Chapter 556 Meow?

When the high-end battle in the central square of Andorhal started, Charlemagne, Tirion and others had already entered Naxxramas with nearly a hundred Silver Dawn elites.

The first thing that caught Charlemagne's eyes was not the four strictly divided regions, nor the temporarily closed portal to the upper layer of Naxxramas, but a black-faced kitten rubbing his leather boots under his feet .


Vereesa, who likes animals very much, squatted down first and scratched the chin of the white-body black-faced kitten with her fingers. The kitten then made a comfortable "purring" sound, and a pair of blue cat eyes half-closed... Mr. Charlemagne I feel like I've seen this look somewhere before.

Valeira also squatted down curiously, looked around the kitten carefully, and said in surprise, "This cat is alive! There are living things in this dead city full of undead?"

Charlemagne had a dazed expression at this moment, and he remembered a certain metaphysical product that deducted DKP.

This kitten seems to be specially brought to Naxxramas by Kel'Thuzad to raise it, and its name is Mr. Bigworth.

Because after killing this kitten, you will hear the resentful roar from Kel'Thuzad from above, so some metaphysical people think that killing it will reduce the shipment rate of Naxxramas...

Since then, this cat has been forbidden to be killed by many regiment leaders. Once it is killed by a cheap hand, it will be ruthlessly deducted from DKP. Charlemagne used to be out of curiosity...cough.

I don't know why, but the cat seemed to be very attached to Charlemagne, and immediately jumped into his arms after breaking free from Vereesa's grasp.


Through the slightly flowing power of death in his hand, Charlemagne could judge that the cat should be half alive and half undead.

It still looks like a living kitten on the outside, but the inside of its body seems to have received Kel'Thuzad's power infusion, and it has become much longer than ordinary cats... Perhaps to some extent, it has achieved the dream of many mortals in life - eternal life .

Charlemagne thoughtfully reached out and stroked the skilled kitten's head, and said with some uncertainty in his mouth, "How about... we take this cat with us temporarily? It might be a bit awkward to let it act here alone. Danger."

Tirion and Abbydis and other members of the Argent Dawn were noncommittal about this, since it was just a kitten anyway.

Vereesa and Valeira raised their hands in favor. They liked this docile kitten very much, and it was a bit unbearable to let it wander in this dangerous city of the undead.

Mr. Bigworth’s appearance was just a small episode. When Charlemagne and other high elves were not doing their jobs to play cats, Tirion and others had initially found the direction based on the map drawn by Valeera.

At this moment, the teleportation array behind everyone lit up again, and a sturdy young knight in full body armor was riding on a horse, and two people hunched over appeared in their sight.

Tirion stood out from the crowd, with a hearty smile on his face, he greeted loudly, "Dalyan, why are you alone? Where are Duane and Fairbanks?"

Several knights of the Silver Dawn immediately stepped forward to pick up the red-haired knight and the two prisoners who were as limp as mud. Dalyan dismounted and saluted Tirion respectfully, "Hello, General Fordring, Dalyan Mogley Ni reports to you!"

"Duane and Fairbanks were blocked by the death and decay released by a necromancer. Only I rushed into the town hall first."

Tirion nodded regretfully, "Well, it seems that we can't count on outside reinforcements in a short time, so let's set off as well, and solve this floating city as soon as possible."

The interior of Naxxramas is very spacious. I don’t know if Kel’Thuzad has obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is very paranoid and divides the entire floating city into four relatively symmetrical areas.

According to the plan, the surprise attack team will first go to the military area to redeem the old Mograine while getting rid of the two burdens that are now supported by the knights.

Charlemagne and others should have been discovered by Kel'Thuzad as soon as they entered Naxxramas. If they didn't move quickly, they might be besieged by the senior natural disaster generals who stayed in the city.

Charlemagne put Mr. Bigworth into the leather armor on his chest. The kitten didn't care, and curled up comfortably in his arms, closed his eyes and began to rest.

After a little identification of the direction, Charlemagne turned his head and said to Tirion, "Let's go, first go to the military area in the southwest corner, and Mograine's problem should be resolved."

Tirion nodded solemnly, and together with Abides loudly ordered the Silver Dawn Knights under his command to march southwest.

Daryan clenched his fists tightly at this time, and his face was very complicated. There were not only the sorrow of his father's death and his degeneration into a death knight, but also the relief of his father's liberation, and the hatred and puzzlement of his brother's crime of killing his father.

Tai Lan, who is also a general of the new generation of Lordaeron, came over and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Don't think too much, this is a battlefield, try to suppress all negative emotions, otherwise you may die for it."

Because the space inside Naxxramas is very large, many knights of the Silver Dawn rushed in directly on horseback. In order to fight for time, everyone didn't bother to startle the snake, and began to gallop inside the floating city.

Naxxramas was obviously not well prepared for the attack on this team of elite knights. Some of the death knight recruits in the military zone were simply unable to stop the skilled attack of these paladins.

Charlemagne drew his bow and quickly launched multiple shots to kill these rookie DKs, while turning his head to look for something with sharp eyes.

"Strange, logically speaking, these rookies should be led by someone to train them. Why can't we see the death knight general here?"

In the memory of the traverser, the death knights of the Scourge should have two instructors, Razuvius is responsible for training martial arts, and Gothick the Reaper will teach them how to use the power of death.

But it wasn't until Tirion and Abidis led a team to pierce through the entire death knight area that they didn't see the shadows of Razuvians and Gothick. It wasn't until they finally entered the hall of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that everyone found out Clue.

Surrounded by dozens of silent death knights, a tall and strong human man in ice-blue plate armor and a necromancer dressed in a typical curse sect were surrounding a half-kneeling undead.

The necromancer was emitting a dark spell to cover the death knight kneeling on one knee, and the strong man beside him who was clearly Lazuvios was still yelling at something.

"Is this all your hatred? Don't let the stupid good thoughts in your heart interfere with your actions! Cut off all nostalgia for the world of the living, and devote yourself to the embrace of the Lich King!"

Gothick also said with a sinister smile, "Although I don't know why Kel'Thuzad advocated making you the leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, if you continue to resist, I don't think he would mind replacing you with someone else."

The death knight half-kneeling on the ground looked very tangled and painful, and the expression on his face was constantly changing almost every second, "I...revenge! But...Dalyan...Reynolds! You pervert!"

Dalian Mograine finally couldn't bear it after seeing the scene in front of him and his father's call, he rushed out and shouted, "Father! What did you natural disaster monsters do to my father!"

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