Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 844: Aman’Thul, make amends!

Chapter 844 Aman'Thul, compensation!

Charlemagne, who has been idle for two years, is finally about to get busy again. As the leader of the plan, he must first ensure that all links will not go wrong.

One of the key points is the eredar twins now controlled by Simfield. Charlemagne has always been worried about these two cunning eredar women, after all, their integrity is very questionable.

In addition to going to the Creation Temple to check Mimiron's assembly and testing progress, Charlemagne spent most of his time guarding what should have been called the Eye of Azshara with his family's high-end combat power. The isle on which Erjadan descended.

The Eredar twins watched tremblingly at the group of demigod-level combat powers who were staring at them. Even if they wanted to play tricks, they had no chance at all... Not to mention that the two of them have long been shocked by the terrifying combat power of Azeroth. .

After all, except for Sargeras who personally shattered a few planets in the early days, he handed over the control of the Burning Legion to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde most of the time.

Even in the Burning Legion, many people have gradually forgotten the power of Sargeras. In recent years, the Fallen Titans who have become more and more reclusive have been seen by no one except Kil'jaeden.

Excluding Sargeras' extraordinary combat power, the Burning Legion's high-end combat power compared with today's Azeroth... really doesn't have any decisive advantage.

The only thing they can be proud of is that they can be resurrected infinitely, but resurrection still takes time. The stronger the devil, the greater the energy required for resurrection and the longer the time.

Tichondrius, Mannoroth, and Detheroc, who were killed many years ago, have only just been resurrected.

As for Archimonde... the resurrection time of one of the three giants of the Burning Legion will inevitably be longer than other demons, and Sargeras seems to have lost trust in this guy who has a different heart, and has not concentrated most of the energy of Argus Prioritize reviving him.

While Azeroth was actively preparing for the war, Kil'jaeden, who was far away on Argus, was also not idle, and a large number of Legion fel warships were summoned.

Except for the small elite who stayed behind on the Burning Throne, he was going to put all the manpower he could use into this expedition.

Kil'jaeden rested his chin on one hand, and looked playfully at the abyss lord who bowed his head respectfully below.

"Mannoroth, although I'm not as impatient as Archimonde, but... I won't let my demons make the same mistake many times."

"In addition to the battle of the ancients, you have been planted in Azeroth twice in a row. If you fail again this time, you will not have the authority to accept resurrection again. Do you understand what I mean?"

Mannoroth's huge body shook, and he hurriedly replied loudly, "Please rest assured, Lord Kil'jaeden! This time, I will definitely be the vanguard to capture the flag for you and the Burning Legion!"

"Well, the momentum is good, go down, Brutalus and Magtheridon are still waiting for you."

Glancing at Mannoroth, who was wriggling his fat body and leaving, Kil'jaeden turned his head and told an eredar female demon, "Hasabel, once the passage is established, the construction of the portal will be handed over to you. Be sure to accurately send our army to Azeroth."

"Yes! You must fulfill your mission!"

Then Kil'jaeden looked down at the three tall Eredars and solemnly reminded, "Sphrax, Erodus, and Ishka, the work of staying behind on the Burning Throne and Argus will be handed over to your War Council." , make sure there is nothing wrong with the rear.”

"Don't let the group of broken rebels come out to make trouble when I go to Azeroth, if something goes wrong..."

The three members of the War Council hastily knelt on one knee and said, "Absolutely not! The Mere Broken Ones cannot hinder our plan in any way."

"Huh! Hope so."

Kil'jaeden stood up and walked to a communication device. "Now, let's see how the mission of the Twins is progressing."


The former Eye of Azshara is now named the new Well of Eternity by Charlemagne. The Eredar twins have made the last three bottles of the well water of the Well of Eternity and the magic net specially modified by Malygos. A small lake exuding powerful magic power emerged.

This is far from the limit. Charlemagne predicts that the new Well of Eternity will cover most of the island, and that is the best time for Kil'jaeden to enter Azeroth.

The huge flow of magic power has attracted a large group of mana dragons to the small lake, and the residents of the Nightborne from the nearby city of Suramar will also come to this small island recently to absorb the pure magic power of the Well of Eternity.

At this time, Charlemagne was repeatedly confirming the implementation plan of the plan with the Creator Xuantai and the Star Soul. He asked the three Windrunner sisters and Onyxia to stay on the island to monitor the Eredar twins.

"...Probably that's it. As for whether the weakened version of the Well of Eternity will be preserved in the end, it depends on your opinion."

"Hmm..." Ai Jiang seemed a little hesitant, "The Well of Eternity is not the original version. Although it is still constructed by my life essence, it is mainly based on the magic net rather than the wound that penetrates from the ground. It is effective. It will be much worse than the original Well of Eternity."

Charlemagne also nodded in agreement and said, "The Well of Eternity is unique. Since it has been destroyed, it cannot be reproduced perfectly again. This new Well of Eternity used to seduce Kil'jaeden will inevitably be corrupted by evil energy in the end. Whether to purify or destroy, it all depends on your own choice."


Charlemagne heard the lovely distressed voice from Star Soul and said amusedly, "If you can't decide for a while, don't think about it for a while, as long as you decide before I go to Argus."

Because now only Charlemagne can understand Star Soul's words by virtue of his identity as spokesperson. Once Star Soul has not made a choice when Charlemagne leaves, this magic well that emits evil energy at any time after being polluted will become the place where the Burning Legion enters. A bug in Azeroth.

"I see, let me think about it."

"By the way, you said Aman'Thul and they are still alive?"

Hearing Xinghun's curious inquiry, Charlemagne nodded and said, "It's almost inseparable. Although the body is destroyed, the essence of the soul still exists, so it should be considered alive."


Ai Jiang snorted unhappily, "When you see him, remember to give me a hammer twice. Last time I made such a big wound on my body...that is, I couldn't speak at that time, otherwise I would definitely seek compensation from him in person. !"


Charlemagne's whole body froze, 'Are you kidding... I am going to hammer a Titan with my small body? The All-Father could blow me away with a sneeze...'

"Don't be afraid!"

Ai Jiang clearly saw Charlemagne's cowardly mentality, and a silver-white light shrouded him.

"Now that you have my blessing, just confront Aman'Thul directly to ask for benefits. He should still remember my original breath."

Shrugged helplessly, Charlemagne sighed and said, "Okay, okay, you are the boss who listens to you, but don't blame me if he doesn't give compensation."

Thanks to the book friend "Liu Shuo 2015" for his support.

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