Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 499: race does not represent honor

Chapter 499 Race cannot represent honor

Although Alleria and the others were very moved by the unswerving love between the two, they still felt a surge of stomach juice when they saw Karl continue to look for maggots to eat on Dingnegolfy.

Charlemagne hurriedly took the four female elves who were already overwhelmed and bid farewell to the two. He would rather kill seven in and seven out on the battlefield than accept such a heavy-tasting picture.

Fortunately, when the five Charlemagne left the house with blue faces covering their mouths, they happened to see an old man with a hood and a snow-white beard riding a strong chestnut horse from Sodoril. Cross the river across the river.

The old man finally saw the five Charlemagne standing in front of his house after riding a horse to the shore, and he was stunned when he saw the face of the leader clearly.

Charlemagne walked forward with a smile, and gave the wet Tirion a hug indifferently, "It's been a long time, I didn't expect to meet you here by chance."

Tirion also patted Charlemagne on the back, and asked puzzledly while being happy, "Charlemagne, and General Windrunner, why are you here?"

"So it's a coincidence. We happened to meet your neighbor. He was here to visit Dinigfeld. I didn't expect that the old hermit Karl mentioned was you."

Tirion looked at the still blue faces of the four female elves, and couldn't help laughing heartily, "I see, it seems that you have also witnessed their 'immortal' love, right?"

His schadenfreude obviously told several people that Tirion was also fortunate to have seen Cal's maggot-eating method.

Old friends reunited, Tirion warmly welcomed Charlemagne and his party into his hut.

Under the introduction of Duke Theron, Tirion learned that Alleria and Vereesa were Sylvanas' sisters, and the curious female elf in light red leather armor next to them was a few of them. Little sister who is not related by blood.

Of course, the next topic will inevitably mention the recent world situation. Tirion was a little surprised when he heard that the high elves had withdrawn from the alliance. ?”

Charlemagne shook his head, "That's not entirely true. The main reason is that we don't want to get involved in the meaningless infighting between the Alliance and the Horde. You also know that the population of high elves can't compare with that of humans and orcs. used in more appropriate places."

Charlemagne simply told Tirion the original intention and purpose of the establishment of the ancient oath, and the first-generation paladin who had been deprived of the Holy Light nodded in agreement.

"I understand. Indeed, the situation between the alliance and the tribe will sooner or later lead to large-scale conflicts. If there is a third-party neutral force to mediate, it should be able to prevent the endless expansion of the war between the two sides."

Tirion has lived in this remote abandoned village for many years, and his understanding of the world situation is a bit behind the times, but his overall view as a former officer of the Silver Hand is still alive. Through Charlemagne's description of the current situation, he quickly Clarified the train of thought.

Charlemagne waved his hand and turned the topic to Tirion, "Don't talk about these world events, but you, why do you choose to live in seclusion in this uninhabited place? I heard from Karl that you cross the river every day to the Western Plaguelands Looking at Hearthglen, are you worried about Tailan?"

Tirion sighed, looking at the gloomy sky in the Eastern Plaguelands, he said with a complicated expression, "At first I chose this place out of self-exile, because at the beginning I was not sure how I would let Eitrigg go. right or wrong."

Eitrigg is an orc veteran in the old tribe, and now he has become an advisor to the new chieftain Go'el. He was trusted by Orgrim and was ordered to guard Garona. From Garona, he learned that A lot of the truth behind Gul'dan and that outright invasion.

After Garona escaped and the old tribe was defeated, Eitrigg encountered Tirion by chance when he was living in seclusion. Ao was unfortunately crushed under the rubble by the fragments of the tower.

When he woke up, he found that he was already lying on the hospital bed. From his adjutant, he deduced the truth about his salvation, and the old orc saved him.

Taking this as an opportunity, when Tirion met Eitrigg again, the two sides sat down calmly and had a conversation. From the mouth of the old orc, Tirion learned that the orcs had a noble tradition before. .

Tirion said sadly, "Out of gratitude to Eitrigg for saving his life and admiration for his noble sentiments, I chose to conceal his news and let him continue to live in seclusion in my territory, but I didn't expect my adjutant You actually reported to the Silver Hand, and then... you also know."

Tirion thought of a question that Tyran, who was only five years old, asked himself at this time.

"Dad, are all orcs bad?"

"No, my child, race does not represent honor. We should not rashly make judgments on existences that are different from ourselves."

Charlemagne saw the nostalgic look on his old friend's face, reached out and patted his shoulder, "Does that mean you've thought it through now?"

Tirion smiled proudly, "Of course, being deprived of the Holy Light really made me depressed for a long time, but I gradually figured it out in the quiet life of seclusion, and I don't regret letting Yitrie go. behavior."

Charlemagne smiled and said, "Isn't that all right? As long as you have a clear conscience and follow your firm beliefs, the Holy Light will return to you one day."

"In fact..."

Tirion showed a happy smile on his face, and Charlemagne and others found that his outstretched left hand was already shining with a dazzling golden holy light.

"I have recovered the Holy Light. Uther was wrong. The Holy Light cannot be taken away. I lost the Holy Light just because my own belief was greatly shaken."

"Holy Light is not an energy that guides people to be good. Even if it is a villain with a secretive mind, as long as he has firm belief in his actions, Holy Light will respond to him."

Tirion's words reminded Charlemagne of Father Twilight in the original history and the Scarlet Crusader who had become an undead and could still use the Holy Light. These words clarified the essence of the Holy Light.

Sylvanas, who had fought side by side with Tirion and was more familiar with Tirion, asked, "Tirion, have you found anything unusual in your observations of Hearthglen for so many years? Garithos recently returned to Lordaene You know about Lun, right?"

Speaking of this matter, Tirion's previously relaxed expression immediately became serious, "The point is here, the current Garithos makes me feel very strange. He who was originally only good at military affairs seems to have suddenly become Almighty."

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