Chapter 318: Cyril vs. Cyril (two more)

This time it was Wei Sheng's turn to raise her eyebrows in surprise, "Bao Yuya?"

When dealing with Li Xianzong, Wei Sheng naturally couldn't know who Li Xianzong's wife was. Bao Yuya heard that this woman was a charming young woman in her thirties. With her beautiful appearance, she actually earned some attention for Li Xianzong.

If she remembers correctly, Yangfan is only 25 or 26 years old, so why did she get along with Bao Yuya?

Wei Sheng is not discriminating against siblings, but Bao Yuya was Li Xianzong’s wife after all, and Yangfan was just a driver of Li Xianzong’s team. The identities of the two are very different in age. Wei Sheng thought about sailing before. Being bought in secret by Yan Baiqing, even more bizarre is just being bought by the flower party, but no matter how you say it, Wei Sheng never thought that Yangfan was actually with Li Wenmiao's mother.

After all, whether Li Wenmiao admires or likes Yangfan, this little girl always has some unusual affection for Yangfan.

"You go back and rest first." Wei Sheng felt that this matter had to be considered for a long time. Now there are too few people around him. Since he wants to use sailing, this matter has to be handled properly.

When Yangfan opened the door and left, he collided with Cyril, who was standing at the door at a loss. The former hurriedly left with a face of shame, while the latter scooted his head into the room. After seeing Wei Sheng, he smiled and entered the door, "Hi!"

After only saying hello, Cyril rubbed his hands in embarrassment and looked up the room furnishings wanderingly.

It turned out that just after the battle, Wei Sheng and the others had to go back to the hotel with the tour group, so they left Cyril with an address for him to find it by himself tonight or tomorrow morning.

After returning home, Cyril was already fidgeting, thinking that he would offend Cody this time, for fear that Wei Sheng and his party would leave, and the unfortunate one was himself, so he hurried to the door.

But right now he didn't know how to ask for asylum.

"You wait a minute."

Cyril was hesitating when he saw Wei Sheng digging out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, standing by the window and dialing a call, "It's me, Cyril is right next to me now."

After saying this, Wei Sheng smiled and handed the phone to Cyril. The latter looked at the phone with a full screen without a keyboard in her hand in surprise. The call screen displayed on it had an extremely strong sense of high technology and was able to I can see that the screen resolution is very high, even clearer than his computer.

"Me?" Cyril pointed to the tip of his nose.

Wei Sheng nodded and smiled, "Remember what I said to you earlier, don't be scared, don't break my phone." While speaking, Cyril had already answered the phone suspiciously, with his hands resting on his face. Put the phone carefully to your ear.

Wei Sheng hugged her chest and leaned against the window sill. She believed Cyril had a way to convince Cyril that he was Cyril...

Why did these words feel so convoluted, Wei Sheng frowned and smiled bitterly.

Seeing something on the phone, Cyril first raised his eyebrows and stared suspiciously at Wei Sheng. Then his facial expression gradually turned into surprise, and the degree of surprise grew.

"Oh! God! How do you know? I never told anyone about this!" Cyril suddenly exclaimed, "No, no, no! Unless you tell me the source code I wrote for the first time..."

"Oh! Damn! God! No one else knows about this!" Cyril yelled again with a bit of annoyance and surprise.

"Unless you tell me which hacking tools and programs I have collected!" Cyril was already walking back and forth in the room at this moment, "Oh! No! No! No!"

In the end, somehow, he bounced violently on Wei Sheng’s bed, "Are you saying that I will fall in love with Tocumomos? Oh! Don't bother with those future guys, maybe I will change the future? You didn't walk with her. Finally, it means that you don’t love each other enough! Since I can predict the future, why not love her bravely? Let her be inseparable from me. Maybe we will get married and have many children..."

Wei Sheng stared at Cyril with a weird expression at the moment. Obviously he had accepted that Cyril on the other end of the phone was a fact of Cyril.

At this time, Wei Sheng finally couldn't help but walked forward, grabbed the phone and pressed the PA, then threw the phone on the bed, and heard Cyril roaring from the other end of the phone, "That **** deceived us ten Years of love! She reported us like the World Anti-Hacker Organization! Eventually ran away with an old Californian man! Oh! Wake up brat!"

On the bed, Cyril stared at the phone with an awkward expression, then looked up at Wei Sheng, and finally yelled at the phone, "It should be you wake up! You old fellow! Why use your failure experience to teach me! Kumoses just fell in love with me now, which is different from you, don’t forget that you will only fall in love next year!"

While speaking, he already picked up the phone and fiddled around. Wei Sheng was afraid that he would accidentally hang up the phone. However, he quickly found the amplifying key, pressed it and continued to hold it to his ear, trying to stop Wei Sheng I heard the argument on the other end of the phone.

What Wei Sheng didn't expect was that the phone call surrounded Tokumoses for a full twenty minutes of arguing. Fortunately, this time-space bug hasn’t found the issue of calling charges yet, otherwise she guessed that this kind of cross-world long-distance charge must be Not too low.

Until he hung up, Cyril turned his head to look at Wei Sheng angrily, "He asked me to return to Country Z with you."

"Are you willing?" Wei Sheng stepped forward and took the phone.

Cyril's eyes slowly glowed, "He said he can give me a lot of source code, and I can help you change the world! Build a huge Internet empire."

Internet Empire...

Hearing this, Wei Sheng's heart also missed a beat. She returned to the window with a look as usual and picked up the water glass, "Are you willing?"

Cyril lowered his head and groaned, "If so, then Tokumoses would not abandon me for an old California man... Oh! Damn! Why is it an old California man? Even the **** Enoch Cody. Assholes are fine too!"

There is no mirror in the room, but Wei Sheng guessed that he was darkened at this time.

Sure enough, there is a kind of pain that only people who come over will know it, and the person hasn't experienced it yet, even if they know that there is a pit ahead, they must jump in and try the depth.

If Cyril’s idiot didn’t mention Tokumoses on the phone, then maybe Cyril could gradually forget the relationship that hadn’t started as she returned to Country Z, but now, it’s obviously because they know they will Falling in love makes him feel more eager.

Wei Sheng smiled helplessly and took a sip of water, "So you want to go back with me?"

Cyril licked his dry lips, as if it was only then that he realized that something happened just now. He stared at Wei Sheng's phone still pinched in his hand, "This is amazing, you are from... ...Come back in the future?"

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