Chapter 497 Coaxing the Paladin

After the affairs in Darrow County, Charlemagne asked Chromie to send Karin and Marlene home, and he continued on the journey with Valeira and the three Windrunner sisters.

Sylvanas sighed, and couldn't let go of what happened in Darrow County for the time being, "I didn't expect that the ghost of a little girl would involve so many things. Her father is indeed, as she said, the bravest man in the world." people."

Charlemagne looked at the somewhat dull atmosphere around him, and patted Valeera and Vereesa's heads with a chuckle, "You don't need to make such an expression, we have already liberated the soul of the hero, and Darrowshire has also changed. We must be able to live again, and I believe that the deeds of Joseph and the others will be passed on to future generations."

Before leaving, Charlemagne left the entire history of Darrow County in the village chief's hall, and attached the whole history of the battle at the bottom of the book. People who want to come to Darrow County should be able to get some experience from it. excitation.

After leaving Darrow County, Charlemagne and others stopped by the burial chamber that the refugees mentioned. There were indeed a large number of trolls entrenched here. The remnants of the moss trolls that Sri Lanka wiped out.

The trolls saw the five elves in front of them, and immediately attacked them with strange screams. As a result... Needless to say, how could these miscellaneous fish cause harm to the five epic bosses, Charlemagne.

Vereesa squatted on the ground bored, watching her three leopards killing all directions among the trolls, and Valeera, the little thief, also shuttled back and forth among the trolls with a divine weapon dagger and a one-handed sword in both hands. Hero-level trolls can't pose any threat to the two of them at all.

Charlemagne took Alleria and Sylvanas to the north. He vaguely remembered that there was a place called Marris Farm in this direction, and he didn't know if the Blightcaller still existed.

He had confirmed to Cirvanas before that the second lady had never taken a human disciple named Nathanos. It seemed that the only human knight-errant lord had departed from his original world line due to the changes in the world line caused by Charlemagne. trajectory of fate.

Sure enough, when Charlemagne took the two sisters to the hut on the hillside, they did not see the existence of the plague dogs and the Forsaken, and the people who occupied the place were a group of living people who were obviously not kind.

The bandits who approached the three with a "hehe" smile made Charlemagne feel very uncomfortable, because their obscene eyes kept turning around the important parts of Alleria and Cirvanas.

He didn't bother to talk nonsense with these scumbags, so he directly took out the spare Quel'dorei gold rod in his backpack and gave them an arcane singularity, completely erasing them from this world with people and houses.

...Anyway, Nathanos either became a Forsaken and headed to the Arathi Highlands, or he was completely extinct, and there is no point in keeping his dilapidated house here.

Charlemagne's violent demolition also brought him an episode. When he annihilated the entire house, his originally blocked vision suddenly became much wider. At this moment, he saw a tree in the distance Hidden behind is a human with treacherous eyebrows and mouse eyes.

"...So, who is this guy? Why did you bring him here?"

The two parties who were acting separately reunited. Vereesa looked curiously at the tin can brought by her boyfriend. She didn't know why this human in heavy armor didn't have the bravery that avant-garde professions should have. Instead, she flinched. look.

Charlemagne stretched out his foot and kicked the opponent's skirt armor, motioning him to move on, and casually explained to Valeira and Vereesa, "This paladin boy named Karl Heinz claims to be a Free mercenaries of nationalities, received a letter from Baron Tyrosus to monitor us, and wanted to find out the purpose of our trip."

Valeira looked curiously at the cowardly paladin in front of her. The paladins that the little girl usually sees are more majestic and righteous, and this is the first time she has seen such a cowardly one.

"Duke Theron! What I said is true. I have no ill intentions towards you. I just received an order to find out your intentions."

Charlemagne heard the other party's flustered excuse and snorted unhappily, "Is that guy Maxwell from a spy war background? I just asked a casual question and even sent someone to monitor me."

But this paladin mercenary came at the right time, and Charlemagne wanted to ask him about the situation of the Sodoril River defense line.

"Carl, you came from the defense line, tell me about the progress of Abidis and the others, and I will let you go back after talking."

Carl rubbed his hands in embarrassment and said, "Well, Duke Theron, I'm sorry, I didn't come from the defense line. I don't know much about General Abbendis."


Charlemagne looked at him suspiciously, "As a mercenary, shouldn't you go to a place where there are many battles? The only place where there are battles is the Sodolil line of defense, right?"

Carl timidly replied, "It was true before... But now I have left the battlefield and temporarily lived in seclusion, so I don't know what is going on on the front line."

"Hermit? Mercenary?"

Not only Charlemagne, but Aurelia and the others felt something was wrong from the boy's inconsistent words. Cirvanas slapped Valela, and the little girl immediately took out her dagger and put it on Karl's chest. neck.

The little thief threatened in his ear with a sinister tone, "Be honest! Who are you? How could a young mercenary start to live in seclusion early on, and choose such a ghostly place? If you don't tell me... your Don't even want your ears!"

"Don't don't don't! I said! I said it's okay!"

The nature of the mercenary to follow the wind was fully revealed at this time. Under the threat of his life, Karl told the ins and outs of his seclusion, but his experience... made Charlemagne and others a little unbelievable.

Cirvanas rubbed his temples with a headache, and asked uncertainly, "You mean, you found out that your girlfriend, who had become a death knight, was participating in General Abidis's counterattack against the Western Plague last year?" , so you have to take her to live in seclusion?"

Carl nodded hurriedly and said, "That's right, that's it!"

At this moment, Alleria frowned and recalled, "Diniguffy Morningstar? I've heard of this name before. It seems that she used to be a mage of Farstrider. She disappeared completely a long time ago. I didn't expect to become Death knight."

Charlemagne's face was a little weird when he thought of the name, "I also remembered when you said that. When we arrested and purified the members of the Cursed Sect in the country, I received a report that a traveler escaped before being arrested. , it's likely to be her."

Now even Vereesa and Valeira are curious about the experience of Dinnifell. The missing far traveler has become a death knight. No matter how you think about this plot, you can make up thousands of words.

When Charlemagne asked Karl to lead the way to his and Diniguffy's hermitage, he couldn't help complaining in his heart, 'Diniguffy? Top you a lung? Which parent is so funny to name their child like this...'

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