Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 417: Nightmare Princess Descends!

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Yaeger directed her attention towards the fierce and intense quadruple attack. Yeager jumped up using while tiptoeing.

‘What to do next?'

Even in the face of immense danger, her mind spun rapidly as she calmly sought out a solution.

‘The four dragons will definitely launch the second attack after I jump up. But based on my current situation, it's hard to dodge the next attack. [Void Walk] allows me to enter the void. But if they see me as I do it, it would be a lot less effective. I'll be vulnerable to attacks.

With four pairs of eyes staring at me, all my movements are exposed. If I use [Flash], I'll still end up within their attack range in the end. I'm getting a headache…'

Within the moment, Yaeger couldn't think of a good solution.

At that very moment, four streams of black light hit the location under her.

They collided violently.

Surprisingly, the four streams of black energy with destructive aura didn't explode. Instead, they merged ominously.

‘Oh no!'

Yaeger's eyes became wide, as if she could foresee the future and knew what would happen next.


As expected, A massive pillar of black light travelled up.

Facing such an unexpected and fast attack, it was virtually unavoidable!

Within an instant, the black pillar broke the barrier and surged to the ceiling.

Immediately after, a circular shockwave was created, and the entire arena shook.

Such a terrifying and immense impact!

The impact of the attack was both terrifying and immense. If it weren't for the barrier absorbing most of its energy, those outside the arena, including Alicia and the other spectators, would have been injured as well.

At this moment, both the spectators on the scene and on the broadcast were all dazed.

That attack was too quick and too sudden, they couldn't react at all!

No, even Yaeger possibly couldn't react to it.

Was she about to pay a terrible price for her mistake?

Alicia clenched her hands tightly as her heart was filled with worry.

If she was directly hit by that terrifying attack, she would be permanently injured if not killed!

Yunuen bit her lip forcefully as her gaze remained still. She didn't believe that the undefeatable [Princess] would suffer defeat here.

Little Fairy stared at the black pillar and frowned.

In her impression, Black-hearted Princess was quintessentially undefeatable and immortal.

Would she actually witness her first defeat in this place, at this very moment?

In real life, Nangong and the rest stared at the projection screen while feeling trepidation.

In a certain apartment unit, Rakshasa's phone fell onto the bed. After a moment, she picked it up and continue staring at the screen.

‘My Princess will never lose!'

In the arena.

The black pillar of light dissipated.

Four pairs of Dragon eyes suddenly opened wide.

They actually saw the ant!

She wasn't killed by that attack!

In mid-air, there was a beautiful figure. No, it was a haggard figure.

At this moment, Yaeger's aura was crumbling, her expression pale, blood trickled down her lips, all her Equipment were damaged, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

Yet, her eyes were filled with rage.

Immense rage!

If she didn't create a defensive barrier with all her strength at that split-second that absorbed some of the damage, the previous attack was enough to vaporize her!

Seeing that she was fine, everyone was relieved.

But after taking a closer look, they were worried again.

Because Yaeger's condition was now much worse. It was a matter of time before she lost since she was facing four Swift Black Dragons.

Yet, Rakshasa was the only one who was excited.

For a single reason…

"You guys… Actually hurt me so much!"

Yaeger suddenly spoke as she landed on the ground.

The next moment, aura surged wildly from within her body and red light radiated.


Immediately after, she slammed onto the ground. Like blooming petals, impact force spread oit everywhere.

As a response, the Swift Black Dragons used the same trick and started manifesting black energy balls in their mouths.

However, they were still too slow!

With a flash, Yaeger appeared in front of a Swift Black Dragon like a phantom.

This Dragon had a vacant gaze and a relatively weak aura. It was the clone of the first Dragon.

At this moment, it opened its mouth and was about to unleash a destructive black pillar. Despite realizing that Jaeger was in front, it still couldn't react.

"Let's start with you." With that said, the clone noticed her beautiful lake within its field of vision.

But it only appeared for a split second.

Because the moment it saw her beautiful leg, its entire face was instantly deformed by her kick and was almost separated from its body.

The powerful force lifted it off the ground and sent it flying like a cannonball!

Yaeger then disappeared, only to reappear next to another clone. Her intense aura manifested a semitransparent palm and slapped out!

This Dragon clone was swatted away like a tennis ball.

Immediately after, everyone saw the Dragon clones slamming into the original Dragons.

Fast! Very fast!

Not only did the audience failed to react due to her immense speed, even the Dragons couldn't.

"Hiss!" It was too late when they reacted. Both clones respectively slammed into both original Dragons, which seemed like a horrible car accident had happened.

"[Greatwave]!" Yaeger pressed the advantage. Swinging [Sunscorch], a wave of sword energy instantly surged with terrifying power!

The four Swift Black Dragons had nowhere to go. They were smacked silly by the ocean of sword energy. Fresh blood sprayed everywhere and wails were heard.

"Bloom for me." Yaeger didn't stop attacking. Swapping into her crossbow, [Berserk Thunder] appeared and [Multi Shot] was unleashed!

Her Attack Speed and Attack Damage were at least twice as much as before!

Bolts with purple electricity landed on the four Swift Black Dragons like a raging storm. It wasn't over yet. Lightning strikes were heard on the scene as a purple electric storm swept everything up!

At this moment, Alicia was reminded of a crystal recording that she saw before.

It was the footage of her and Yasa fighting in the [Castle Arena].

At that time, [Princess] was suppressed by Yasa in the first stage but exploded in strength in the second stage, and nearly smashed Yasa into paste.

Now, she was doing the same thing again!

Such a one-sided fight and oppressive beaten down dazzled Yunuen andthe rest. Their bodies trembled uncontrollably!

In a certain apartment unit in real life.

‘Ah. It's wet.'

Rakshasa wiped her saliva off the screen. Her glowing beautiful eyes stared at the dazzling and unparalleled figure, she couldn't help but became restless.

‘I want to be with Princess!'

In the game, on the arena.

The purple storm dissipated. Both Swift Black Dragon clones disappeared after dissipating into black particles, while both actual Dragons fell on the ground.

At the same time, Yaeger's rain of bolts was over.

However, her attacks were far from over.

She stepped out with her left foot and flashed away, appearing in front of both Dragons within the blink of an eye. Her fox coat appeared, and nine tails danced wildly.

Another rain of attacks was here!

The two Swift Black Dragon were smacked as they fell from the air and landed on the ground. They were definitely angered and dazed.

As their damage accumulated, their completely exploded in frustration the moment they landed on the ground and shattered the arena platform.

Their bloodshot eyes were filled with rage!

Special Skills.

[Berserk] [Shadow Dash]

Used at the same time!

The first Dragon raised its head and shot out a destructive pillar of light.

The second Dragon wildly swung its claws.

Yaeger, who slammed both dragons into the ground and was levitating in air, didn't expect that they would react so quickly.

By now, she couldn't defend herself and couldn't dodge.

Fortunately, the first Dragon was either concussed or had terrible aim to begin with. Its pillar of light with destructive aura missed Yaeger by a dime.

Despite that, it caused significant damage. Yaeger instantly lost one-third of her health points.

On the other side, claws were swung. Sharp blades of wind were shot at her.

This time, Yaeger wasn't so lucky. She was struck many times and her health points were reduced to 3%.

Not only that, she was also sent flying and thus had a hard time dodging. If the Swift Black Dragon launched another attack, she would definitely be killed!

At this moment, Yaeger was in a terrible situation!

‘It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much, like my nerves are severed, like my brain got stabbed by a screwdriver that is twisting around!'

The immense pain caused by both attacks tortured her to the point that she stopped thinking.

She couldn't figure out a solution.

She couldn't do a thing to survive.

It was a dead end for her!

Among the spectator seats, everyone despaired.

In real life, Nangong and the rest despaired.

Only Rakshasa felt a glimmer of hope.

As if her negligible glimmer of hope had received a response…

Something unexpected happened!

A black storm suddenly swept across the arena. Yaeger in mid-air was covered with black aura. Her eyes were stained with blood due to immense pain started glowing with red light. It stained her [Flower of the Tall Peak] into a bloody color.

The pitch-black aura instantly stained all her Equipment into an abyssal black.

Not only that, a pair of giant black wings also spread out behind her back, which resembled the wings of a demon!

Yaeger was actually undergoing both external and internal changes.

Her nearly depleted Mana was instantly filled. Her body became incredibly light, as if she was filled with inexhaustible strength!

The scene became deafeningly quiet.

Everyone was flabbergasted and stunned.

They never imagined that [Princess] would undergo such a horrifying transformation at this moment.

Even Rakshasa was shocked.

She thought that [Princess] would use [Final Strike] to turn the tide, like she used to.

She didn't expect that the enemies had these tricks hidden up their sleeves.

But soon, her fear turned into joy.

No matter what happened, [Princess] was her loved one.

Her winning and surviving was the most important thing of all!

On the arena, both Swift Black Dragons were shocked and terrified after feeling the oppressive aura coming from her. There are massive bodies were actually trembling.

Within the spectator seats, a blue petite figure was also trembling.

She was scared!

Uncontrollable fear was emerging from the bottom of her heart!


At this moment, the wings of darkness were unfolded, and the entire place trembled intensely!

Yaeger, with black attire and a bloody flower on her head, emerged. With flowing black hair, glowing red eyes, and a black crossbow in hand, she seemed like a female goddess that had descended from heaven to the depths of hell!

Beautiful, majestic, but horrifying!

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