Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 498: Necrophilia boss! I respect you for being a man

Chapter 498 Corpse Lover! I respect you for being a man

Charlemagne, who followed Karl, felt more and more that something was wrong. After leaving the original Maris farm site, the boy went all the way north to the foot of the mountain, and then slowly walked towards the banks of the Sodoril River in the west.

"...I said, you don't live in the small village outside the original Sodoril trail, do you?"


Carl turned his head in surprise and asked, "Duke Theron, how do you know? The Sodoril Trail has been closed for a long time, right?"

Charlemagne slapped his forehead helplessly, "This kid is probably still neighbors with Tirion... Well, let's go and see how this first-generation paladin who lost his fighting spirit is living now." '

During the battle of natural disasters, the Sodoril trail was opened by spider monsters. After Quel'Thalas captured Stratholme, Charlemagne personally led people to blow up the tunnel again. Since then, this mountain trail has never been used again. Passed, at least the draenei should not want to reopen it before the liberation of Western Plaguelands.

The small village that was so lively because of the frequent traffic of caravans has long been empty. The place where Karl lives in seclusion is one of the larger abandoned houses in the small village.

Hearing Charlemagne ask Tirion, Karl said with some uncertainty, "Although I don't know if the person you are talking about is him, but the people living in this abandoned village now, except for me and Dinnegolfy, are the only ones next door. An old hermit."

As he spoke, he pointed to the single-storey hut next to him. At this time, the door of the hut was closed tightly, and no living things were seen beside the manger at the door, but judging from the hay in the manger, there should indeed be people living here.

Carl took out the key to open the door and explained, "The old hermit would ride a horse across the Sodoril River to the hills of the Western Plaguelands during the day. It seemed that he was observing the situation in Hearth Valley. I have been living here for more than half a year. Without interruption."

Charlemagne sighed, 'Is it sure...I still don't worry about your son. '

Now Charlemagne is not quite sure what is going on in Hearthglen. After Garithos succumbed to the royal family of Lordaeron, in order to temporarily appease the marshal who led the army, Queen Calia has not yet recalled him to stay in the royal city. The army is still under the control of Garithos.

The original lord of this place, Tylan Fording, has become a mascot in name only, and even Charlemagne doesn't even know if he is still alive. The entire Hearth Valley has been run by Garithers as a monolith, and even the secret passage is not good. Infiltrate it.

Since Tirion was not at home, Charlemagne temporarily put aside his business and followed Karl into the two-story hut in front of him. The high elf's keen sense of smell caught a whiff of rancidity.

Carl saw a few people twitching their noses, and scratched his head in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, because we are too poor, we can't afford too many preservatives, and some smells are inevitable."

In order to prevent others from discovering his girlfriend's whereabouts, this kid can only get a meager reward through assignments from some people he knew before. Naturally, his life is not much richer.

Charlemagne shook his head. This cowardly paladin can live in such a stinky room with his dead death knight girlfriend for a long time. It can only be said that they are true love.

Following Karl to the second floor, Charlemagne saw the girlfriend he was talking about. At this time, the high elf with blue soul fire in his eyes was staring out the window blankly, and turned his head only after Karl opened the door and entered the room.

"Karl, you are back... you are! Commander, Deputy Commander, and General Windrunner?"

Diniguffy looked a little nervous when he saw Charlemagne, Aurelia and others. He opened the window and seemed to be planning to jump out of the window to escape. In desperation, Charlemagne pulled the reckless guy back with the hand of a mage.

"If you have your own consciousness, it means that you have got rid of the control of the Lich King. We will not attack you. Please calm down and have a good chat with us."

Anyway, there is nothing to do while waiting for Tirion to come back, so let's pass the time by listening to the gossip stories of these two people.

Under Karl's reassurance, Diniguffey finally sat down carefully again, and then something Karl did made Charlemagne and the others almost vomit out on the spot.

This guy took out a fat maggot that was still struggling from the back of Dinnifey, threw it directly into his mouth and began to chew.


The first one who couldn't bear it was Valeira. The little guy covered his mouth and retched. The others also turned blue with disgusted expressions.

Carl smiled embarrassedly after eating the maggots, "Sorry, sorry, we are so poor, we can't even eat decent food in this chaotic area, we can only rely on this to supplement our nutrition, don't look at it as disgusting, The nutritional value is five times that of beef."

Charlemagne's mouth twitched a little, 'I'm going! Are you a guy, Mr. Pei? ! '

Seeing Karl doing such a thing in front of the guests, Diniguffy slapped his boyfriend on the back in embarrassment, "How could you do such a thing in front of Duke Theron!"


Poor Karl was slapped on the floor by the death knight, but what was even more creepy was that this cowardly paladin had a happy expression on his face.

Charlemagne couldn't stand it anymore, and simply changed the subject, "Ahem... let's get down to business, Dingnegofer, I remember that you were also a member of the Farstrider before, what happened to become a death knight , You seem to have returned to Quel'Thalas to lurk for a while back then, right?"

Dinnigefe sighed helplessly, looked at Carl lying on the ground with a flushed face and said, "It's a long story, let me just say it briefly. When I was traveling in Northrend, I went to Ice Crown Glacier, and later... was unfortunately captured by the Lich King."

"He sent his subordinates to kill me, turned me into a death knight who obeyed his orders, and let me sneak into Quel'Thalas to wait for an opportunity to cause trouble, but in the end, you, Duke Theron, saw through."


Charlemagne scratched his head in embarrassment. "Actually, I didn't know your identity. I just happened to find you when I was catching members of the Cursed Sect in China."


Diniguffy looked confused in capital letters, and the corner of her mouth twitched and asked, "That is to say... I just missed the auxiliary car?"

"That's pretty much it."


The high elf death knight held his forehead helplessly, "My **** luck can't escape even after death..."

Charlemagne almost guessed the plot after that. Diniguffy, who failed the mission and was sent to the battlefield, happened to be attacking the Western Plaguelands. The Lich King was attacked by Illidan and greatly weakened his control over the natural disasters.

In this way, she got rid of Ner'zhul's control and became a Forsaken with her own consciousness. By coincidence, when she was wandering aimlessly in the Western Plaguelands, she met her ex-boyfriend Karl who participated in the war to attack the Western Plaguelands.

Charlemagne watched Carl and Dingnegolfy sweetly stare at each other, and while the corners of his mouth twitched, he uttered violent complaints in his heart.

‘Necrophilia boss, I respect you for being a man! '

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