Chapter 942: Professional and amateur

The white Honda sedan was parked in the center of Lamborghini from the very beginning, and it was laughed and questioned by the audience. However, at this moment, it has been ranked first with Yue Linger for overtaking consecutively.

Such a dramatic reversal is jaw-dropping.

This was inseparable from the fact that the other vehicles forced to stop during the fight, and the obstacles on the race road occasionally slowed their speed. Of course, it was also inseparable from Wei Sheng, who was sitting in the co-pilot position of the field circle.

If Wei Sheng is driving herself this time, she is confident that she will be able to leave all the other student vehicles behind in a few flashes of Pengcheng Bend.

As I said earlier, Pengcheng Bend has tortuous roads, and the serial turns are as difficult as the Puny Bend of the R National Suzuka Circuit. There will be accidents even if a professional racer is careless. Wei Sheng sits The co-pilot has already supported the vehicle, so he naturally did not dare to overdrive it. For safety reasons, he did not dare to exceed the speed of other student vehicles too much.

Therefore, when Yue Linger drove out to speed up, after the two cars drifted side by side and turned the corner, it was difficult for the Honda car to see the advantage again. To talk about the advantage, that is, Wei Sheng drove a lap in the Pengcheng Bend and competed. Dao's memory is not a small advantage compared to Yue Linger's groping all the way.

Even so, Yue Ling'er was still able to chase up, and Wei Sheng gave birth to a bit of appreciation.

A bit of the hard work I had in the past.

As for surpassing other students, Yu Weisheng seems to be really nothing to be proud of. In addition to the advantages of the car, almost all of the participating students can only drive to master the basic drifting technique, lack of experience, ability, and courage. , Not even an amateur player.

The technique is not even a bit worse than the Hutai County racer Wei Sheng initially faced.

Take the group of five cars that fell behind earlier. One of the BMW Z4 also wanted to seize the inside corner. As a result, before seizing, it gave up such a large gap for Wei Sheng to go up diagonally. It is impossible for an experienced player to make such a mistake. To put it bluntly, whether it is contempt or self-confidence, it is an inexperienced performance.

They didn't even notice the Honda Accord that was catching up.

This kind of competition is enough for inexperienced spectators. If you really want to form a line in front of the obstacles in the official competition, you will have to ask the organizer for a refund even if the spectators cannot overturn the seats.

You don't need yourself, even the veteran racers who signed with the Chinese team this time, or Nagard sitting in this position to control the steering wheel is enough to find too many overtaking opportunities.

Including Yue Ling'er, the seemingly skillful cornering is no different from a rookie with years of experience in the eyes of professionals with years of experience. It can be regarded as remarkable and worthy of praise, but it can only be regarded as remarkable. point.


It can be clearly seen from the big screen.

The controllable speed of the vehicles on both sides has reached the upper limit, and the white Honda and the red Lamborghini have always taken the lead, and have been overtaken from time to time.

As the field circle focused on controlling the feet, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, just like playing a game, sitting in the driving position and watching the vehicle turn sharply along every corner, drifting sideways towards every big corner, Different from the game, this is a real reality show. The piercing and sharp sound of the tires rubbing against the ground echoed in her ears, and she could almost hear her heartbeat.

Looking at Wei Sheng again, although he didn't neglect his actions, his face was calm and not flushed and breathless. A pair of eyes looked left and right, as if he had turned this corner, and the next corner has not yet appeared in front of him. She has already made a judgment.

Unlike other previous detours, the steering wheel is almost in Wei Sheng's hands when passing Pengcheng Bend, and Tian Quanquan only needs to pay attention to the feet.

From the outside world, Lamborghini's control level appears to be more fluent. White Honda often shows some rampant style when cornering, and the method seems unstable. Sometimes the corners are fast and beautiful, sometimes The bend was Mingyue Ling'er clinging to the inner wall to make a small bend, but the white Honda made a big bend far away.

But Lamborghini has never been able to get rid of the white Honda, and she has been overtaken for a while.

On the stands, Yunzi’s lips curled up with a smile, “I said it’s not the field circle that controls the car. It’s not difficult to control the accuracy of cornering when a professional driver sits in the driving position. It's different."

Wei Jun stared at the screen with bright eyes, and then suddenly curled his eyebrows and said, "Then I don't understand. Why can't Lamborghini be able to get rid of the circle with more advantages?"

Yun Zi stretched out her fingers painted with red codan, and drove to the big screen behind the vacant seat on the opposite side, saying with certainty, "Because Wei Sheng is more familiar with the track than the girl who drives Lamborghini, or she is better than that person. The predictive ability is much higher. It is the same for us to run mountain roads. The difference between professional and amateur is experience. Professional drivers definitely have the ability to judge the next corner from the terrain of the previous corner."

After that, she continued to laugh, "So don't look at the steady control of the little girl driving the sports car, she won't have an advantage in serial turns."

"You said Wei Sheng is a professional driver?" Wei Jun raised his eyebrows.

Yun Zi snorted, "I didn't believe she told me she was before she went on stage."

Wei Jun raised her eyebrows even more. This was an implication. After watching the game until now, Wei Sheng told her that she was not, she didn't believe it.

Wei Jun stared at the screen again and asked, "Who do you think will win?"

"Did you see the obstacles in the corner of Pengcheng bend? As long as your cousin is not dropped in the bend, you will be safe to win by crossing the obstacles when exiting the bend." Yunzi stretched his finger under the stands. Above the tropical rainforest park, you can see a large obstacle area at the lower left hand position. The racers have to cross the 100-meter obstacle and drive straight away from the park and return to the finish line of the Science Park.

On the track, Yao Yi, who was just overtaken, was naturally unwilling to lag behind, but he accelerated the pursuit and followed the two cars into the diagonal corner. After being too fast, he scratched the car and slowed down again and again. Now he is hateful. Having died on this track, I was even more annoyed when I set the track with Dong Haojie earlier, because I was curious about the Pengcheng Bend of China Park, and the main requirement was to add this track.

It's better now, I'm stuck in this track, and I'm here!

As a popular figure on the championship throne this time, all the forwards that Pengda participates in the car, he can't believe that he can't even win the title of runner-up.

What made him even more unbelievable was that when the white Honda passed by him just now, he clearly saw that the co-pilot sitting in the car was stretching out his arm to control the steering wheel, and the field circle invited foreign aid?

In the rear, the vehicles of Dong Haojie and Xue Yu, the captains of the two schools, were slowly approaching. Seeing their speed, the two had given up their plans to compete.

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