Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 554: The usefulness of scum

Chapter 554 The usefulness of scum

Tirion's words are not alarmist in theory. After all, with this kind of floating city, the natural disaster can send troops to all places in Azeroth at will.

However, in fact, this concept is difficult to realize. The natural disasters in this timeline have been weakened by Charlemagne's prior layout, and there is no such monstrous power in the original history.

Frost Bone Dragon and Banshee cannot be established. Now the main air force of the Undead Scourge can only rely on Gargoyles, while the ground relies more on Death Knights and Abominations.

But in any case, after the natural disaster has the floating city technology, it is indeed a trouble. Although there is only Naxxramas for the time being, you can use chrysanthemums to know. With the terrifying construction progress that the undead do not need to rest, as long as the materials are enough, they Explode as many strongholds as you want.

Charlemagne didn't debunk Tirion's rhetoric, he could only nodded lightly and asked, "Has Kel'Thuzad's whereabouts been confirmed now? How is the strength of the troops in that floating city?"

Abidis replied, "Kel'Thuzad has been witnessed by the Griffon Knights on the top platform of Naxxramas. As for the internal forces... I'm sorry, our scouts can't penetrate it."

Taylan took over the conversation from the ashamed Abbendis with a headache, "Every time the Griffon Knight gets too close, he will be attacked by the defense circle of the floating city, and we cannot enter the fortress at all."

Charlemagne tapped lightly on the conference table with his fingers, and thought for a while before asking again, "How did the Scourge Army enter and exit Naxxramas? It's impossible to jump directly from the air, right? "

Tirion frowned and said, "That's the problem. We suspect that the Scourge has established a certain teleportation array in the floating city and the ground, but according to Saidan's speculation, the location of this teleportation array may be inside Andorhal, and it is difficult for us to break through them." The defense goes in."

Charlemagne immediately had an idea after hearing Tirion's words, "Well, I'll send Valeera to sneak into Andorhal to check the location of the teleportation array first."

"If we have the exact location of the teleportation array, we can gather superior forces to launch a precise assault in the direction of the teleportation array, and send a small number of elite troops to rush into the teleportation array and enter the interior of Naxxramas while the large forces block the natural disaster. Break through this fort."

There should be a small number of troops staying in Naxxramas, and most of the troops have been sent by Kel'Thuzad to Andorhal below. As long as they can break into the interior, Charlemagne is confident that he can rely on his understanding of this floating city. punch it through.

Because of his intervention, there must be no Frost Bone Dragon Sapphiron in Naxxramas. According to Malygos' description, that kid is trying hard to curry favor with the little star who has just advanced into an adult dragon in the Demon Hub. ...but it seems to have had little effect.

Stellagosa may have been struggling in the Blue Wing Habitat for a long time. After returning to the Demon Nexus, although she became a beautiful little princess, there were still many male blue dragons who separated from each other for her.

But Little Xingxing still regards improving her own strength as her first choice, and has not made it clear that she has any intention of getting close to any male. Malygos has praised her in front of Charlemagne many times, but the words she used are rather strange.

"I didn't expect bad bamboos to produce good ones."

Naxxramas, a floating fortress that gathers the elite of natural disasters, should not be much different from the original historical configuration except that there is no Sapphiron.

In order to create better opportunities for Valeira to infiltrate, Tirion and Abides launched several feint attacks with Saidan on West Road.

On the one hand, it can attract the attention of the natural disasters to facilitate Valeira's actions. On the other hand, it can also form an inertial thinking for the natural disaster commander. When the army launches a real assault later, it should slow down the natural disasters' response a lot.

Half a month later, Valeira, who had been away for a long time, finally returned. Alleria and Cirvanas went up to help her groom her appearance immediately.

The little girl herself was very stubborn. She hugged her two sisters who loved her dearly, and first walked up to Charlemagne and began to report her achievements.

"Not only did I find the teleportation array leading to Naxxramas, I also sneaked into the floating city to investigate."

Valeira took out a simple map drawn by herself from her backpack, "Basically, the entire Naxxramas is divided into five regions, and the first floor is very symmetrically divided into four regions from the central axis to the four corners. Tectonic Zone in the Northeast, Spider Zone in the Northeast, Plague Zone in the Southeast, and Military Zone in the Southwest."

"The last area should be the exclusive area of ??Kel'Thuzad on the second floor. Unfortunately, I couldn't sneak up."

Charlemagne touched Valeera's dirty long golden hair distressedly and said, "It's enough, well done, thank you for your hard work, Valeera."

Letian's little girl had a silly smile, half-closed her eyes and let out a "hehe" laugh in enjoyment.

After Charlemagne got the information from Valeira, he first asked the three Windrunner sisters to take her to take care of it, and he brought Aqiang and Liadrin to the headquarters, where Abdis and Tirion were. Discussing about dispatching troops around the map.

"Charlemagne, you are here, look at our feint from here today..."

Charlemagne directly interrupted Tirion's words, "There is no need to feint, Valeira just brought back very precious information."

Then he repeated what Valeira just said to the two of them, and Abbendis' eyes were firmly fixed on the center of Andorhal.

"I didn't expect that Kel'Thuzad would be so bold to put the teleportation array in the town hall..."

"No, maybe this is the most suitable choice." Tirion guarded and drew a circle around Andorhal "This position is right in the center of the city, no matter where you go, the support will be very fast, and vice versa , I think Kel'Thuzad should have people who are well versed in the art of war."

Charlemagne heard this and suddenly interrupted and asked, "Tirion, is Renault Mograine still alive?"


Tirion raised his head inexplicably, "Because of your repeated reminders, I made a suggestion to Queen Calia, he and Sally Whitemane are still alive, but... their life may be worse than their death. "

Charlemagne didn't care about their plight. He only knew that the artifact, the Ashbringer, should return to the order camp.

"Well, you say hello to Saidan and ask Lordaeron King City to send Raynor and Sally over. Now it's time to use them. Remember to bring them two when we charge into the teleportation formation."

Tirion and Abedis were full of question marks, but in the end they sent the news to the barracks where Saidan Dathrohan was stationed in the west through the Griffin Knight as requested by Charlemagne.

The remaining military arrangements were left to the two veterans. Charlemagne walked out of the headquarters tent with his younger brother and future sister-in-law.

Looking at Naxxramas floating above Andorhal in the distance, Charlemagne said with some emotion, "Ashbringer... this legend should almost continue to be passed on."

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