Chapter 943: The only way to win respect

To say that the most nervous people are actually the leaders of the two schools.

At this stage of the competition, it can be said that there are many changes. With each ranking change, it is the school's honor to follow the ups and downs of the game in the hearts of the leaders.

I thought the game was a four-person contest between the two captains-Dong Haojie of Pengcheng University, Xue Yu of the University of Science and Technology, and two outstanding players Yao Yi and Yue Linger.

The early advantage of the University of Science and Technology in racing has almost made Pengcheng University lose confidence. Later, Yao Yi’s unrespectable and pitying adventures in the tropical rain forest ignited the confidence of Pengcheng University. Before B's expectations lasted for two minutes, the game changed drastically again.

***White Honda Jedi has overtaken!

But if you have been observing the white Honda, it is not difficult to find that from the beginning of the race, this car has methodically seized the opportunity to overtake one after another, and it has taken advantage of several obstacles.

The current championship battle has become a fun battle between white Honda and Lamborghini.

Yue Ling'er, her complexion was flushed at the moment, and her body was sweaty. In addition to the exhaustion of long-term competition and the sultry heat in the car, the tight pace of the white Honda made her anxious. However, she had to slow down in a series of hairpins. The white Honda slid out a big bend from its outer lane with awe-inspiring momentum, and then overturned.

She became more annoyed and anxious, and Pengcheng Bend was like a cage of trapped beasts, making people feel upset and irritable. And the other party is clearly incomparable with his own in terms of control, and he has repeatedly drifted out of the outer circle without saving time, but it can't be removed like a dog skin plaster!

She naturally knew that the reason why the opponent's control could not be compared with her own was that Wei Sheng was not in the driving position.

She also knew that her speed did not have the slightest advantage in Pengcheng Bend. She often bumped into the wall and slowed down again and again, as if the trapped beast was unable to break through the encirclement, making the white Honda even keep drifting in big corners, taking the lead in the flowing water.

Yue Ling'er slowly closed his eyes, pursing his lips again and hurriedly catching up.

However, after going out of the hairpin bend, facing a straight way back, Lamborghini had the advantage in the straight line, and Yue Linger just sighed in relief and suddenly stayed.

As the vehicle speeded, the obstacles at the end of the road came into view.

She suddenly smashed the steering wheel with her hand, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Who chose the roadblock!"


"Sneezes!" Dong Haojie sneezed sharply while turning.


Wei Sheng was also taken aback when he saw 100 meters ahead, and smiled weirdly, "What did Dong Haojie think." This obstacle was set for F1 racers. During the regular competition, the referee should raise the yellow flag to indicate that there is something ahead. Obstacles are indeed a major attraction in the event.

But the campus cup is unnecessary.

When there were still two hundred meters away from the obstacle, Wei Sheng stretched out his hand to adjust the steering wheel of the field circle, "a throttle rushed over."

Tian Quanquan said cryingly, "I will be closer..."

"Catch up." Wei Sheng reminded.

The field circle immediately gritted his teeth and screamed as he passed through the obstacle. The silver-gray barrier walls on both sides flashed backwards. The field circle felt that he would definitely be brave in this competition, but it was the same. The calming effect brought by Wei Sheng's calm complexion from the beginning to the end is inseparable. If Wei Sheng shows even the slightest panic next to her, she may have to retreat countless times.

In the stands, the audience exclaimed one after another, once again seeing the white Honda speeding all the way without slowing down in front of the obstacles. From a distance, it was as if the two walls of the car body passed through precisely before the obstacles on both sides!

Crossing the first obstacle, a hundred meters away is another obstacle for passing through. This time the entrance is deviated to the left. The car seems to have not adjusted, or perhaps it has been adjusted so little. Anyway, I saw it galloping out of the first obstacle, and then rushed. Enter the second obstacle, the third...

After the three obstacles, the car body slowly slowed down and went straight to the gate of the Science Park.

Wei Sheng said, "It's scary to see you, there are detour obstacles in other stadiums, and it's cheaper for you not to catch up."

Tian Quanquan cried and said, "Is it number one?"


The field circle showed excitement, and rushed into the gate of the science and technology park with a kick and drove to the end, "It's so awesome! I can't see where their car is!"

Wei Sheng couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, "There is nothing to be proud of. You are cheap to pick up these obstacles today. Otherwise, even if we chase the situation back at Pengcheng Bend, this return journey will be chased by Yue Linger. on."

The white Honda slowly stopped at the finish line, but the audience seemed to be unable to accept the ending in the first time. There was no applause or shout.

Cai Dexin, the president of Pengcheng University, was a little stunned. He watched from the screen and saw that Dong Haojie's vehicle had just come out of the long winding road, and Yue Linger was entering the second roadblock. As for the five vehicles in the two schools at the back The participating cars were even stuck in Pengcheng Bend at the moment. One of the BMW Z4s from the University of Science and Technology seemed to be stuck in a diagonal corner at the moment, trying to reverse and turn around to find the angle of turning...

Therefore, the seats in the University of Science and Technology are silent at this moment.

A warm smile appeared on Cai Dexin’s face, his eyes were bright and he stood up and took the lead to applaud. When his applause sounded, the surrounding leaders suddenly remembered, and then they clapped their hands. The applause gradually expanded, like thunder, including the shouts of the students. Sound, the cheer of the cheerleaders recovered.

The science and technology park became lively.

Wei Sheng leaned against the car with a candy bar and stretched out his muscles, "The performance is really good, at least it didn't turn off."

Tian Quanquan smiled embarrassedly, "Last time I was a little nervous when I didn't master the technique. I always turned off and I didn't get an accident."

The Fang Yue Linger's vehicle had already reached the finish line and slowly stopped by the Honda car. She did not get out of the car. Instead, she stretched out her hand in a daze for the car door, then retracted her hand and slowly put her forehead against the steering wheel.

The next moment, she slid down the car window and turned to look at Wei Sheng outside the window faintly, "You won."

Wei Sheng stared at her non-committal.

Yue Ling'er said with scorching eyes, "So you intend to use this method to humiliate me? I hope you can sit upright in that position and compete with me." She pointed to the Honda driving position.

Wei Sheng smiled, “When I first came out, I didn’t think that every player I wanted to challenge should treat me as an opponent. The only way to win respect was if I really stood there. Location, not by my princess' disease."

Yue Ling'er was stunned.

Wei Sheng bent over Yue Ling'er's car window, staring at her with scorching eyes, "I just wanted to help the circle win a prize in the campus competition. It happened at this time that you challenged me. I didn't challenge. It's not because you deliberately avoided my original intention, it's that simple."

Wei Sheng took the corner of his mouth and said, "But your intention is correct, and through this competition, I look forward to seeing you on a larger stage in the future."

Yao Yi's vehicle has returned to its place. After getting out of the vehicle, he closed the door abruptly, pointed to the field circle and shouted, "She cheated!"

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