Chapter 317: Step into the story (one more)

This weapon fight caused the tour guide Zhang Sheng and several tourists to be injured to varying degrees. Because they were Chinese, they were attacked to varying degrees as an associate of Wei Sheng. Fortunately, Qian Bin led people to help in time, but even so , There are still some people who were kicked, some people tripped and fell to the ground and suffered serious injuries.

Fortunately, the injuries were not enough to be sent to the hospital for treatment.

Because I came with a tour group, the monk could not run to the temple. After the tour guide Zhang Sheng led everyone back to the hotel to settle and rest, the police quickly found him.

From the window of the room, Wei Sheng saw Zhang Sheng confessing the previous street conflict with the police downstairs. Because her room was on the second floor, she could hear the conversation clearly.

According to Zhang Sheng's intention, the group of foreigners suddenly rushed out from the corner of the street, and when they saw them, the Chinese were besieging them without saying a word. Fortunately, a few tourists in the tour group were able to repel them.

The police seemed to have been accustomed to this kind of things happening. They only said that Camarillo is quite chaotic right now. There is a group of Mexican criminals who often engage in violent conflicts. Zhang Sheng will pay more attention in the future and then left.

Wei Sheng knew that Zhang Sheng was not deliberately concealing anything for her and her people. In fact, the tour guide and other tourists have not figured out the situation until now, only when they encountered a violent attack by local criminals on the street. The daring little girl Wei Sheng and the other capable tourists repelled the criminals.

After all, when Wei Sheng was traveling with the group, in order not to attract unnecessary attention, the team was specially divided. When everyone was in the same tavern when they were out for dinner, they sat in different places. The other tourists in the tour group naturally did not expect these to come forward to repel The other party's people turned out to be in the same group, so I never thought that this incident was caused by this group this afternoon.

Turning his head, Wei Sheng looked at the sail sitting on one of the seats. At this moment, he was covering his cheeks with his hands and burying his face between his legs. He had been sitting like this for nearly twenty minutes.

"Let's talk about it." Wei Sheng pulled the chair and took a seat, "Why do you want to kill me."

Yangfan's body suddenly stiffened, and he slowly raised his head to look at Xiang Wei Sheng, "When did you...when did you notice it?"

Wei Sheng just smiled, turning his head and looking at the water cup on the tea table between the two, "Your state is very wrong these days, until this afternoon, you used my water cup."

Sailing sluggishly in place, "What, what do you mean?" As soon as the voice fell, the sail turned pale. He suddenly remembered that this hotel does not equip guests with water glasses, and everyone drinks the mineral water sent by the tour guide for tourists.

And Wei Sheng’s cup was brought by herself, but when he came to Wei Sheng’s room this afternoon, he was so confused that he directly took the cup that Wei Sheng had handed over to drink, and it was here to let Wei Sheng take care of herself. Suspicious.

"After this incident, during the melee today, I noticed that you were holding a knife and constantly approaching my position and sailing. You didn't look like you wanted to come over to protect me." Wei Sheng smiled slowly, and she was here today. He paid much attention to sailing during the melee, and noticed that his complex thoughts made his face gloomy, and he approached him with a murderous look, and then thought of his previous abnormal and wrong state, where Wei Sheng could not see the intention of sailing. .

"I..." Yangfan was silent before asking for a while, "Since you can see it, why didn't you just let them kill me directly, but instead wanted to save me."

"Because I brought you out." Wei Sheng leaned back towards the back of the chair, still with a confident and calm smile on his face.

Yangfan was stunned when he heard the words, he curled his eyebrows and stared at Wei Sheng, as if he wanted to see through her very puzzled.

Wei Sheng tilted his head slowly, his eyes drifting to the dark night outside the window, "Sailing, this world is countless times larger than what you know and imagine. All the weird and weird things you have ever heard Things actually happen every day. Exploitation, hardship, oppression, and resistance, we live in a seemingly peaceful country, listening to the stories of the war of heroes fighting, fighting for the country, and fighting against the army during the chaotic years of history. In fact Even now, these stories are constantly being staged, but the protagonist is too far away from us, so far away that it is only considered a story."

She turned her head and smiled and watched sailing, "I am not a conspiracy theorist, but do you think that the Swiss Airlines crash off the coast of Halifax, Canada last year was just a simple crash? You thought that M was stationed last year. The explosions that followed the Kenyan Embassy were pure accidental explosions? Do you think the nationwide anti-China riots in Indonesia last year were pure riots?"

Yangfan sat on one side and looked at her, feeling that her words seemed to be talking to herself, and she seemed to be putting her heart to heart.

I saw the girl slowly get up at this time, standing with her hand in front of the window, her eyes are as deep as water, looking at the quiet night outside the window, and she continues to tell, "The country is struggling with the country, and people are struggling. These struggles never stop. However, I have been striving for the upper reaches in order not to be oppressed, but forget that the higher I go, the more I will continue to feel the pressure of layers. At this time, if I want to break through, I cannot avoid being involved in these stories that are too far away from us. Unfortunately, he became the man in the story."

Speaking of this, she turned her head to look at him with a smile, "But this is not necessarily a bad thing. I am a lunatic, and feel that a person has to live his own way for the rest of my life. When something happens, we will solve the problem and continue to strive for excellence. I can lose to my enemy, but I don't want to lose to my brother."

Yangfan opened his mouth and sat on the spot, "Brother?"

"Since I asked Yuan Chunbo to ask you to come with Qian Bin, I have treated you as brothers, stepping into the story together, bearing the wind and rain together, and facing countless unknown situations in the future. But I seem to be mistaken, and now I just want to know. Who sent you here? Yan Baiqing?" Wei Sheng stared at him with a smile on his face.

At this time, Yangfan was already full of inexplicable feelings. As a man, Wei Sheng's words not only aroused his ambition and passion, but also made him feel ashamed and embarrassed. Others saved his life three times. This is a real deal. What happened, and compared to Wei Sheng's big story, he was simply caught up in trivial things and did his best.

Thinking of this, he abruptly stood up and slapped himself severely, "Wei Sheng! Not only did you treat me as a brother, but you also saved my life! I'm really a **** man! My conscience was eaten by a dog. I was not sent by someone, and I was not bought by anyone. I was blindfolded by lard! I, I and Li Wenmiao's mother are getting better, and I want to avenge their mother and daughter!"

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