Chapter 944: stupid teammate

After hearing Wei Sheng's words, Yue Linger's eyes flickered, and she asked stubbornly, "Are you planning to see me on a larger stage, or to meet me?"

Wei Sheng smiled and got out of the car window and straightened up, "It depends on your ability."

Having said that, Wei Sheng turned around and stretched out, "Racing is a rough sport. If every one of my opponents is willing to show respect to me politely before the game, there will be no current Me and you do the same."

"So I should thank you for your humiliation?" Yue Ling'er was exasperated and leaned forward to ask.

"I didn't humiliate you." Wei Sheng emphasized, and added with a smile, "When you are qualified to be my opponent, I will be happy to humiliate you on the track."

"Arrogant." Yue Ling'er smiled and gave an evaluation, but her beautiful eyes couldn't stop staring at Wei Sheng's back. He didn't know whether it was annoyance or what it was like. Cheap."

She was looking for some face innocently, and Wei Sheng nodded without comment.

"She cheated!" Yao Yi's voice came at this moment.

Wei Sheng stretched his waist and paused for a while, then looked back at Yao Yi who was jumping out of the car door indignantly. Fang Yue Linger was also slightly taken aback, and then sat in the driver's seat with his chest folded, "It seems that you are going to fight in your nest."

The field circle was pointed at by Yao Yi, and his face flushed, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

The suspended seats landed slowly.

At this moment, the other vehicles in the rear also returned to their positions one by one. Before Dong Haojie pulled the handbrake, he heard that Yao Yizheng from the outside was arguing with Tian Quanquan.

Yao Yi sneered at Wei Sheng and said loudly to the leaders of Pengda, "I saw Tianquanquan hired foreign aid! Someone was sitting in the co-pilot to help her control it! That's her!"

There was an uproar in the field.

Dong Haojie hurriedly opened the car door, stepped forward and held Yao Yi's arm in a low voice, "You are crazy! What are you going to do with science and technology? Besides, Wei Sheng is also a student in our school. What kind of foreign aid?"

I heard that Wei Sheng is also a student of Peng University. Yao Yi twisted his eyebrows. He didn't know who Wei Sheng was. Then he raised his arm and threw away Dong Haojie and said, "What a joke, is it that two people can control a car? Rules are rules. I, Yao Yi, came to the game, not the one who played home with you! I ask for a heavy comparison."

Dong Haojie snarled angrily, "Is your head rusty! Heaviness? Heaviness? Can you beat HKUST?"

Yao Yi couldn't help it anymore, and said with a stern voice, "I can't win but I'm at least convinced to lose! Now I'm not convinced!"

The other two Pengda contestants stood beside Dong Haojie and Yao Yi. You look at me, I look at me, and then at the field circle standing in the distance.

From a selfish point of view, they would prefer Yao Yi to get the second place. The prize money can be more than several thousand yuan. They do not expect that the field circle that won the first place will be willing to share the fruits of victory with them. .

After all, they all humiliated the field circle earlier.

But at the beginning of the race, the field circle overtakes and they help her intercept the vehicles behind her, but she did not expect her to overtake and win first place.

One of them pondered and said, "Although there is nothing wrong with winning, it is indeed a bit unfair to Yao Yi."

"Originally, Yao Yi could get second." The other person also said.

Yao Yi said angrily, "I might have won first place without the field circle! I overtake Yue Linger at Pengcheng Bend. If the car in the field circle catches up to anger Yue Ling'er, she might not Courage to break through the cauldron and sink the boat to speed up to overtake me! The field circle interfered with me with foreign aid, and everyone saw it! Dong Haojie, are you planning to make me dumb for the honor of your school?"

Tianquan was also angry when he heard that, "First? Interfering with you? That was because Wei Sheng didn't sign up. If she really signs up by herself, I guess you won't even be able to see the taillights! Now that everyone wins with the co-pilot, why are you still not convinced? Yao Yi, why are you so shameless when you speak? Besides, what is hindering you when we fight for the first place in the school?"

Dong Haojie twisted his eyebrows and said, "The most important thing is that the race does not stipulate that the co-pilot cannot sit on people."

Yao Yi was undoubtedly flushed with the depreciation of the field circle, and jumped into a rage, "Car taillights? Why don't you accept it? I'll tell you why I don't accept it! No one stopped you *** at the back! Don't pick this cheap Can you rush to the front? It doesn't matter, but what did you do in the tropical rain forest before the game? Are you familiar with Pengcheng Bend? Otherwise, you can get out of the corner so quickly?"

"The most important thing is." Yao Yi stretched out his hand to the nose of the field circle with a dark face, "It is not her who signed up, it is you, but it is not you who are competing with me, so I have the right to refuse!"

"S! B!" Dong Haojie took a sip towards the ground, and turned to look at the moment. The audience was quietly focused on this. Several school leaders were obviously dissatisfied with the riots.


Yue Ling'er opened the car door at this moment and looked at the scene with a smile and raised his eyebrows. He simply leaned against the car to watch the show, and Xue Yu got out of the car at this moment and came to Yue Ling'er and frowned and asked, " What's the matter with them Pengda?"

"Fighting in the nest, we haven't said that we can't do it yet, they actually pinched it." Yue Linger simply passed the matter through Daoming.

That Fang Xueyu raised his eyebrows slowly, with a smile on his face, and interjected, "It turns out that it was won by foreign aid, haha, I really look at you Pengda. Let me say, you contestants Here, Yao Yi has a bit of sportsmanship, and he dares to act and speak!"

Wei Sheng walked to the railing, and was taking the mineral water from Cui Xian outside the protective fence. While drinking the water, he stared at Yao Yi with his eyes. When he put down the water bottle, he couldn't help but wipe the corner of his mouth and said, "I'm afraid of a pig-like teammate. ."

Cui Xian stared at Yao Yi leisurely, "From the perspective of bonuses and reputation, you are his opponents."

After drinking the water, Wei Sheng returned the bottle to Cui Xian and stepped into the circle, "Who said that she was not the one who played the game? Did you see it? I also saw that you secretly fell in love with Yue Linger and deliberately gave her water."

"You fart!" Yao Yi was taken aback and then angry.

In the distance, Yue Ling'er was also startled, and he glared at Wei Sheng.

"So, if you don't have evidence, you can't talk nonsense. The race is the end of the field circle. She is also sitting in the driver's seat. The Honda car is lighter, not as good as a sports car. What happened when I sat in the co-pilot and pressed her down? No? Speaking of which, the two people in our car are at a disadvantage. Who said that you can’t get familiar with the track before the race? You have seen the map and know the obstacles are set up. Have you shown her?" Wei Sheng embraced his chest Standing in front of the Honda car, he stared at Yao Yi faintly.

Dong Haojie couldn't help secretly giving a thumbs up. The facts were in front of him. Tian Quanquan herself admitted, but she did not admit it with her eyes open, and he noticed that the cameras above the game were all overlooking from a high place. There was indeed no evidence.

Xue Yu just chuckled his head sideways and squinted, "Whether the field circle controls the car during the race, it is very simple to prove..."

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