Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 557: In society, I am Mog, and people don’t talk too much.

Chapter 557 I, Mogg in society, don’t talk too much


Tirion, Tyran and the others had no time to stop this frizzy young man, but they couldn't just watch the last bloodline of the Mograine family disappear before their eyes.

Tirion held up his golden warhammer and shouted, "Knights of the Silver Dawn, charge! Sweep away these filthy death knights!"


Razubios and Gothick obviously noticed the group of living people who broke in at this time. Although Razubios had a surprised expression on his face, he still calmly and loudly began to order.

"Death knights, let these stupid Holy Light believers feel your strength, charge!"

Different from the high-spirited paladins, these elite death knights launched a countercharge to the Silver Dawn Knight without saying a word. The forwards of both sides quickly collided with each other, and the power of holy light and death radiated on the battlefield.

"Gothick, Mograine is in your hands. Don't let him break free. He's still very unstable now. It's hard to tell the enemy from himself when he's on the battlefield."

The dark magic in the hands of the reaper never stopped, he turned his head calmly and said to Razuvios, "No problem, those living people will be dealt with by you, as long as you hold them back for a while, the guardians of other districts will Come one after another, these reckless fools will pay for their invasion of Naxxramas."

As Gothik said, Kel'Thuzad has sent Glass, Anubrekan, and Loatheb from the other three districts after finding out what Tirion and the others are doing.

Except for Thaddeus, who has not yet completed the experimental transformation, and Maxner, the spider queen who is not suitable for attacking, all the Scourge generals who stayed behind in Naxxramas have already rushed to the death knight area.

There are interconnected passages between the four areas. If Charlemagne and others do not move fast enough, it is only a matter of time before they are encircled.

This group of death knights who completed training was completely different from the previous group of recruits. The paladins of the Silver Dawn struggled to cope, and the number of deaths on both sides kept rising during the battle.

But generally speaking, Silver Dawn, led by generals such as Tirion, Abides, and Tyran, still has the upper hand. Lafayette relied on a shining warhammer to defeat Razubios.

Without the direct orders from the commander, Abidis and Tyran could rely on their superb battlefield command to form a partial siege of the death knights.

Charlemagne, Liadrin, Lor'themar, and the three Windrunner sisters also went to the frontal battlefield to provide powerful fire support for their comrades, but Valeera, the little thief, was thieves towards Gotti who was still talking. gram to touch.

After Valeira approached, she finally heard Gothick's low voice, "Look, your little son is in the middle of the battlefield, and may wither at any time. The poor Mograine family is finally about to perish. Now you can join the camp of the dead with peace of mind."

Valeira wrinkled her little nose cryptically, and after seeing the struggling expression on old Mograine's face, she finally sneaked behind Gothick, and used the thief skill garrote on the chattering Gothick's neck.

"Ho... ho!"

Although the undead didn't feel pain, he couldn't make a sound for a while after his vocal cords were cut, and the restriction spell in his hand stopped in a panic.

Mograine, who regained his clarity for a short time, seized this opportunity and immediately swung the fallen Ashbringer to chop off Gothick's head.

"Ha ha…"

Mograine, whose expression was still struggling, seemed to be trying to control the dark emotions in his heart. Valeira watched vigilantly at the once famous Ashbringer, and slowly stepped back.

After thinking for a while, the little thief said cautiously, "Mograine the Ashbringer, in addition to your youngest son Dalyan, we have also brought your patricide eldest son Reynolds and Sally Whitemane, if you Take your anger out on them."

Mograine, who was barely able to control his inner emotions at first, gradually turned the blue soul fire in his eyes to crimson after hearing Renault's name.

"Reynolds! That traitor is here too? Where is it! I must execute him myself!"

At this time, Charlemagne saw that the advantage on the battlefield was obvious, and rode to Mograine with a Silver Dawn Knight who did not join the battle, and silently let the knight leave Raynor and Sally behind. on the ground.

Lei Nuo, who was already insane, saw the old man with clear gray skin and furious face seemed to have regained his sanity in an instant, struggling to back away with a terrified expression on his face.

"No! Don't come here, I don't want to kill you, it's because you don't allow me to be with Sally!"

Mograine, who was driven by hatred, suddenly recovered his mobility. With the fire of his soul in his eyes, he strode towards Renault who was wriggling on the ground. The eldest son was split in half from the shoulder.

A large amount of blood gushed out from Renault who was not yet dead. Charlemagne and Valeira both frowned and took a few steps back. Renault on the ground seemed unable to believe that his father would be so decisive. The half of the body with the head still With a horrified expression, he twitched slightly on the ground.


After killing Renault, old Mograine seemed to have suddenly fallen into a state of madness. He turned his hand and killed Sally, who had no eyes, and stared at Valeera and Charlemagne with those red eyes. .

Charlemagne frowned deeply, "It won't be counterproductive, right?"

"Who knows, your plan doesn't work every time, right? It's not surprising that something goes wrong."

While Valeira was laughing and joking about her beloved elder brother, Dalyan finally rushed out from the battlefield where he already had the absolute upper hand.

There were already a few more wounds on his body that were cut by a sharp weapon, and after a simple bandage, the bright red blood oozing out from under the white bandage could still be seen.

"Father, stop! Duke Theron is here to help you get your redemption!"

Hearing the call of his youngest son, Alexandros seemed to regain his senses, red and blue soul fires appeared alternately in his eyes, and he fell into a struggle again.


Dalyan saw his father turn his eyes to him, and his face seemed to have regained his kindness. He immediately dismounted joyfully and rushed to him, half kneeling on the ground, and reached out to hold the cold left hand of old Mograine, "It's me, father, come back to your senses." Yet?"

While the father and son were holding hands and crying, Charlemagne, Alleria and other elf rangers heard movement from the passages on both sides of the military area at the same time.

"Not good... The enemy's reinforcements have arrived!"

Charlemagne turned his head and glanced at Mograine, whose mood had gradually stabilized, and said to Dalyan who was kneeling on the ground, "Little Mograine, your father's side will be handed over to you!"


Charlemagne blew a whistle and was reminded that the three Windrunner sisters, Lor'themar, and Liadrin left the battlefield at the same time, leaving only Tirion and others who had already killed Razuvios to clean up the mess on the battlefield. The elf rushed towards the door of the hall briskly.

Liadrin just used a large amount of holy light to expand the defensive barrier to block the door, and the first deformed stitched undead giant dog in the natural disaster support rushed directly to the barrier built by Liadrin.

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