Chapter 315:

Chapter 315

The next day, Yoo-hyun was dumbfounded when he arrived at Inhyun University.

It was because of the banner hanging inside the main gate.

-Live interview lecture by Han Yoo-hyun, senior of Hansung Electronics. All members of the Business Administration Student Council.

The banner was not the end.

There were also posters about Yoo-hyun’s interview lecture all over the bulletin board.

They were not very high-quality, as they were made by students, but they were full of passion.

Yoo-hyun chuckled as he recalled what Park Doo-sik, the manager, had said.

“He said it would be very casual and I just had to show up.”

That was when it happened.

Someone shoved a camera in front of Yoo-hyun, who was standing in front of the bulletin board.


“Huh? Ye-seul, what are you doing here?”

She was the daughter of the gomtang restaurant owner and a sophomore at Inhyun University. Jung Ye-seul was smiling brightly.

“What do you mean? Of course I have to come when you’re here.”

“What’s with the camera?”

“I’m a reporter for ‘College Tomorrow’. I want to film your lecture a bit.”

“No, it’s just a senior’s talk. What’s there to film?”

“Don’t worry. The true journalist is the one who can extract great content from small things.”

Jung Ye-seul, who he thought was just a young kid, now acted like Oh Eun-bi, the reporter.

Yoo-hyun made a bewildered expression when it happened.

This time, he heard a voice from behind.

“Yoo-hyun oppa.”

He turned around and saw his junior from college and a new recruit at the PR team, Jo Eun-ah.

“Eun-ah, what are you doing here?”

“I have to come when you’re giving an interview lecture.”

She said it so naturally that Yoo-hyun laughed and asked.

“What about the company?”

“This is also a business trip. I’m going to use your interview lecture as a promotional material for the business unit.”

“What? Why do you need a promotional material for that?”

It was not even a lecture in an auditorium, but a small one in a classroom.

It was more like a casual talk with a senior than a lecture.

There was no reason for the PR team to show up at such an event.

But Jo Eun-ah looked very happy.

“Hey, the HR team told me everything. It’s nice to visit the school and have some fun, right?”


Yoo-hyun was speechless for a moment.

That was not the end.

A man approached Yoo-hyun, who was surrounded by two women.

He had a rather solid impression and he suddenly bowed deeply.

“Senior, hello.”

“Oh, Han-soo, how did you manage to come?”

He was his junior who had helped him when he held a recruitment briefing session at his company.

He had joined Hansung Electronics and he should have been at the Gimpo factory now.

Yoo-hyun asked him and he answered with enthusiasm.

“I took a vacation to see you, senior.”

“What? You should have just contacted me separately.”

“No. Thank you for giving this opportunity to other juniors as well.”

He bowed again and his juniors stood behind him.

Just by looking at them, he could tell how popular Han-soo was on campus.

“Guys, say hello. This is Han Yoo-hyun senior.”

Han-soo gestured and his juniors bowed at the same time.


A loud voice rang out.

Yoo-hyun was so dumbfounded that he could not speak.

Click. Click.

Jung Ye-seul kept pressing the camera shutter even in that situation.

Jo Eun-ah quickly took out her notebook and wrote something down.

This was the scene that unfolded in front of the bulletin board inside the main gate.

Yoo-hyun’s astonishment continued even when he arrived at the place where the lecture was held.

He blinked his eyes and asked in front of the auditorium.

“It’s not a classroom but an auditorium?”

“Yes, senior. It was originally a classroom, but we changed it to an auditorium because Hansung Electronics offered to support us.”

The president of the department student council who prepared the event answered right away.

Hansung Electronics’ support?

Before he could question it in his head, Yoo-hyun saw the students crowded in front of the auditorium entrance.

They all had something in their hands and smiled brightly.

As he entered the auditorium, he saw a familiar man in front of the vending machine in the hallway.

It was Seo Chang-woo, his colleague from the HR team.

“Chang-woo hyung, why are you here?”

“Oh, Yoo-hyun, I came to support you since you’re giving a lecture.”

“Why you?”

“It’s not just me. Some people from the HR team came too.”

Seo Chang-woo gestured and he saw the people handing out pamphlets.

Yoo-hyun’s name was mentioned, so the students who were in groups recognized him.

“Oh? Is that the senior?”

“Yeah. He looks exactly like the one in the pamphlet.”

In the awkward situation, Yoo-hyun greeted them first.

“Yes. Hello.”

“Thank you for the gifts.”

“I thought it was just an interview lecture, but I didn’t know they would take care of us so well.”

“Hansung is the best.”

They all looked happy, as if they had received a lot of gifts.

The students crowded around him so much that it was hard to handle, so Han-soo stepped forward and stretched out his arm.

“Juniors, I’m sorry, but please make some room.”

He looked like a manager protecting a celebrity.

Yoo-hyun laughed and then it happened.

Seo Chang-woo, who had left his spot to his junior, pulled Yoo-hyun’s arm.

“Yoo-hyun, come here for a second.”

Then Han-soo politely pointed to the inside of the auditorium.

“Senior, I’ll guide you to a quiet place.”

“Thank you.”

Seo Chang-woo gave him a thumbs up for his sensible response.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and moved his feet.

The president of the department student council, Jung Ye-seul, and Jo Eun-ah followed him.

There was a Hansung Electronics banner hanging on the stage of the auditorium.

The place had about 200 seats, but it was mostly full even though it was still a long time before the start.

There were even students who sat on the floor because they couldn’t find a seat.

Yoo-hyun entered the waiting room of the auditorium and asked Seo Chang-woo.

“Hyung, what’s going on?”

“Well, actually…”

As he listened to Seo Chang-woo’s story, it was a snowball effect.

The mobile group director Yeo Tae-sik offered to support the gifts, and then Go Joon-ho, the product 4 manager, and Jo Chan-young, the sales and marketing manager, also joined in.

The interview lecture became an official event of Hansung Electronics, and they also gave out gifts, so the students couldn’t refuse.

“But this is a department event, right? There are too many people.”

“I don’t know about that either.”

Seo Chang-woo looked confused when it happened.

Jung Ye-seul made a V with her fingers and said.

“I already spread the rumor all over the school.”

The student council president also chimed in.

“Senior, we did our best to promote it.”

They hung up banners and put up posters, so it was understandable.

Yoo-hyun leaned his head and looked around the auditorium again.

In a short time of talking, the auditorium was already full.

He couldn’t help but worry as he opened his mouth.

“Can I do this?”

“It’s a bit cramped.”

As Seo Chang-woo nodded, the student council president of the department next to him bowed his head.

“I’m sorry. All the other auditoriums were already taken.”

“No, it’s not your fault.”

It was right after Yoo-hyun finished his sentence.

A student council junior who entered the waiting room called the student council president.

“Senior, more people are coming from the engineering department. What should we do?”

“Why? Isn’t there an event by Ilseong Electronics at the engineering department today?”

The student council junior answered the student council president’s question.

“It seems like they had a problem.”

At that moment.

Jeon Sang-hyun, a professor of business administration at Inhyeon University, faced Park Doo-sik, a deputy manager.

They had a connection since they met as assistant professors and students at the same university in the past.

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun expressed his gratitude for the support once again.

“Thank you for taking care of this. I saved face in front of my students thanks to you.”

“No, professor. It’s Han Yoo-hyun who is working hard, not me.”

“Haha. Yeah. I didn’t know he had such a talent.”

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun didn’t think much of Yoo-hyun, who transferred from another department.

He remembered him as a student who cared more about managing his grades than participating in school events.

“Yes. I interviewed him, but he is really outstanding.”

“I heard that the students got a lot of help from him.”

It wasn’t just the students.

The company gave full support to an employee who had been working for less than two years.

From Professor Jeon Sang-hyun’s perspective, he couldn’t help but be curious.

That’s when it happened.

The door opened with a knock and the student council president of the department showed his face.

He said bluntly with an excited expression.

“Professor, there is no room in the small auditorium because people from the engineering department came too.”

“What do you mean?”

“The engineering department had an event with Ilseong Electronics this time…”

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun and Deputy Manager Park Doo-sik looked at each other as they heard the story.

Meanwhile, the student council president of the engineering department was furious.

He heard complaints from the students who came to participate in the Ilseong Electronics support event.

They promised to provide pre-event gifts, but the schedule was pushed back so much that they were angry.

On top of that, the business administration department, which prepared an event late, was giving out gifts.

They said that the presenter had already arrived and was preparing.

It was something he had never seen in the Ilseong Electronics events he had held so far.

“Damn. Even if he is a senior, this is too much. This is abuse of power.”

The student council president of the engineering department spat out a frustrated word, and the vice-student council president next to him said.

“He did it last time too. What does Ilseong Electronics HR team senior say?”

“What can he say? He just told us to wait. He doesn’t even apologize anymore.”

“Sigh. I wish we didn’t get Ilseong events anymore.”

“Yeah. I’d rather cancel it boldly. Let them get some backlash for their abuse.”

The student council president of the engineering department sighed and looked at his phone.

It was then.

He got a call he had been waiting for.

The HR team at Ilseong Electronics didn’t think much of this situation.

“What’s wrong with being late? We are the ones in charge.”

The person in charge muttered, and the subordinate next to him nodded.

“The school side will have to accept it anyway.”

“Yeah. We can just give them some more pens later. Oh, by the way, didn’t Hanseong also do something?”

“It’s a small event in the small auditorium. It seems like a dialogue with a senior or something.”

“It’s nothing then. By the way, when will the support come from the company?”

The man said with a relaxed expression.

It was then.

The subordinate who answered the phone was startled and said.

“Manager, the engineering department side says they want to cancel the schedule?”


The man’s eyes widened.

The decision was made in an instant as the interests matched.

The student council president of the business administration department shouted loudly on the stage of the small auditorium.

“The event venue has changed to the large auditorium. Please move quickly.”

The student council members were busy moving banners and placards to the auditorium.

The HR team members from Hanseong Electronics also moved their luggage to their seats.

Click. Click.

Jeong Ye-seul kept pressing the shutter as if she had found something interesting to write about.

Jo Eun-ah also recorded the progress with an excited expression.

Lee Han-soo spoke again with a serious expression.

“Senior, let’s go. I’ll guide you.”

“It’s okay.”

As Yoo-hyun reached out his palm, he walked away from him, protecting Yoo-hyun.

It was more burdensome.

At the entrance of the auditorium, the student council members of the engineering department were tearing off the Ilseong Electronics event guide that was attached.

Instead, they hung a banner for Yoo-hyun’s interview lecture.

It was an unnecessary thing to do, but the students’ expressions were serious.

The HR team members also attached posters that they had taken from the small auditorium to the large auditorium.

Some of them were giving out gifts.

T-shirts, USBs, pens, notebooks, bags, calendars, etc. with Hanseong Electronics logo were sold out quickly.

Thanks to that, it didn’t take long for the front of the auditorium to be crowded with people.

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