Chapter 845 Return of the Legion

To be honest, Charlemagne is quite interested in the communication between the titans. I don't know if these powerful creatures like gods will put on airs when they chat normally, or they will chat and fart like ordinary mortals.

Of course, this question has yet to be answered, after all, he has never seen any titan with his own eyes... Sargeras has only seen a leg stepping out of the portal during the War of the Ancients.

As the progress of the preparations for the war of various races in Azeroth is gradually coming to an end, the scale of the new Well of Eternity on the small island is also expanding.

In order to avoid accidents, Queen Azshara has strictly prohibited the Night Sons of Suramar from approaching this small island. Now this island has been completely designated as a military control area.

The Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath have sent their elite combat forces to Boralus, Dazar'alor, and Suramar respectively. The four space battleships and three latest pocket battleships of the high elves have also arrived with full force. At the port of Suramar City.

Due to the large supply of domestic resources to Mimiron to manufacture space battleships in recent years, Quel'Thalas has not produced new space battleships except for three naval battleships.

In the foreseeable future, perhaps the No. 4 ship, Sun Chaser, will become the last of the Sun-type air and space battleship.

Daelin of Kul Tiras is a naval madman. While supplying space battleship resources, he squeezed some minerals from his teeth to build new battleships.

The new type of battleship built by the maritime power Kul Tiras has a full load displacement of 39,000 tons due to its experience in building three pocket battleships.

This pure steel battleship has replaced Daelin's original flagship, and he named the new flagship King Power.

But that’s all there is to it. After all, the space battleship is a monster that devours mineral resources. In a short period of time, the resources that Kul Tiras plundered around are enough to build a kingship.

But Daelin is very satisfied with the Majesty, which has passed sea trials and served. He will definitely vigorously develop this new type of naval warship in the future. If the Horde does not pay close attention to innovative technology... the gap between the Navy and the Alliance will widen.

In addition, Jaina also built an aircraft carrier according to Charlemagne's original brainstorming experiment. Although the workmanship is very simple, and due to the shortage of mineral resources, the flight deck is actually built with iron wood provided by the night elves.

However, this kind of combat platform with the role of taking off and landing aircraft at sea has attracted widespread attention from the international community.

It is said that Gelbin intends to spend all his money to build a new type of rotorcraft as a seaborne platform after the completion of the spacecraft.

What makes Charlemagne feel a little dumbfounded is that... this first-generation prototype aircraft carrier is not the first to carry mechanical vehicles, but the biological air force of the Void Dragon Knights under Quel'Thalas.

However, with the advancement of science and technology, some changes will inevitably take place in the air force and naval structure of Azeroth. Whether the engineering of gnomes and goblins can produce an air force that is more cost-effective than the Nether Dragon Knight depends on their next steps. developed.

In June 32 of the Black Gate, the various races of Azeroth, which had already entered the first level of combat readiness, transported most of their troops by air or sea to the small island where the new Well of Eternity was located.

The new Well of Eternity covered half of the island as expected by Charlemagne and Queen Azshara. Even the non-mage professions such as Varian and Vol'jin who had just landed on the island could clearly feel the power of this lake. Contains enormous energy.

Khadgar quietly approached Charlemagne, looking at the new Well of Eternity with some horror, and asked in a low voice, "No problem... This is the first time I have seen such a terrifying arcane energy. It contains about ten times the energy Is your sunwell?"

Charlemagne rolled his eyes, "Aren't you talking nonsense, Queen Azshara poured the last three bottles of well water into this lake, this is not a simple 1+1+1, although it is not as good as the original version of Eternity Well, but it is without a doubt the greatest source of energy in Azeroth."

The Eredar twins walked to Charlemagne at this time, but their eyes were still fixed on the new Well of Eternity, as if they wanted to absorb pure energy from it at any time.

"Your Excellency the Regent, we are ready, do you want to start the summoning ceremony now?"

Charlemagne straightened his face when he heard the words, and Khadgar was no longer teasing. The leaders and generals present all made their soldiers hold their weapons tightly.

"Everyone, please remember what I said, don't be impulsive when the Eredar twins lure Kil'jaeden's main force into the Tomb of Sargeras."


After getting the answer, Charlemagne stared at Saloras and Oresses with sharp eyes, "Let's start, everything goes according to plan, don't play tricks, or you will know what happens!"

The soul contract of the twins is still in the hands of Xinfeier. Once they dare to play tricks, Xinfeier can immediately torture them inhumanely from the soul level.

That kind of pain... It is said that even demons can't bear it, so there are so many warlocks who can firmly control the demons under their hands.

Saloras and Oresis nodded submissively, and walked to the lakeside under the watchful eyes of Simfield to start building a large-scale army transmission channel.

At the same time, Hasabel, the guardian of the legion portal far away in Argus, was immediately refreshed when he felt the passage leading to the space of Azeroth.

"Master Kil'jaeden, the twins are not lying, they have already opened a passage to Azeroth, and the size of this passage... is astonishing."


Kil'jaeden let out a hearty laugh, stood up from the throne and said, "Well done! It seems that the twins will be rewarded when they come back."

"The small fel fighter took the lead in checking the situation through the portal, and sent back the detection results as quickly as possible."


On the Azeroth coalition side, mages have jointly built a shielding barrier to hide the entire army.

After passing through the portal, the Burning Legion's reconnaissance plane saw only a huge barrier covering the new Well of Eternity, completely locking the energy overflowing from the well on the island.

After receiving the news from the vanguard, Kil'jaeden was finally relieved. He boarded his flagship and ordered loudly, "Attack with all the troops! This time we will completely corrupt Azeroth, and the Burning Crusade will surely win!" "


A large number of fel warships tore through the space channel with the help of Hasabel. Dozens of huge fel energy rifts appeared above the new Well of Eternity at the same time, and a warship of the legion had protruded a bow from the rift.

Charlemagne narrowed his eyes slightly, hiding the cold light that flashed in his eyes, "It's finally here, I hope you like the gift I prepared for you, Kil'jaeden!"

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