Chapter 316:

Chapter 316

Yoo-hyun sat on a bench far away from the auditorium and looked at the scenery in front of him.

Park Doo-sik, the manager who was next to him, spoke with an awkward expression.

“I didn’t know the event would get this big.”

“Didn’t you secretly hope for it?”

Yoo-hyun had clearly seen him talking to an employee from Ilseong Electronics a while ago.

He was smiling like a winner.

He had secured the spot of Ilseong Electronics and was also actively helping the students. It was an unprecedented situation.

The students’ pre-reactions were also good, so Park Doo-sik, the manager who planned the event, had every reason to be proud.

Park Doo-sik changed the topic as if he was embarrassed.

“No, it’s not that. But why is the mobile group leader so supportive of you?”

“He’s always been generous.”

“I see. Next time, I should ask for support from the mobile group.”

Park Doo-sik, who had no idea of the inside story, nodded his head.

Yoo-hyun just smiled and he asked with a worried expression.

“But are you really okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know you’re talented, but can you handle that huge auditorium by yourself?”

“You’re asking me too late.”

“Haha. I agreed right away because you said you could do it.”

Park Doo-sik laughed loudly at Yoo-hyun’s casual remark.

He looked much more friendly than the cold Park Doo-sik that Yoo-hyun knew in the past.

He didn’t look so bad.

“It’s already done, so I have to do it.”

“It won’t be easy.”

Instead of expressing his strong ambition, Yoo-hyun tried to get something out of him.

“You owe me a favor, manager.”

“Of course. I’ll pay you back for sure.”

“Don’t forget.”

Yoo-hyun chuckled and emphasized once more.

At that moment, Professor Jeon Sang-hyun approached the two people who were talking.

He was vaguely in Yoo-hyun’s memory, even though it was a long time ago.

He had struggled quite a bit to get a good grade from him.

Yoo-hyun stood up from his seat and greeted him.

“Hello, professor.”

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun, who had neatly combed his white hair, reached out his hand and said to Yoo-hyun.

“I didn’t mean to burden you like this.”

“It’s okay. I’m just talking.”

“I’m grateful that you think so.”

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun held Yoo-hyun’s hand and added his other hand on top of it.

His expression was full of gratitude.

He had saved face in front of the engineering professors, so he couldn’t help but feel good.

His feelings were reflected in his words.

“Oh. By the way, since you’ve helped me so much, what can I do for you?”

“Can I tell you after I finish the lecture?”


Professor Jeon Sang-hyun nodded his head happily at Yoo-hyun’s easygoing question.


The auditorium was filled with people.

Yoo-hyun took a light breath after listening to the explanation of the guide at the corner seat on the left side of the stage.

Soon, the announcer’s voice rang out and Yoo-hyun’s name was called.

Thump thump.

It was the moment when Yoo-hyun went up to the stage.


The pin-point spotlight aimed at Yoo-hyun and cheers came from the audience.

“Senior Han Yoo-hyun. You’re awesome.”

“Yoo-hyun oppa, fighting.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and turned his head.

He saw Professor Jeon Sang-hyun, Manager Park Doo-sik, and his juniors from his department sitting in the front row.

Most of the wide audience were juniors from other departments.

He also saw Ilseong Electronics employees who couldn’t find seats and were standing in the back.

The event for 200 people had changed to an event for 2,000 people in an instant.

It would be a lie if he said he wasn’t burdened.

Because of the size of the event?

That was absolutely not it.

Yoo-hyun had experience in lecturing in front of 10,000 people and presenting to people all over the world.

He was called a master of presentation. He wouldn’t have any difficulty in saying a few words in front of young students.

The problem was that the lecture target was students who were about to get a job.

They all looked hopeful that they might get something out of it. Their faces were full of expectations.

Yoo-hyun didn’t want to disappoint them.

He finished his preparation and looked around the audience.

A strange silence rose in the midst of the buzzing atmosphere.

The students who had complained about listening to a mere deputy’s talk were drawn to Yoo-hyun.

That was the moment when Yoo-hyun’s presence dominated the audience.

A surprisingly friendly voice came out of the microphone.

“First, let me tell you a little bit about my interview. I just entered the interview room and…”

At the same time, the audience’s heads tilted.

It was not the usual introduction of the speaker or the outline of the lecture that they heard.

It was a twist that started from the beginning that stimulated their curiosity.

It felt like a casual chat from a senior rather than a lecture, so the atmosphere became much lighter.

“The interviewer asked me a question. What would I do if the company asked me to work overtime. The participant next to me answered like this.”

The light mood quickly narrowed the distance between Yoo-hyun and the audience.

The realistic story that he uttered with a relaxed gesture and accurate pronunciation increased their concentration.

“He said he would work hard to make it a company without overtime. But do you know what the interviewer said?”

When Yoo-hyun asked, the expressions of the audience changed in various ways.

They were imagining their own answers in the situation that they would face soon.

Yoo-hyun gave them a chance to immerse themselves deeper by pausing for a moment, then gave them the answer.

“He said, ‘So we didn’t work hard and had overtime?’”


The audience burst into laughter.

In the pleasant mood, Yoo-hyun asked another question.

“Then what should you answer in that situation? How can you have a successful interview?”

The question that hit the core of the matter had refreshed the atmosphere that had been disrupted in an instant.

In that mood, Yoo-hyun confidently said.

“The answer is in today’s lecture. I can assure you, you’ve come to the right place today.”


It could have sounded like a joke or a boast if he had just said it.

But when he added a story, it changed to a strong expectation.

As proof, his eyes were shining brightly even though he had only started a few minutes ago.

It was a game over from the moment he took control of the start.

Yoo-hyun didn’t even do the self-introduction that was already on the guide.

Instead, he told a living story that matched the eye level of the living audience.

“When you think of an interview…”

It was not a theoretical statement that he spat out like other lectures.

Yoo-hyun had experience as an interviewer.

He also met many people while doing business.

They were all people who were doing something in various fields.

He observed and understood them to persuade them.

His words were full of such diverse experiences.

He also added fluent speech and appropriate gestures.

He didn’t need anything on the screen.

Everyone paid attention to his every word.

“Think of the people you met, your classmates, seniors. Who do you want to work with?”

At Yoo-hyun’s words, the audience pondered, and Yoo-hyun read their thoughts and answered them.

He also gave practical advice that couldn’t be learned from books.

“Remember this. Stubborn people never know they are stubborn. So you have to doubt and examine yourself.”


The people laughed and then focused again.

The flow of strength and weakness that Yoo-hyun created completely captivated the audience.

Additionally, Yoo-hyun also picked up on the technical aspects in detail.

The self-introduction that the interviewer wants to hear, the impressive motivation for applying, how to avoid pressure interviews, the difference between honesty and stupidity, what not to say, how to handle posture and eye contact, how to end with a good remark, etc.

A vivid story that couldn’t be known by studying books unfolded in front of their eyes.

As the story continued, more people nodded their heads.

They seemed to have found their own ways.

The result was shown in their amazed expressions.

This was the technical part of the interview that Yoo-hyun could do with his 20 years of experience.

Yoo-hyun added his 2 years of experience and spoke from his heart.

“There were three things I said earlier that would make you pass the interview. I want to add two more words to that.”

In front of the attentive audience, Yoo-hyun finished his speech.

It was also a message to his past self.

“Positivity and gratitude. These two words. It may sound obvious, but people don’t want to work with selfish and stubborn people. They want to work with positive and grateful people.”

It was a vague statement, but since he had already finished the technical part, the audience accepted his words with their hearts.

Yoo-hyun looked at the serious eyes of his juniors and spoke firmly.

“Try to match your answers to all the questions in the interview with these two words. You will surely get good results.”

By the time Yoo-hyun left his last words, exactly one hour had passed.

The juniors who still hadn’t lost their concentration expressed their gratitude to Yoo-hyun sincerely.

“I hope you all have good results and I’ll end this time here. Thank you.”

It was the moment when Yoo-hyun’s greeting ended.

The silence was broken and applause rained down.

Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap.

The sound didn’t stop for a long time.

After the presentation, many students came up to Yoo-hyun who was standing on stage and asked questions.

“Senior, I was curious about this part…”

It could have been a bothersome thing, but Yoo-hyun answered sincerely.

He knew how desperate this moment was for everyone.

There were also juniors who thanked Yoo-hyun sincerely.

“Senior, thank you so much. Can I contact you if I get accepted?”

“You can contact me even if you don’t get accepted. I mean it.”

“Thank you. I’ll definitely contact you.”

Yoo-hyun kindly responded every time.

The professors and juniors looked at him with respectful and warm eyes respectively.

After dealing with his juniors for a while, Professor Jeon Sang-hyun came up to him.

He patted Yoo-hyun’s back and said.

“You did well. Thanks to you, the juniors had a very good time.”

“I’m glad it was helpful.”

“Then I’ll listen to your request now.”

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun opened his mouth with a pleased smile.

Yoo-hyun looked around the juniors who were gathered here and said.

“These juniors, I want to feed them well tonight.”

“Hahaha. Okay. I’ll take care of that.”

It was the moment when Professor Jeon Sang-hyun answered.


The students cheered.

The large barbecue restaurant was full of students from the department.

Professor Jeon Sang-hyun was very generous and Manager Park Doo-sik also helped a little.

In the cheerful mood, Yoo-hyun mingled with his juniors.

It felt like he was having a chat with his seniors as he originally intended.

Then, Jung Ye-seul, who had sneaked into the department gathering, raised her camera.

“Okay, I’ll take one picture for the college newspaper.”

Then the students gave up their meat and crowded around.

“Wow. Awesome.”

“Am I in it too?”

“I want to sit next to Senior Han Yoo-hyun.”

Yoo-hyun smiled and mingled with the professors and juniors.


A scene that was unimaginable in Yoo-hyun’s school life was captured in a photo.

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