Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 553: your daughter is awesome

Chapter 553 Your daughter is awesome

In the past month or so, something seems to have happened in Tyrande. The high priest hasn't been to Quel'Thalas since Malfurion woke up.

When Fandral came to give a lecture at the Temple of Dythom one time, he vaguely revealed the news that the two were quarreling. Out of the idea of ??maintaining the stability of the regime, Tyrande couldn't go out blatantly for the time being.

Charlemagne doesn't have time to take care of Grandma Tai's situation right now. He is discussing an important matter with the king and the Silvermoon Council on the first floor of the Tower of Sunfury.

"An invitation from the Silver Dawn?"

Charlemagne frowned and looked at a document handed over by Kael'thas, the content was to invite the high elves to join in the raid on the natural disaster floating city, signed by Tirion Fordring.

"What does Lordaeron mean? Why did the Argent Dawn send the invitation, and what are their official plans?"

The Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade were part of the original Silver Hand after it was disbanded. Among them, the Scarlet Crusade has been officially recognized by Queen Calia and has become one of the official legions of Lordaeron.

However, the Silver Dawn led by Baron Tyrosus has always been a semi-civilian organization. Especially after Tirion Fordring, who was exiled by Uther, took over the control, the situation of this knight order became even more embarrassing. I always feel that it seems a bit out of tune with the official.

Sean crossed his hands on the table and dragged his chin, and said with a sneer, "What's the point? It's obvious that the officials don't want to lose face to beg Quel'Thalas. The move that Queen Calia played in Stratholme before It’s really kind of dishonest.”

Charlemagne weighed the gains and losses a little, looked up at the members of the parliament and asked, "What about the opinions of His Majesty and the parliament? To be honest, I have a view on whether to go or not to this invitation. Even if reinforcements are sent, there will definitely not be too many." Quantity, after all, the battle of Ahn'Qiraj is imminent."

Kel'thas smiled wryly, "The problem now is that the opinions within the parliament are not unified. Whether it is the House of Lords or the House of Commons, the number of people in favor and against is almost equal."

In the House of Lords, except Likert and Romans abstained, Sean and Li Reza chose to support sending troops, and Von der Lore and Solanlian opposed it. The situation in the House of Commons is almost similar.

Charlemagne put the document on the table with a smile on his face, "What about your own opinion, Your Majesty? Now that the parliament has different opinions, the most important thing is your vote."

Kel'thas shrugged slightly, and said helplessly, "My original thought was similar to yours. I was going to wait and see the opinions of the parliament. I personally think that I can go or not, who knows..."

The problem is back to the original point. Perhaps the opinion of most of the senior elves is similar to that of Kael'thas, and finally formed such an embarrassing situation.

Kael'thas was unsure about paying attention so he called his most trusted state adviser to ask for advice. Who knew that Charlemagne also gave a deadly obsessive-compulsive answer.

Seeing the expectant expression on Kael'thas's face, Charlemagne could only ask with a wry smile, "Then let's make a compromise. We will send people to help, but we won't send out large troops, only a limited number of high-end troops will be sent over." Combat power."

The most important thing right now is the battle of Ahn'Qiraj, and Charlemagne doesn't want to turn around suddenly when the bow is on the string.

The high elves have already started transporting a large number of troops and logistics supplies to Kalimdor through the three helicarriers, the Lieyang, the Silvermoon and the newly built Fargo. At this time, it is better for the remaining troops in the country not to move around. .

When Charlemagne personally led his group of relatives and friends to Hearthglen, and rode to the Argent Dawn barracks in the northeast of Andorhal, although Tirion felt a little regretful about Quel'Thalas' choice, he also understood Didn't get too deep into it.

After greeting Tirion and Abidis, Charlemagne walked up to Tailan, who had already recovered, and asked with a smile, "Lord Fording, is your body alright?"

Tai Lan said with a wry smile, "Don't call me that, it's always weird to hear this name in front of my father."

"Haha!" Old Fording laughed boldly, patted his son's thick shoulder armor vigorously and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Now you are the lord of Hearthglen, accept this title with dignity."

Since Tyran was still alive, Tirion naturally did not intervene in the affairs of Hearthglen, and continued to hand over the territory to his son for management.

Because Garithos and Mal'Ganis seized power indiscriminately before, the entire Hearth Valley finally got on the right track after several months of governance by Tyran, and now he finally freed his hand to help the front line.

After reminiscing about the past, all the officers present entered the camp headquarters and began to discuss business.

Charlemagne was the first to ask, "So, what is the attitude of the Lordaeron regular army on the west road? They should be very unhappy that we didn't bring a large army?"

Alfred Abidis said helplessly, "On the surface, it's fine. Queen Calia understands Quel'Thalas' choice, but in private..."

A heroic and beautiful young woman next to Abidis curled her lips, "Even in Silver, there are many people who privately say that Quel'Thalas is treacherous, forgetting the rescue of Marshal Tulayang, and how much he felt about Lordain back then." Ren held a grudge against the act of gifting Stratholme to Draenei, and was unwilling to contribute at critical times."

"In addition, because Draenei also sent troops to Silithus and refused to participate in the war, some people also said..."


Hearing General Abedis's scolding, Charlemagne learned that this beautiful female knight in full plate armor was his daughter—Bridget Abedis.

Charlemagne looked at this beautiful and heroic woman with great interest. Bridget is quite well-known. It is said that her beauty fascinated the Scarlet Mage Duane, and she was also famous in the entire Scarlet Crusade Many of her admirers.

Moreover, after the death of the older generation of generals, she was considered the only general in the Scarlet Crusade who could handle the scene, and it was precisely because of this that in the original history, she was transformed by Mal'Ganis. Admiral Barry Weswin was selected as the target of demagoguery.

It took a few seconds for Charlemagne, who was distracted, to smile and wave his hand to interrupt Abbendis's accusation, "General Abendis, don't blame her, what your daughter said is true, but the ancient oath really can't draw any troops now. Come to help, the situation of Silithus... you should also understand something, right?"

Tirion sighed and said, "Why don't you know that the scouts of the alliance have shared the information on Silithus with Lordaeron long ago, how can a war with all the dragons participate in it be so easy, Charlemagne, don't worry." Pay no attention to the gossip of the soldiers of the lower ranks."

After Abbendis taught the aggrieved daughter a lesson, he continued, "Osmar...no, the influence of Mal'Ganis's bewitchment was not so easy to eliminate. Fortunately, it was discovered early. It will be troublesome for this dreadlord to infiltrate the center."

Cirvanas snorted disdainfully, "If we hadn't helped expose the true identity of that big bat, Lordaeron would have gradually regarded a demon with evil intentions as a savior, right? You're actually blaming Kui the other way around?" El Salas..."

Alleria hastily scolded in a low voice, "Hill! Don't say a few words."

Abidis, Tirion, and Tyran are all upright people. They were obviously embarrassed when they heard the second lady's accusation.

Seeing that the atmosphere froze, Charlemagne changed the subject with interest, "What's going on with the floating city of Naxxramas now? A single city shouldn't be able to bring in too many troops, right?"


Tirion coughed, and after sorting out his emotions, he said solemnly, "The problem of troop strength comes second, and it did not exceed our expectations."

"The key lies in the strategic significance brought by this floating fortress. With Naxxramas now, natural disasters can advance or retreat. If this fortress cannot be resolved, I am afraid that the entire Eastern Kingdom and even Kalimdor will be destroyed in the future." Under the shadow of the Scourge of the Undead."

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