaeger was quick to react, creating a massive palm that descended from above and slammed down with tremendous force. The dragons were caught off guard and unable to dodge in time. The impact was so powerful that it shattered the arena and sent gravel and dust flying everywhere.

Yunuen's heart was filled with excitement as she watched the battle unfold from the spectator seats.

‘As expected of the [Princess], she's invincible!’ Little Fairy was stunned by the display of power.

‘So… Powerful…’ Alicia let out a quiet sigh of relief.

In real life, Nangong hugged Sachiel tightly and screamed in excitement, while the latter seemed helpless. Meanwhile, Pixie was deep in thought, ‘So powerful. If I sparred with Princess in-game, I would probably lose within three exchanges.'

Inside an apartment unit in Roc City, Rakshasa exclaimed in excitement, "My princess is the strongest in the world!" She couldn't contain her excitement and punched her mattress uncontrollably. At first, she was worried, but after seeing the impressive performance of [Princess], her worries vanished.

"Oh, I nearly forgot," Rakshasa exclaimed. "Princess hasn't even entered her ‘zone' yet." With this realization, the last remnants of worry in her heart dissipated completely.

As two deafening roars echoed throughout the arena, the dust clouds dissipated, revealing the worn-out figures of the two black dragons. The first dragon, already injured by Yaeger's earlier attack, now had an added layer of damage, its eyes showing a mixture of anger and exhaustion. The second dragon, having just joined the battle, wasn't as heavily injured as the first one due to sharing the palm attack's damage.

Yaeger stood between the two dragons, her face solemn and slightly pale. She clenched her right hand around [Sunscorch], and it trembled imperceptibly for a moment.

"The situation is really exhausting, facing two Jade-ranked Magic Beasts at the same time," Yaeger thought to herself, still recovering from her previous attack which had consumed a lot of her energy. "Let's take down one first, then deal with the other," she decided, her gaze landing on the first Dragon which was the most injured and therefore the easiest to handle.

As Yaeger directed her attention to the injured first Dragon, it became aware of her hostile intentions and responded with anger, emitting a dark aura. The second Dragon followed suit, both of them gradually intensifying their auras until they took on a physical form. To Yaeger's surprise, the auras materialized into duplicates of the Swift Black Dragons, resulting in a total of four of them. They had formed the Forbidden Quartet.

Everyone was left stunned as they witnessed the scene unfold before them. It was already a challenge to deal with two Swift Black Dragons, but now that their numbers had doubled, the task became exponentially more difficult.

"This is problematic." Yaeger's expression turned grave as she watched the four Swift Black Dragons. She couldn't come up with a solution right away.

Suddenly, all four dragons moved simultaneously and positioned themselves at each corner of the arena. With their powerful limbs gripping the ground, they stared at Yaeger with bloodshot eyes and opened their mouths filled with sharp fangs. Black aura began to coalesce into balls within their mouths.

"This trick again?" Yaeger narrowed her eyes, realizing the situation. She had no other option but to dodge upwards to evade the attack. However, the instant she leaped upward, she knew that they would concentrate their firepower on her for the second time.

‘These Dragons are too spread out for me to counterattack… What should I do?’ Yaeger pondered, feeling stuck. But just as she was considering her options, the Forbidden Quartet launched their assault, firing off four black energy pillars.

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