Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 500: Garithos super evolved?

Chapter 500 Garithos Super Evolution?


Charlemagne frowned immediately when he heard Tirion's words, "Tell me, what's going on, the last time I saw him in Quel'Thalas, I felt a little out of harmony."

Tirion said solemnly, "I used to have contacts with Osmar when I served in the Silver Hand. There is no doubt that he is talented in military affairs, but in politics... To put it bluntly, he just doesn't know anything. layman."

"However, since half a year ago, he seems to have suddenly become enlightened. First, he gave up continuing to confront the central royal family and expressed his approval of Queen Calia's rule. After that, he also proposed to the central government to go to Quel'Thalas for secession negotiations. And promise to try my best to win more benefits for Lordaeron."

Charlemagne laughed angrily when he heard Tirion's words, "Do your best? Sorry, from our point of view, Garithos is just messing around. We can't see a trace of sincerity from his attitude, and even... I think this A breakdown in talks appears to be part of his plan as well."

Recalling Garithos' weird smile back then, Charlemagne always felt hard to let go.

If he hadn't confirmed the deaths of the three dreadlords Varimathras, Deseroc, and Balnazar to Saidan many times, he would have doubted whether this Garithos was impersonated by Nathrezim.

After hearing Charlemagne's description, Tirion lowered his head and pondered for a moment, "Is it true... I recently heard the news that after the negotiation, Osmar told Jiali about Quel'Thalas' bad attitude. sub queen."

"Hehe, it's really the villain who complained first." Cirvanas crossed his arms and let out a sneer. "Queen Calia should go to Silvermoon City to see Garithos's arrogance at that time."

At this time, the thoughtful Alleria showed a thoughtful look in his eyes, "So, from the clumsy plan of dividing the territory and dividing the territory of Garithos, he himself does not have this kind of political literacy, that is to say ...Is there someone behind him who is conspiring?"

Tirion nodded, "I think so too, and I already have a candidate in my mind."

The corner of Charlemagne's mouth curled into a slight smile, "Is the former Silver Hand Prosecutor Iselion?"

"That's right. Iselion was originally a thoughtful person. His biggest problem is that he values ??power more."

Tirion said with a worried face, "I am most worried about Tyran. Under the misleading of Isenlien, I don't know if Tyran has been distorted. I have repeatedly wanted to sneak into Hearthglen and It's a pity to meet Tyran... the defense of Hearthglen is too tight."

Charlemagne and the other five looked at the tall and burly paladin speechlessly, and Valeira curled her lips and complained disdainfully, "You are not a thief or a ranger, and you want to sneak into a heavily guarded military fortress. Is it too much? Even the members of the secret channel sent by Charlemagne can't do it."

Seeing the sad and concerned look on Tirion's face, Charlemagne recalled the love and family mission that touched countless people back then.

"Well, Tirion, you are not suitable for sneaking in. Just let me go in and pass on a message for you, but I don't know if Tyran will believe my words. After all, in his heart, his father has already passed away."

Tirion's face changed when he heard Charlemagne's proposal, and he said a little excitedly, "This is no problem, as long as there are a few tokens, I believe he will believe you, and I have already got one of them, and this is it. "

As he spoke, Tirion unfolded a piece of rag he had placed in the corner of the wall. Judging from the pattern on the piece of cloth, it was a damaged banner, the banner of the former Knights of the Silver Hand.

"I also need to retrieve a miniature warhammer that I gave to Tyran when he was 7 years old, and a painting that we asked a local artist to draw when we were vacationing in Keir Darrow."

Charlemagne smiled lightly, and took out a fully framed picture frame from his backpack, "Is this the painting you mean?"

The location of this painting seems to be by a certain lake. A family of three stood on the trestle by the lake with happy smiles. The father was a robust human male with black hair and beards, and the gentle mother had With beautiful long blond hair, there is a childish little boy standing between the two of them.

Tirion took the painting from Charlemagne with trembling hands, and he gently stroked the face of the little boy on the painting with nostalgia on his face, "This...is indeed the one I left with Callander and Tyran. A painting, what are you doing?"

Charlemagne rubbed his nose and smiled, "Actually, this is a coincidence. You should know that Stratholme was transformed into the capital of the Draenei. It was transferred out, and it happened that this painting was painted on someone I knew, so I asked His Majesty the Prophet to get it over."

After seeing this painting, Tirion seemed to recall the happy years. He was in a daze, and it took him a while to recover.

"Sorry, I lost my composure."

Tirion apologized shyly to Charlemagne and others, "I have already found out the location of another item. When Callander told Tyran that I was dead, he buried this small warhammer in the place where Callander told before his tomb."

"My fake tomb is next to the tomb in the west of Darrow County. It is now occupied by a group of trolls. I can't deal with so many trolls by myself. Can you...huh?"

Tirion saw the strange expressions on the faces of Valeera and Vereesa in the middle of speaking, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with my words?"

The two little girls looked at each other, and Valeira hesitantly took out a pocket warhammer from her magic bag, "That...is this the warhammer you're talking about?"

Tirion was very surprised when he saw the familiar little warhammer in front of him, "It is indeed it, but why..."

Vereesa scratched her face with her index finger embarrassingly. "When we were cleaning up the trolls around the tomb, we found a few suspicious dwarves who seemed to be robbing the tomb. After killing them, we found this war hammer from these dwarves."

This matter, including Charlemagne, did not know about it before, and the two little guys did not tell him about it.

"Anyway, at least it saves us an extra trip, good job."

Charlemagne stretched out his hand and gently stroked the heads of the two little girls to express encouragement and affirmation. At the same time, Valeira and Vereesa had their eyes half closed like kittens and let out a happy "hey hey" laugh.

Tirion couldn't help chuckling when he saw this scene and sighed, "It seems that you really found the right person, please. Now that everything is found, let's discuss the follow-up plan."

So a group of people gathered around the simple small square table in Tirion's house and began to discuss countermeasures for sneaking in. Karl, who originally planned to come to visit, saw the meeting scene of the evil forces in the room through the window, and pulled Ding in a hurry. Nigfel retreated to his home.

Thanks to the book friends "The Lost Battle Song" and "The Remnant Soul" for their support.

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