Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 456: Gushen brand repeater

Chapter 456 Ancient God Card Repeater

Neltharion was pierced by the hailstone into the wound on his back, raised his head to the sky and howled in pain that resounded through the cave, and at the same time began to twist his body frantically, trying to shake off the little ant behind him.

Charlemagne kept his balance on the hailstone with one hand, and his feet still stepped firmly on Neltharion as if they had taken root. A small magic ball, it seems very inconspicuous.

But the expression on his face at this time is very hesitant. If this new spell jointly developed with Malygos directly hits the wound of the fallen Black Dragon King, I am afraid that there will be no such thing as Deathwing in the future.

‘However, this proves that I can never go back to the future, to Aurelia and the others…’

After hesitating for a long time, Neltharion, who was stepped on by him, seemed to feel the threat of death, and began to struggle more violently. Regardless of the huge gap that had been opened again in his body, he flipped the dragon cart on the ground very recklessly. ...To put it bluntly, it's just a donkey roll.

"Tsk... Thank fate for saving your life, Deathwing."

Finally, in order to return to his lovers, Charlemagne finally gave up killing Deathwing when he was at his weakest. With the help of the huge arcane power suddenly erupted in the hailstone, he jumped up and walked towards The soul of the giant dragon that fell to the ground rushed forward.

"got it!"

Deathwing, who was frantically rolling on the ground, had no time to care about the dragon soul at this time, and his life was going to be useless. The black dragon king's painful wailing echoed throughout the cave.

"Hail! Malygos, you coward, come out and face me! I am Deathwing, the Executioner of Destruction, and I... ah ah ah ah ah!"

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and Charlemagne is too lazy to continue to entangle with this crazy dragon. After putting the dragon soul into the magic backpack, he plans to teleport away from here. At this time, the surrounding dragonmen and young dragons have already rushed here. come over.

However, just as he was about to activate the teleportation technique, some strange words suddenly began to flood into his mind.

"Surrender to the Old God!"

"Surrender to our great power, abandon the titan's oath of nothingness, and embrace the void!"

“Surrendering to the darkness within ourselves, we will…”

Charlemagne was so distracted by these three voices of thoughts, he summoned up his energy and shouted in his head.

"Shut up! N'Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and C'Thun are three wastes! The old dog in the prison dares to bark and bark, talk to me after you are freed from the Titan's imprisonment game , the three of you are shameful, you have completely lost the face of Maharaja Void!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Bold mortals, dare to..."

"Die, die, die!"

"Is your name the Lord..."

Taking advantage of the anger of the three repeaters, the power of deceptive words weakened, Charlemagne immediately gritted his teeth and activated the teleportation technique. When he appeared again, he had already returned to the verdant forest of Valshara.

"Ha ha…"

Charlemagne pressed his temple in pain, and left the cave. The whispers of the Old God disappeared immediately, and the short few seconds of confrontation just now made him break out in a cold sweat.

"Is that the famous whispering temptation of the ancient gods? No wonder Neltharion fell, and the three repeaters have been thinking about it in his mind. It's a shame that the Black Dragon King can persist for thousands of years..."

Charlemagne took a short break, and stood up with lingering fear. At this time, Azshara's doubtful voice finally came from the crystal ball hanging on his chest.

"Kiran, what happened just now? Just before launching the teleportation technique, your face suddenly became very ferocious, as if you were resisting something, did something happen?"

Charlemagne raised the crystal ball in front of him, and smiled slightly, "It was the ancient gods who activated their whispers. The ability to brainwash and seduce them is indeed very powerful. Fortunately, I hit their sore spot and found the air strike in time to escape. Otherwise, being surrounded by a group of black dragons is not a good experience."

Azshara immediately showed a dignified expression when he heard this, "The ancient gods... Sure enough, the Black Dragon King was bewitched by them before he fell?"

"Well, I can't be wrong, these guys are not stronger than the Titans themselves, but they can rely on their natural whispering ability to pull out a huge army for themselves, against mortals who cannot resist their spiritual attacks It’s a very tricky existence to say the least.”

Charlemagne felt a little regretful. He couldn't carry the silver arm armor that Tyre gave him when he went to the War of the Ancients this time. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the three snarky guys to break through the power of order that usually lingers around his body and affect Charlie. Man.

Azshara in the crystal ball frowned her pretty eyebrows, obviously this kind of weird existence relying on spiritual bewitching made her feel a little troublesome.

Although she has strong spiritual power and can resist the temptation of the Old God in a short period of time, her soldiers can't do it. Time was inexplicably instigated.

Charlemagne noticed Azshara's expression, smiled and comforted, "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, the three ancient gods are still sealed in the prison of Titan, and cannot exert much influence on the outside world."

"As the guardian of the earth, Neltharion has been too deeply connected with the earth for many years to be caught by them, and I should have been stained with Neltharion's blood just now to make those three guys come The Black Dragon King next to him came in as a medium, and he is fine now."

Azshara was obviously displeased, she crossed her arms and snorted coldly, "I never thought that there are such disgusting evils in Azeroth, if they escape from the prison, I'm afraid the whole world will fall into chaos and panic, Can they be killed?"

Charlemagne shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm afraid it's difficult, these ancient gods have been overly rooted in Azeroth, and their root system is very developed underground, as long as the core is hidden underground, unless they are pulled out from the ground There is simply no way to kill them."

"Then find a way to pull them out and kill them!"

Azshara's words made Charlemagne shake his head helplessly, and then he told Her Majesty the Queen about the consequences of Aman'Thul's killing of Y'Shaarj.

Azshara's beautiful face showed great surprise, "You mean... the Well of Eternity is actually the blood of Azeroth, and this wound was caused when Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, pulled Y'Shaarj out of the ground. ?”

"That's it, so the issue of the ancient gods still needs to be considered in the long run. Anyway, they are not completely out of trouble yet."


Azshara rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, and Charlemagne could see Vashki walking behind the Queen and starting to massage her temples.

"Okay, the issue of the Old Gods is temporarily put on hold. Now that you have obtained the Dragon Soul, what are you going to do next?"

There was a sly smile on the corner of Charlemagne's mouth, "Next, of course..."

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