Chapter 846 Mirror Armor

Kil’jaeden is called the Deceiver, and his cunning is quite famous in the entire universe. Kil’jaeden does not intend to risk himself until he is sure that there is no danger.

Now he is sitting on the bridge of his flagship, closely watching the movement of Azeroth and sending out remote control.

Thaloras and Olysses respectfully knelt on one knee in front of the images of Kil'jaeden and bowed their heads, saying, "Master Kil'jaeden, the descent point we have chosen is not far from Sargeras' tomb. "

"We can use it as the general base of the Legion in Azeroth."

"By the way, you can also use the master's avatar to fight against Azeroth's resistance forces."

A faint smile appeared on Kil'jaeden's face, "Very well, Gemini, it seems that you have indeed investigated the situation in Azeroth well. After this battle, I will promote you to be demon lords, and you will have own independent regiment."

Excitement appeared in the eyes of the twins, and they both said in a grateful voice at the same time, "Thank you, Lord Kil'jaeden!"

"Well, now, as you said, lead the main force of the legion to the tomb of Sargeras. The incarnation of the fallen titan can really play a role."

The mortal coalition forces of Azeroth have been shrinking in the mountainous area of ??the island, watching a large number of fel warships fly towards the Broken Beach intently.

At the same time, after the safety was basically confirmed, Kil'jaeden's flagship, which was significantly larger than ordinary mass-produced warships, finally tore a fel energy rift and entered Azeroth.

At the critical moment, not to mention the nervous soldiers at the lower level, even Charlemagne couldn't help but shed a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

If they are discovered by the Burning Legion, judging from the current situation where the armies are scattered and hiding in the hills, it is likely that they will be focused on by the Legion's warships, and they will not be able to ambush them, but will be beaten.

Except for a small number of air forces such as fel battleships and evil bats sent by Kil'jaeden to various places in the Broken Isles to investigate the situation, most of the main force of the Burning Legion followed Kil'jaeden's flagship to the tomb of Sargeras.

The solid seal seen by outsiders is just that in the eyes of Kil'jaeden. With a contemptuous smile on his face, the fraudster gently pressed his hand on the gate, and the seal that Queen Azshara had casually filled up at the beginning suddenly shattered. , The gate of Sargeras' tomb was completely opened with a heavy "squeak".

Seeing that Kil'jaeden and other legion leaders had left the fel battleship and entered the interior of the tomb, Charlemagne immediately activated the contact rune in his hand.


The wilderness demigods who shrunk and hid in various parts of the Broken Beach rushed out immediately after receiving the order. Their target was the troops of the legion that had landed on the ground.

At the same time, multiple teleportation circles appeared in the sky near the legion fel battleship, and a large number of dragons roared and rushed out of the teleportation formation, pounced on the battleship and tore them apart.

The five guardian dragons teamed up with the titan guardians such as Raiden, Odin, Tyr, Thorim, Hodir and Freya to impose a powerful seal on the tomb of Sargeras.

"Huh?! There's an ambush!"

Kil'jaeden, who had just walked into the avatar chamber, felt the change in the energy outside and his face changed. He planned to launch the fel energy transmission immediately, but it was obviously too late.

The barrier built by multiple guardians is impossible for even Kil'jaeden to break through. A large number of elite demons of the Burning Legion are trapped in this tomb.


The plan started smoothly, and Charlemagne finally breathed a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand and shot a signal arrow into the air.

"Shh~ bang!"

As the bright red fireworks exploded in the air, the Azeroth coalition forces that were hidden by spells quickly left the mountain area to complete their assembly, and finally sent out a shocking battle cry, tearing away the spell cover effect and heading towards the Burning Legion guarding the new Well of Eternity The demons have launched a surprise attack.

The Eredar twins sneaked back at this time, and they looked at the large barrier covering the tomb of Sargeras with complicated eyes. They didn't know whether they were regretting their choice or grateful for their choice.

At this time, Charlemagne had no time to pay attention to these two teenage boys. After handing them over to Sinfer for management, he ordered loudly, "The main force of the Burning Legion has basically entered Azeroth. Let us first regain control of the new Well of Eternity." , Close the transmission channel!"


Out of caution, Kil'jaeden left quite a few legion demons beside the new Well of Eternity, including two acquaintances of Charlemagne, the leader-level demons of the legion—Haka the Dog and Magtheridon, the Lord of the Abyss.

Haka, the dog king, will not talk about it. He was played around by Charlemagne during the War of the Ancients, and Magtheridon died directly under Charlemagne's hands... It is said that Illidan did not intend to kill him at the time.

The eight legion warships left behind began to turn their bows when the Azeroth coalition forces rushed out... Charlemagne had to complain about this.

The battleship inherited from Eredar technology by the legion is quite funny. The whole battleship is covered with small-caliber secondary guns, but the attack power of this thing is so weak that it makes people laugh. The most powerful main gun is fixed on the main gun of the battleship. first position.

In his previous life, according to a tribal world who did not want to be named, he alone blocked the Burning Legion's three main artillery salvos, a total of nine shells... The main artillery of this army must be so watery, and the cannon fired nine times when it hit a mortal. None of them can be blown up.

In short, Charlemagne did not intend to give the legion battleship a chance to turn around at the moment, and the four space battleships that had just started their magic engines took off, and each aimed their secondary guns at one of the legion battleships.

At the same time, Daelin's flagship King Power and the three new pocket battleships of Quel'Thalas also fired into the air from a distance at the same time. Gunpowder weapons and magic cannons were fired at the same time, and soon the army's battleships that didn't even have shields were smashed. Got to be crumbling.

When the battleships of the Burning Legion turned around and aimed their guns at the target, three of the eight battleships plummeted to the ground with black smoke, and two of the remaining five had their main guns destroyed and severely damaged. Can barely suspend in the air.


The green fel bombardment was launched from the last three battleships of the Legion that still maintained their combat power, and the attack targets were the Yuanxing and Sunstrider at the top.


Charlemagne took the time to glance at the battle situation in the sky, with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued to focus his firepower on the dog king Haka who was struggling on the left and right.

The two later-built space battleships Yuanxing and Sunchaser are decisively different from the earlier Sunchaser and Silver Moon in certain structures.

When the legion's turn was about to be completed, several smooth large mirror armor plates were separated from the Yuanxing and Sunsunner at the same time, and the two ships concentrated all these mirror armors at the bow position.

An interesting situation happened when Legion's fel energy cannon hit the mirrored armor.

After an obvious turning point, the three energy cannons were bounced back by the armor intact and stuck in the bow positions of the three unresponsive legion warships.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Falling under the attack of the main guns fired by him, the captains of the three battleships must have looked confused.

Charlemagne once again sprinkled arrows to clean up the massive hellhounds around Hakka, and chuckled softly, "Playing energy cannon with Quel'Thalas? You are still 10,000 years too early!"

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