Chapter 316: Camarillo Street Fight (five watch)

The leader of Southsiders roaming in Camarillo is called Buddy. He leads a huge gang of nearly fifty people in Camarillo. Foreign gangs are different in nature from Country Z. A large-scale gang is also on The scale of a hundred people, especially Southsiders is a team composed of Mexicans in country M. The scale of nearly fifty people in Camarillo is no small.

They are engaged in drug trafficking and reselling small-scale guns and ammunition for their livelihoods. They have fought against the local police in Camarillo on the streets several times. They are notorious and notorious in the local area.

They also have many tricks to make money. In addition to drugs and guns, they also cooperate with some of the city’s more prestigious students on tour groups. They take the paid students to Los Angeles to contact the local Southsiders gang, and make money with words such as gangster day trips. It's a gimmick.

Cody is one of their partners,

For Cody, the humiliation suffered today can be described as a historic day.

At least until now, he can’t forget the humiliation and embarrassment of being knocked down and forced to kneel on the ground. If that’s not a big deal, then Tocumossi’s public breakup is tantamount to slamming his face. Slap in the face.

And all this is because of Cyril and his group of friends.

So he found Buddy, who heard that a group of Z people were extremely arrogant in Camarillo, and even openly beaten his benefactor, and immediately rushed to support with a dozen of his brothers, and soon he was in a nearby outdoor tavern. Saw this group of people.

At the moment when the tour guide Zhang Sheng stepped into the tavern, Wei Sheng saw a dozen or so Han Dynasty rushing here at the corner of the street behind Zhang Sheng.

This group of people have big waists and round waists. Eight or nine of them didn't even wear a shirt. The front and back were tattooed with skulls and men's and women's patterns, and they knew that they were not good.

When the group of people approached, Wei Sheng also saw Cody in the crowd, and said to Cyril, "Be careful."

Having said that, the whole person has turned around and walked to the bar with iced dark beer. He picked up an empty bottle and greeted him. Qian Bin and others naturally saw the other party at this moment, and got up after they got up. The chair, with a tight complexion, came forward.

Waiting for Wei Sheng to greet the open-air tavern, Buddy and his party have also been killed.

"It's them!" As Cody yelled, the two sides didn't even say a word, and they fought.

The rest of the people in the tavern were so scared that they were so scared that Chi Yu began to retreat one after another. Because Zhang Sheng and his party were all Chinese, they also became the targets of Southsiders' attacks. Qian Bin had to spend the two of them to stand up, and his heart was darkened. Swearing, if you are at home, you can at least have a pistol to bluff people, but how can you let them carry guns when they leave the country? Now that they offend the foreign gangsters, the other party is fierce and unusual, and I don’t know how many people will rush afterwards. Come to help, things are obviously a bit tricky!

Thinking about this, Qian Bin had already kicked abruptly, kicking the thin foreign man in front of him!

Cyril was already stunned and his eyes widened. He thought that Cody would retaliate, and even thought that Cody would ask Southsiders to retaliate, but he didn't expect the revenge to come so soon!

And among this group of people, the most complicated mind at this moment is to be sailing. He brandished the fruit knife that he had always carried in his trouser pocket, and glanced at Wei Sheng, who was walking in front of him with his slender figure and shot from time to time in the chaos. Then he moved his feet and slowly moved closer to Wei Sheng's direction.

He knows that the opportunity is indispensable! No more lost!

Such an opportunity is a godsend for him. Once he succeeds, he can even blame the other party. Even if he fails, he can run away directly in a foreign country, pinch the opportunity and hide after returning to the country.

The Zhi Uyghur Party will definitely not retaliate for a dead person, expending manpower and material resources...

While avoiding the chaotic attack, he sailed slowly closer. At this moment, he began to sweat his palms and his heartbeat speeded up. It was not that Wei Sheng left him with indelible prestige. He was so worried, but because he suddenly remembered that. After losing the battle with Miles, he was poisoned in the hotel box by Miles in public, and he almost died. His mood at that time might be unforgettable for the rest of his life.

When no one in the entire box expressed concern about his life or death, it was Wei Sheng who reminded Li Xianzong to send him to the hospital for treatment.

It can be said that without Wei Sheng's words at the time, regardless of whether he was living or not, these two legs would definitely be gone.

After that, he resisted the broken leg to watch the battle between Wei Sheng and Miles. It was also Wei Sheng who slammed Miles down the cliff, which was regarded as an indirect revenge for him. He could not remember this kindness, but he really wanted to Repay grievances...

At this time, Wei Sheng was slamming a wine bottle on Buddy's head. The latter screamed and fell to the ground. Blood rushed from his bald forehead. Buddy's men were furious. A big tattooed man suddenly took out a gun from his back. Screamed in Mexican, "Kill them!"

At this moment, Yangfan Xu was thinking too much and a little distracted. When the gunman drew a kick in the middle of the abdomen, he fell to the ground. Before struggling to get up, he was stepped on his chest by a big foot!

Yangfan was lying on the ground and his expression changed drastically. It just took a moment. He had been stepped on by a big tattooed man, and the black hole in his hand was facing his head!

Sailing only felt the buzzing of his head, and vaguely heard screams everywhere! Then he saw this tattooed man with a gun pull the bolt with his thumb...


With a gunshot from the ground, Yangfan suddenly closed his eyes. After waiting for a while, he didn't feel the pain from his body. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Wei Shengzheng standing beside him with a gun in one hand. The tattooed guy who just wanted to shoot him had already folded his legs on the ground and screamed, "Send me to the hospital! Hurry! You idiots!"

Wei Sheng just smiled faintly at him, turned and raised his gun to Buddy, who had already been opened by her bottle of wine, with a calm expression that made people never doubt that she would pull the trigger next moment.

The gun was pulled from the back of Buddy just after she hit him.

Buddy sat down on the ground, clutching his bleeding forehead, facing the gun in the opponent's hand for a moment with a hideous expression, and finally yelled at the moment when Wei Sheng slowly pulled the bolt and opened the gun, "Withdraw!"

This group of national Z people are very capable of fighting, and they are also very bold. He knows that he can no longer control the scene now, and the injuries of himself and his brother need to be bandaged in time.

This group of people came quickly and went quickly.

At this moment, the sunset on the horizon slowly disappeared, and the sky was dim as night fell.

If several veterans had been sent to protect a little girl under the age of sixteen or seven and still had some disdain in their hearts, then at this moment, they are like Yang Sail lying on the ground, looking at her with guns in hand, with a cold expression. Standing in front of everyone, standing in the streets of Camarillo...

Everyone's eyes flickered lightly, and their expressions were different.

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