Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 415: Intense Fight! Double The Excitement!

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Observing Yaeger's transformation, the Swift Black Dragon didn't pause to assess the circumstances. Rather, it accelerated and lunged forward. Its limbs thrashed about swiftly, transforming its massive body into a roaring train. The sheer intensity of its presence even caused the viewers of the broadcast to experience a sensation of suffocation.

Yunuen and Little Fairy were visibly anxious on the scene. Although Yaeger held the upper hand, the Swift Black Dragon possessed a tough hide and formidable strikes. A single mistake could result in dire consequences if it managed to land a hit. However, Alicia remained remarkably composed.

By the time Yeager achieved the Platinum rank, she was already aware of the exceptional strength and potential possessed by her [Child of Destiny]. Even a Jade-ranked Swift Black Dragon would be no match for her.

In the arena, Yeager stood motionless with an indifferent expression, as if she were completely disregarding her opponent's attacks.

The Swift Black Dragon felt insulted and let out a loud roar. Its powerful cry produced an intense shockwave that rushed towards Yeager like a cannonball. In response, Yeager casually pushed her hands forward and her aura formed a nearly translucent [Sphere], instantly covering her.

As the shockwave hit, a loud noise erupted. However, despite its deafening sound, its effects were negligible, merely causing some ripples in Yeager's defensive barrier.

‘You have been fooled. This is my true attack! Ant!' The Swift Black Dragon approached Yeager and grabbed the ground with its thick claws. It spun rapidly and swung its tail, which resembled a massive bludgeon, towards her.

Yeager widened her eyes as the spiky tail approached her. However, without pausing, she tipped her toes and rapidly backed off, utilizing the power of wind.

The spiky tail missed its target the next moment. However, the Swift Black Dragon was not finished attacking. It continued to spin its body and chase Yeager while swiping its tail.

"This is so annoying," Yeager thought to herself as she faced the unstoppable AoE attack. Even a glancing blow from it would cause immense damage, and while losing some health points wasn't a big deal, it was still painful. She wasn't a *********, so being hurt was not something she enjoyed.

She backed off repeatedly until she reached the corner of the arena. There was nowhere else to go.

The Swift Black Dragon let out a roar as it suddenly stopped spinning and lunged forward, swinging its thick, black forelegs with spiky claws at Yeager like a mad dog. This attack was quick, accurate, and deadly, capitalizing on the terrain to make it unavoidable from any angle.

"He's not brainless after all," Yeager thought as she faced the Swift Black Dragon's ultimate attack. "He used a seemingly stupid way to push me into a corner at first, then suddenly unleashed this attack. Since the arena's barrier is open, I might as well lean against the wall. There's no avoiding it."

Despite the desperation of the situation, Yeager smiled.

The Swift Black Dragon was confused to see Yeager, the ant it was about to crush, smiling. However, it didn't care, as she was just a mere ant that would be flattened anyway.

With a booming sound, the massive claw landed on Yeager. But to everyone's surprise, she didn't die.

"Greatwave!" Yeager's voice rang out as the Swift Black Dragon's attack missed its mark and left only shattered floor tiles in its wake. As the dragon was dazed, it suddenly heard Yeager's voice above it. Quickly looking up, it saw an ocean of sword energy surging towards it. The attack was utterly unavoidable!

The Swift Black Dragon didn't have time to think about how Yeager had evaded its fatal strike. It spun rapidly, becoming a black tornado as it faced Yeager's Greatwave head-on. In that moment, the arena shook intensely, the force of their clash creating a powerful shockwave.

Yeager's attack didn't end with Greatwave. She swung Sunscorch, and layers of even stronger sword energy stacked upon each other, creating the Thousand Waves attack. By the time the attack reached the Swift Black Dragon, there were already a thousand layers of sword energy. Seeing that a new wave of attacks had arrived, the Swift Black Dragon's eyes became grim. It roared without hesitation, determined to face the attack head-on once again.

The Swift Black Dragon's roar was clearly weaker against the thousand-layer sword energy. Within an instant, its attack was nullified as the Thousand Waves slammed into it like a real ocean. The sound of waves could be heard on the scene as the attack hit with full force. Immediately after, hundreds of wounds of varying sizes appeared on its body, and fresh blood sprayed everywhere.

The Thousand Waves attack completely destroyed the Swift Black Dragon's source of pride, its defense. The dragon was both scared and angry, with bloodshot eyes and flames seemingly erupting from the bottom of its heart. Above, Yaeger didn't stop attacking as she threw out [Sunscorch]. Its target was the Swift Black Dragon's head.

As [Sunscorch] flew towards it, the Swift Black Dragon let out a deafening roar and fired a black energy ball from its mouth. The two forces collided, causing a massive explosion and sending shockwaves in all directions. Despite the power of the energy ball, it was unable to stop [Sunscorch], and the sword energy sliced through it with a flash of light, causing blood to spray in all directions.

The Swift Black Dragon was now covered in wounds, and Yaeger was not in the mood for any more games. She landed on the ground and transformed into her fox form, her nine tails swishing behind her.

True to her word, she knew it was time to finish this battle once and for all.

Yaeger moved swiftly, approaching the Swift Black Dragon like a phantom, and whipping its body with all nine tails while also punching it with fierce strikes. The sound of her blows was like that of artillery shots, echoing throughout the arena.

As they watched the one-sided fight unfold, the spectators in the arena and those watching the broadcast were on the verge of screaming with excitement. Despite facing an opponent of a much higher level, their "Princess" was still as dominant and invincible as ever.

Suddenly, the Swift Black Dragon was sent flying and crashed into the arena barrier, sliding to the ground with a loud bang.

"The match has ended," Alicia announced abruptly. Yunuen and Little Fairy nodded in agreement. There was no doubt that the victor of the battle was none other than the [Princess].

As the spectators assumed the battle was coming to an end, a rumble interrupted their thoughts. A stone door gradually rose on the opposite side of the audience hall, emanating a crimson light. Suddenly, a colossal figure leaped out from the opening, landing heavily on the barrier.

Yaeger's eyes twitched as she looked up to see another Jade-ranked Swift Black Dragon jumping out from the recently opened stone door.

"What's happening?" Yunuen asked, alarmed by the sudden appearance of another Jade-ranked Swift Black Dragon.

"I'm not sure," Alicia replied, shaking her head in confusion at this unexpected turn of events. "But we're safe for now, the barrier…" Before she could finish her sentence, the barrier above the arena cracked open, revealing a wide gap. The second Swift Black Dragon wasted no time and landed inside the arena.

At this time, the previously knocked-out Swift Black Dragon suddenly sprang up as if energized. The two dragons then took different positions and launched a coordinated attack on Yaeger.

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