Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 457: The fellow traveler who finally met

Chapter 457 The traveler who finally met

Just as Charlemagne left Highmountain, Malfurion, Brox, and Krasus walked confidently into Neltharion's lair... the main entrance.

What happened in the depths of the lair has not affected this place yet. When the three of Malfurion passed through all the way and entered the deepest part of the cave where Deathwing was located, the place was already in a mess, except for the scorched corpses of drogbar and There is nothing left but the hot lava.

Malfurion looked confused, "Where is... Deathwing?"

Brox twitched his nose slightly, and said seriously, "I smell blood, there should have been a battle here before."

Krasus, who came back ten thousand years later, was now acting as a think tank in the three-person team, but at this time he was equally confused by the scene in front of him.

In his memory, it seems that Deathwing hid in his lair after breaking away from the dragon clan, and asked drogbar to help him build the adamantine armor plate to restrain his body from collapsing, but this scene in front of him obviously exceeded his expectations.

Malfurion squatted down and began to check the direction of the lava dripping on the ground, and followed the still hot lava to the back door where Charlemagne came in.

He stroked the huge paw print on the wall, sighed depressingly and said, "It seems that Deathwing was seriously injured after the battle, dragging his collapsed body all the way away in a hurry, I am afraid he is looking for another safe place." place to lick the wound."

Krasus shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, there are more than one dragon lair, and it is impossible to find Deathwing in a short time, and I have a hunch that the existence that caused great damage to Deathwing should be taken Take the dragon soul."


As Krasus said, Charlemagne was tossing the Dragon Soul up and down at this time. This was not the first time he had gotten this small golden disc.

"The next step, of course, is to rely on the achievement of finding the dragon soul to return to the palace. Just show this thing to the demons, and then find an excuse to say that Dath'Rema rescued Tyrande. Defrauded, it should be easy to regain their trust."

Charlemagne remembered that in the original history, the soul of the dragon seemed to have the effect of accelerating the expansion of the portal. This artifact is very important to the Burning Legion, which has gradually retreated under the attack of the demigods and the dragon army.

As long as Sargeras can successfully pass through the gradually expanding portal and enter Azeroth after shrinking his own body, neither the demigod nor the dragon has the slightest chance of winning, and the gap in strength is too great.

Azshara was obviously stunned when she heard Charlemagne's words, and Vashj behind her also showed a hesitant look.

"Can it work? Demons shouldn't be so easy to deceive, right?"

Charlemagne shrugged and said, "Of course it's not so easy to deceive, but it doesn't matter. The Burning Legion is only concerned about the progress of Sargeras' arrival. Based on my achievements in bringing back the dragon soul to speed up the expansion of the portal, I betray this They will definitely not care about some small problems, at most they will settle accounts after the fall."

In history, Illidan also defected back and forth between the Resistance Army and the Burning Legion many times, which earned him the famous title of "betrayer". In the end, when he stole the soul of the dragon back, he did not see any destruction. punishment.

Azshara thought about it for a while, and the decisive queen was not an indecisive person, so she quickly nodded and agreed.

"Well, the situation is still developing according to your prediction and layout, do you plan to send it back now?"


Charlemagne shook his head, "I plan to go to the front line of the resistance army to observe the situation. I heard that they have already started to counterattack, right?"

"Well, the betrayal of Dath'Remar and other highborne elves has greatly boosted the morale of the resistance army in a short period of time, 'Queen Azshara's lackeys have also turned to the light!' According to Valothen, many civilians think so. "

Speaking of this, Azshara showed a self-deprecating smile on her face, and a slightly sad look appeared on her beautiful face.

Charlemagne also didn't know how to comfort the night elf queen. There was no doubt that her ignorant behavior caused the invasion of the Burning Legion. Change.

But the queen is a queen after all, and soon she calmed down her emotions, and ordered calmly, "Then you go and do your own thing first, and I should go to Haka first because of your situation... shoveling **** The officer said hello."

When it comes to **** shoveling officer, Azshara and Vashj both showed hilarious expressions on their faces. Obviously they think this title is very interesting, and it is also very suitable for the so-called dog king who wanders around with a lot of **** dogs all day long. .

After finishing the communication, Charlemagne jumped to the top of the tallest tree around and observed the current battle situation in the entire Valshara area.

After Dath'Remar and other Highborne joined in, the entire Resistance Army has turned from defensive to offensive. Under the command of Jarod, the demigods charged forward first, the dragons provided support in the air, and the mortals followed suit. Give demigods help.

The attack power that they were accustomed to suddenly changed suddenly. The Burning Legion and the Highborne on Azshara's side seemed very uncomfortable, and they were forced to retreat all the way. They did not come back to support in the portal until they retreated to the periphery of Golden Azsarian With the help of a large number of demons, he gained a firm foothold.

Charlemagne, who was watching secretly, finally saw his three travelers walking together, and they were all people he knew.

The red-haired human mage Rhonin who is using a large-scale group attack spell, Krasus who is riding on a red dragon and directing the attack of the dragon army, and the old orc warrior who is brandishing a green oak battle ax and charging forward with a frantic face Brooks.

"Heh... It seems that the situation here is still going on as before, but it may not be so easy to move forward."

Golden Azshaline is backed by the portal, and the Burning Legion can continuously get support from the other side of the door, while the Resistance Army is dying one less than one. A protracted war with the Burning Legion is obviously not a good choice.

Sure enough, when the resistance army tentatively set up their tents outside Golden Azsharin, Jarod immediately issued an attack order. The Azeroth resistance coalition forces must drive the demons out before Sargeras leads more demons into this world , and destroy that giant portal.

Charlemagne rubbed his chin, and accurately found Tyrande who was making a prayer gesture to pray for the healing of the moon **** for the wounded soldiers.

"Then, let me go see Grandma Tai again... I hope she won't remember the past."

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