Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 455: Open the door to send warmth!

Chapter 455 The door is open to send warmth!

Originally, the entire Black Dragon King's lair was full of young dragons and dragonmen, large and small, and even Charlemagne saw some drogbars, who were working hard under the driving of the black dragons with sad faces.

Seeing the lava and flames erupting from the depths of the lair from time to time, Charlemagne immediately understood why they had this expression.

‘Who can stand such a harsh living environment? No wonder so many drogbars who were originally slaves of the black dragon rebelled after the War of the Ancients when Hun Gaoling raised his arms. '

Too lazy to entangle with these miscellaneous fish, Charlemagne kept sneaking all the way and slowly dived into the depths of the cave. On the way, he passed drogbar several times. Fortunately, these dejected slaves were not in the mood to pay attention to the surrounding environment at this time. Otherwise, at such a short distance, a little vigilance should be able to spot Charlemagne.

The hole that Charlemagne entered was not the front door he entered when he played the dungeon in his previous life, but the back door he left after breaking through the dungeon...

This entrance was mentioned by Malygos casually when he was joking at the time, because it is very close to the place where Neltharion sleeps, and the Blue Dragon King often sneaks in here to wake him up to pee.

Cough... Although it may not be the reason, but the relationship between Malygos and Neltharion was really strong before. No wonder Charlemagne told Malygos to be careful of Neltharion, but he still didn't Can be vigilant.

Charlemagne stood cautiously on a high place and looked down at the busy drogbar and the howling Deathwing. At this moment, these drogbar slaves were nailing fine gold armor plates on Deathwing, hoping to use external force to sew them together. His body torn apart by violent force.

This process will naturally be very painful. From time to time, Deathwing will frantically spew a mouthful of flames at the drogbar who hurt him. How can a mortal body bear the breath of the Black Dragon King? Burning to coke is the only ending.

In the process of installing the armor plate, lava continued to flow out of Deathwing's body, and the ground was gradually flooded with lava. The working environment of the drogbars could no longer be described as bad, it was simply terrifying.

In order to avoid being affected, not a single black dragon was seen in the large cave that Deathwing usually used to sleep, which provided great convenience for Charlemagne to steal the dragon soul.

He had already seen the small golden disc held by Deathwing in his right paw, it was the dragon soul he had seen before.

Charlemagne touched his chin, and began to think about the countermeasures ‘How can Deathwing let go of the Dragon Soul? Don't we have to play a game? '

Now Deathwing is obviously in the weakest state, and Charlemagne doesn't even need to exert too much force at all. As long as the armor plate on him is removed, the poor fallen black dragon king himself will lose his fighting power.

The problem lies in the dragonmen, young dragons, and Drogobal who have an unknown attitude outside the lair. If they are surrounded before they get the dragon soul, Charlemagne feels that if he doesn't run, he will die very artistically.

But losing the best chance this time, Deathwing will be more vigilant because of the alarm, and basically there will be no chance to win the Dragon Soul in the future.

After observing and thinking for a while, Deathwing didn't intend to let go of the dragon soul even when he was howling in pain, and still held the small disc tightly with his claws.

'Tsk... It seems that we can't do without fighting. He must cause a lot of pain to make him let go of the dragon soul involuntarily, and then leave quickly before the dragon and the young dragon encircle him. The key point is to deal with death in a short time Wings deal enough damage to rip through armor plates. '

Charlemagne began to turn his head slightly to observe the surrounding terrain, and Azshara and Vashj, who were far away in the Golden Azsalin Palace, also nervously watched Charlemagne's next actions.

The tattered body and painful wail of the Black Dragon King obviously moved them a bit, and Azshara thought with lingering fear, ‘Is this what will happen if you covet power that doesn’t belong to you? Will I be as ugly as Xavius ??if I accept the power of the Burning Legion? '

Thinking of this, Azshara couldn't help but shudder. She has always attached great importance to her beauty, or no woman would ignore her appearance.

In case after gaining the infusion of fel energy, she becomes like Xavius ??covered in abscesses, with horns and hooves on her head, Azshara would rather not have this power, and still maintain her current appearance.

While Azshara was thinking wildly, Charlemagne had basically made a plan. He used vector control to generate thrust under his feet, and jumped high towards the top of the cave.


There was a soft sound, and Neltharion's wailing did not attract the attention of anyone in the entire cave. At this time, Charlemagne was firmly attached to the stalactites on the top of the cave.

The principle is very simple. He uses the vector to generate a lot of pressure on his hand, so that he can firmly grasp the stalactite and look down high.

After several transfers, he gradually turned his body upside down. At this time, Charlemagne was standing on the roof of the cave with his head down, and directly below him was where Deathwing was.

‘Very good, the first step is perfect, the next step is to ensure a smooth landing on Deathwing’s back, and use the fastest time to remove the armor plates that have been installed on his body. '

Under the breathless watching of Azshara and Vashj in the distance, Charlemagne finally kicked **** the top of the cave, and fell straight towards Deathwing below. In mid-air, he adjusted his body back to Head up state.

Deathwing, who was howling in pain, felt the approach of the strange breath, and immediately shook his body to throw off all the drogbars on his body. As for what will happen to those drogbars who fell into the lava? It's none of my business, Lord Deathwing!

"Who! Who dared to break into my Deathwing's lair, I am death incarnate! I am..."

"Fart your grandpa! How dare you pretend to be aggressive in front of me, on behalf of the spell-weaver Malygos, I will come to your door to send you warmth!"


Following Charlemagne's loud roar after leaving stealth, not only was Deathwing's pretentious self-introduction interrupted, he himself was stepped on his back by the intruder.

"Weak ants! Do you have this strength? I am the destiny..."


A large number of vectors under Charlemagne's feet exploded at this time, and Deathwing was completely stepped into the ground by the sudden huge gravity, and the armor plates that had just been installed on his body and had not had time to join were also fully bloomed under this foot. Cracked.

"You, black dragon with a brain disorder, can't understand human words? You have to pretend to be dead? I said... On behalf of Ma Li Go Si, I will come to your door to give you warmth!"


As he spoke, Charlemagne raised his hands, and thrust the hail in his hands into the exposed wound on the back of the Black Dragon King.


A miserable howl came from the mouth of Deathwing under Charlemagne.

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