Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 555: It is usually said that when you go back to your hometown to get married...

Chapter 555 usually says that they go back to their hometown to get married...

At the beginning of April 25 of Black Gate, except for the Lordaeron region in the northern part of the eastern continent, most of the available troops in the entire Azeroth had gathered in Silithus.

Follow-up logistical supplies are also under intense preparations. Today's large-scale army consumes a huge amount of food just by eating horses and chewing horses every day.

And Charlemagne, the chief planner who holds the most important door-opening props, is still in the Western Plaguelands in the northern part of the Eastern Continent.

Although neither King Kael'thas nor Queen Azshara sent letters to urge him, the sense of urgency in Charlemagne's heart was pressing him at any time.


Riding on the military horse provided by Silver Dawn, Charlemagne tried hard to control his impatience. The upcoming battle should not carry this mentality.

Lor'themar, who was lined up next to him, asked with some concern, "Brother, time is really tight, right? What's going on in Silithus?"

"I just received the news from Emeril that the army of Silithus has basically assembled, and we can start to act only after the logistics are in place. We really can't waste too much time here."

As soon as Charlemagne finished speaking, there was a series of sounds of horseshoes landing behind him, and Tirion had already rode his horse to his side.

Lafayette said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lordaeron's request has delayed you for too much time, why don't you go directly to Silithus? Anyway, you have already arranged the general layout."

"Need not."

Charlemagne looked at the Silver Dawn Knights who were ready to charge ahead, "It will take about 10 days for all the logistical resources to arrive. After I break through Naxxramas, I will directly teleport there with my elite. "

The last time I went to Silithus to play the front station, Charlemagne had already figured out the structure of the local magic net, otherwise he would not have leisurely accompanied Lordaeron to fight the undead here.

Charlemagne turned his head to look at Tirion, and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry too much about me, although it doesn't take much time to raid Naxxramas, whether it's the intruding troops or the troops staying to guard the portal There will be a lot of pressure.”

"Concentrate on the current battle and think about other things later."

At 12:00 noon, the western army led by Dathrohan charged first, followed by the eastern army on Tirion's side.

This attack was no longer a feint like the previous one. The two armies attacked Andorhal's town square very purposefully at the same time. Except for a small number of reserve troops left behind, Lordaeron put almost all of its available troops into the attack. in this battle.

Tirion charged at the front, brandishing a golden warhammer in his hand, closely following core generals such as Abidis and Tyran by his side.

Logically speaking, this distribution method is very unreasonable. If the enemy who knows the intelligence specifically targets them, maybe the entire high-level army may be wiped out.

But right now, Tirion and the others originally planned to rush into the teleportation formation and enter Naxxramas in groups. Except for Bridget, the daughter of Abbendis, who stayed behind to command, all high-end combat forces were condensed into one arrow pointing towards The line of defense against the natural disaster launched a violent impact.

"For the Alliance, for Lordaeron! Charge!"


Following the loud encouragement from Tirion, the leader, the elite knights of the Silver Dawn quickly broke through the unresponsive undead natural disaster defense line, rushing all the way towards the central square.

At the same time, Dathrohan's army from the west also broke through the neglected natural disaster defense line, and a dwarf death knight was in charge of the defense.

Unprepared, the Scourge army led by him was quickly defeated, and he himself was stunned by Saidan's charge of divine anger, and was captured alive by the Scarlet Crusade while unconscious.

A servant of the Scarlet Crusade recognized the identity of the death knight, "Kurtaz? I didn't expect this dwarf paladin to be transformed into a death knight, **** Arthas..."

The situation on the East Road Army is similar. Tirion and Abidis also captured two death knight leaders just now. Charlemagne can probably judge from the opponent's clothes and the high-level death knight riding that these two should be A high ranking general.

When they rushed into the town square, Tirion and the others had time to look at the two prisoners who were tied up. When he saw the face of the human death knight covered in blue-gray, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "Isn't he... Sir Seriek?"

And Liadrin also recognized the identity of the female high elf, "Bloomux? Didn't she say she went back to her hometown to get married? Why..."

Charlemagne looked at the two couples with pity. The newlyweds must have suffered a very tragic experience before being transformed into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but now there is no time to listen to their reminiscences.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's rush into Naxxramas first. These two people should be senior officers who were originally deployed in Naxxramas. Since they are both in Andorhal, it means that the entire Naxxramas The defense is relatively empty, and we just took the opportunity to break through it."

As Charlemagne said, the high-ranking generals of natural disasters will of course not be like in the game, a bunch of idiots piled up in Naxxramas, waiting for the footmen to attack one by one.

At this time, including the pair of black widows and spare tires, the black witch Farina and the plague bringer North, the necromancer-dirty Sirga, the giant abomination Patchwick and the structure monster-Globrus are all distributed in Among Andorhal and the School of Theology.

Apart from the three death knights who were captured in the raid, there are also God of War Patchwick, Globrus, and Dirty Hilga scattered in the battlefield of Andorhal. And it's coming here.

Tirion turned his head and looked at Dathrohan, who was already close in front of him, nodded heavily and said, "Let's leave it to Saidan to stop us outside, let's quickly enter the teleportation formation!"

Charlemagne and the others stopped talking nonsense, and after leaving the captives to Bridget, they all entered the green portal in the town hall.

Dathrohan originally planned to let his Scarlet Archmage Duane and Scarlet Inquisitor Fairbanks also rush into the portal, but at this time reinforcements from the undead had already arrived.

Surprised by these fragile living beings, Hilgay's death and withering in anger blocked the way for Saidan and others to enter the town hall. Lian Mograine rushed into the hall first.

"Duane! The necromancer will be dealt with by you, and I will deal with that giant abomination. Bridget, your opponent with Fairbanks is that deformed structure!"


Dathrohan stared at Patchwick and shouted loudly, "Dalyan! You bring those two scumbags in and hand them over to Duke Theron. Be careful, you are the only one left in the Mograine family. Alone!"

Dalyan checked the two bodies in prison uniforms who were lying on their stomachs like mud, and then stretched out his thumbs and gestured towards Dathrohan.

"Don't worry, Teacher Saidan! I will definitely cherish my life, but you don't die here, Her Majesty still needs you to command the national army!"

Seeing Dalyan riding his horse into the portal from the corner of his eye, Dathrohan chuckled, "This brat still has the mood to worry about me..."

Immediately, he straightened his face, dazzling holy light flowed from his whole body, took a deep breath and charged at the huge abomination that was difficult to deal with at the first glance.

"Holy Light will win!"

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