Chapter 314:

Chapter 314

It was not a thought that an ordinary company employee would easily have.

I could not know his innermost feelings with 100 percent certainty, but what was clear was that his goal aligned with mine.

He was a colleague worth trusting once.

Instead of stepping back, I suggested a way to minimize the damage.

“I understand your feelings, group leader. I agree with some of them. So I can’t just let them do whatever they want.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t know how much you heard, but the group strategy office will make a move. The expected move is…”

As I continued to speak, the eyes of executive director Yeotae-sik grew bigger.

He couldn’t believe what he heard from an employee.

“Is that true?”

“Yes. We have to break even at least. It’s better to be prepared.”

“I see.”

“And if this happens again…”

I stopped mid-sentence and hesitated, as if I was asking for the next answer from him.

Executive director Yeotae-sik looked into my eyes and gave me the answer I wanted.

“I don’t think my mind will change.”

“I thought you would say that.”

“But if you need help, I’ll talk to you first.”

“Yes. That’s enough. And thank you for the promotion.”

When I expressed my gratitude bluntly, executive director Yeotae-sik chuckled and said.

“You’re funny. You looked so unhappy before.”

“Of course not. I’m the type who never refuses what’s given to me.”

“Haha. Okay. Thank you for accepting it.”

At my easygoing words, executive director Yeotae-sik finally relaxed his tense expression and smiled.

Many people were promoted because of their good performance.

Senior Maeng Gi-yong became a manager, and Kim Seon-dong became a senior.

I also enjoyed the benefit.

It started with Kim Ho-geol’s personnel announcement.

“Congratulations, Han Daeri.”

The team members who rushed in congratulated me from all sides.

“Wow, awesome. Isn’t this a super-fast promotion?”

“You got two R&D awards and then you got promoted right away.”

“Haha. It feels like you’re already a manager, you know.”

“Thank you.”

I had a hard time expressing my gratitude to all the words that poured out.

That was not all.

I also received many congratulatory calls and messages from everywhere.

It was something that never happened in the past.

Moreover, I was promoted one year earlier than before.

I didn’t live selfishly like before, tied to promotion.

It was then.

I got a call from the person who was the starting point of the change.

It was Park Seung-woo Daeri, my mentor.

-Han Yoo-hyun Daeri, congratulations.

I could hear his familiar voice from the phone.

A smile naturally formed on my lips.

“Isn’t it awkward to be so formal?”

-Haha. What’s wrong with being a little awkward between the same daeris?

“It’s an honor. You even called me when roaming fees are expensive.”

-I skipped lunch to call you. And listen…

Park Seung-woo Daeri told me his stories that had piled up.

He was far away, but it felt like he was talking right next to me.

“How’s MBA going?”

-It’s perfect except for missing you.

“You seem to be living very well.”

-Yeah. I’m having fun and doing well. Isn’t your assignment almost over?

I answered Park Seung-woo Daeri’s question honestly.

“Yes. It’s almost done. There’s nothing left to do.”

-Well. You should rest well then.

“I’ve heard that too many times.”

-Haha. It’s the best to rest while getting paid the same, right?

Everyone had the same reaction when I said that.

I had been hearing that for months now.

Time passed like that.

In the meantime, my work was very idle.

As I was wondering what to do, I saw Lee Jin-mok Juim heading to the warehouse with a parts list in his hand.

He looked busy, so I reached out first.

“Juim-nim, let me do it.”

“No, Han Daeri. Jinhun has to learn.”

“I can teach you.”

“Hey, you can’t do that. Just take a break.”

Jin-mok Lee, the team leader, smiled and patted Yoo-hyun’s back as usual.

Soon after, Jin-hoon Park approached with a spirited posture.

He heard the team leader’s words and ran enthusiastically.

They were not the only ones.

Everyone except Yoo-hyun was busy moving around.

He looked over at the panel team and it was the same.

“Senior Go, hurry up. You’ll be late for the meeting with the equipment company.”

“I’m going.”

Sung-chul Go, the senior engineer, grabbed his notebook and ran at the panel team leader’s words.

Yoo-hyun muttered to himself as he watched him go.

“It’s a meeting with the panel equipment company. They’ll probably decide on the investment today.”

It was another team’s business, but Yoo-hyun already knew it well.


Yoo-hyun sat in his chair and pressed the mouse button for no reason.

The document he had seen enough of opened in front of his eyes.

It was a document that contained the goals and tasks of the ultra-high-resolution TF project.

He had already set up a solid system based on the schedule, so there was nothing to touch.

It ran smoothly on its own.

Everyone had the capacity to overcome any problems that arose.

More than anything, everyone was telling Yoo-hyun to rest.


That made him feel more empty.

It was one thing to relax once or twice, but it was hard to repeat it.

This was a completely different problem from leaving work early and enjoying his daily life.

Yoo-hyun looked at himself reflected on the monitor and gave a hollow laugh.

“Am I a workaholic?”

Well, he had been working hard for the company for 20 years, so it was understandable.

He had been moving non-stop for almost two years, even though he hadn’t stepped up.

He had never let go of his work for this long in the company.

But what if he went back to work?

He didn’t want to repeat his past mistakes at all.

Then there was only one conclusion.

Yoo-hyun controlled his mind more.

Let’s enjoy it more leisurely.

The winner is the one who enjoys it.

He closed his eyes with all kinds of excuses.

Then he opened his eyes soon and got up from his seat.

“Sigh. It’s hard to rest, too.”

Yoo-hyun spat out the words, but he felt ridiculous.

He never imagined that he would worry about resting.

The next day.

Yoo-hyun told Hyun-woo Jung, who always had breakfast with him, about this problem.

Hyun-woo Jung, who was running next to him, said,

“Hey, you still have a lot of things to worry about.”

“No. I’m really just playing around.”

“What? We have a lot of documents that you made in our development planning team.”

“I made those all in the beginning.”

Yoo-hyun answered casually, and Hyun-woo Jung asked in surprise.

“Oh, really? But are they still valid?”

“What’s wrong with them? They’re working according to them.”

“No. We always mess up our schedule once we set it. Our goals change too.”

Hyun-woo Jung’s words were not wrong.

There were hardly any teams that kept their initial schedule and goals during the project period.

There were many unexpected variables.

“It’s such an important project.”

Yoo-hyun dodged the question, and Hyun-woo Jung raised his voice.

“The ultra-high-resolution project was even worse. Everyone opposed it at first, so we also managed it with a red light on our side.”

“Did you?”

“Yes. But come to think of it, you guys changed your organization to meet the schedule. You’re amazing, bro.”

“Why are you praising me?”

Yoo-hyun asked incredulously, and Hyun-woo Jung answered with a proud expression.

“You were at the center of it. Everyone who knows knows that.”

“No, man. Don’t say that out loud. I’m really embarrassed because I’m resting too much these days.”

Yoo-hyun said sincerely, but Hyun-woo Jung didn’t seem to sympathize at all.

“Hey, don’t be modest. You deserve it.”

“Sigh. Fine. Let’s rest a bit and go.”

“Yes. Okay.”

Hyun-woo Jung shouted with a bright smile.

A moment later, Yoo-hyun wiped his sweat as he sat on the bench.

Hyun-woo Jung, who was sitting next to him and drinking water, asked Yoo-hyun.

“Bro, what do you do when you go home?”

“I just live a normal life like everyone else, what else?”

“Then you must not be bored like you are at work.”

“That’s true.”

As the dispatch was coming to an end, he often met his friend Ha-joon Seok and had a lot of conversations with Hyun-jin Geon.

He also went home frequently and helped his mother and father with their work.

He also managed Han-jae Hee’s graduation.

He also had a drink with his colleagues or acquaintances who came to Ulsan.

Come to think of it, his daily life was not as empty as it was at work.

Why was that?

Everyone else was busy, but he was the only one who was idle?

That wasn’t the only reason.

-I wish you would let go of it more. You still have some obsession left.

The answer was in the words that Shin-kyung Wook, the director, had said a while ago.

Yoo-hyun still had an obsession that he had to untangle the complicated threads of the company.

He tried not to be tied up, but he still hadn’t emptied it all out.

Then the only thing left to do was to force himself to let go of it.

He had to distance himself from it consciously.

That way, he could see further.

Yoo-hyun was gaining a small insight when it happened.

Hyun-woo Jung clapped his hands and said,

“Oh, right. Bro, are you going to school on Friday?”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Eun-a told me. She said the professor contacted you?”

“It just happened to be like that.”

“The juniors must be happy to hear your interview lecture. I would have taken a vacation and gone if it wasn’t for work…”

Yoo-hyun looked at Hyun-woo Jung, who was regretful, and said with a dumbfounded expression.

“Why do you need to hear that? And you already heard it all.”

“That’s true. I’m your number one disciple, right?”

Hyun-woo Jung’s face brightened up at Yoo-hyun’s words.

Yoo-hyun chuckled and poked his side.

“Okay. I get it. Let’s get up.”

“Yes. Let’s go. The number one disciple will run first.”

Then Hyun-woo Jung sprang up and started running.

Yoo-hyun watched his back and shook his head.

Thursday afternoon.

Yoo-hyun looked for Jung-in Wook, the team leader, before leaving work.

“Team leader, I’ll be back soon.”

“You’re going to give an interview lecture at school?”

“It’s not really a lecture. I guess it’s just a place where I share my experience as a senior.”

“Hey, why did they send an official document for that?”

“I don’t know about that.”

It was originally Park Doo-sik, the chief engineer, or rather, now promoted to deputy manager’s suggestion.

Then he got an unexpected call from a professor whose name he barely remembered.

Soon after, Park Doo-sik assigned him an official task.

He could set his own schedule and there was nothing left for him to do at the company anyway.

It was also for the juniors and he had something to do in Seoul as well.

It was a good opportunity for many reasons, so Yoo-hyun gladly accepted it.

But the story got bigger and bigger as it reached Go Joon-ho, the senior manager’s ears.

Jung-in Wook pointed out that part.

“The director said he would support you with a car.”

“I can’t do that. I have my own car.”

“Why? It would be nice to go comfortably.”

“It’s burdensome. And I have other things to do.”

Yoo-hyun refused again, and Jung-in Wook handed him a corporate card as if he expected it.

“The director said to buy some food with this. And sleep somewhere nice.”

“I can’t refuse your kindness. I’ll take this reluctantly.”

Yoo-hyun took the card lightly and Jung-in Wook said coolly.

“Good. Use it well and come back.”

“I’m sure you told me that.”

“Why are you so mean?”

The team leader who had become more confident after becoming a team leader made a weak sound for the first time in a long time.

Yoo-hyun laughed softly and greeted him cheerfully.

“Then I’ll be back soon.”

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