Chapter 454 parted ways

When Charlemagne and the others arrived at the front line of the coordinates provided by Haka, a huge hellfire just passed over their heads, and smashed into the opposite Black Rook Castle with green fel flames, blood and blood flew everywhere. At the same time, the entire ground was shaken several times.


The people who were unsteady on their feet hurriedly pulled each other to stabilize their center of gravity. Tyrande, who was held by Charlemagne, naturally fell into his arms.

After the shock caused by the hellfire ended, Charlemagne pulled Tyrande away from his chest with a look of disgust, "Okay! Grandma Tai, you are about to finish your job of leading the party and take Das Rema and the others to the rebel camp Well, it's time for me to go to the front line to fulfill my duty."

Tyrande, who was thrown into his arms by accident, was a little embarrassed at first, but when he heard Charlemagne's words, his brows twitched and he shouted, "Who is grandma! You bastard, you are hopeless, hurry up!" Go and be trampled to death by the abyss lord!"

After she finished speaking, she stomped on Charlemagne's foot, snorted coldly when someone hugged her feet and screamed and jumped, then turned her head and walked towards Black Rook Castle.

Dath Rema and others suppressed their smiles and saluted, "Master Zilan, thank you for your care, we will leave first, and hope to see you again in the future."

Charlemagne shouted angrily while jumping his feet, "I have not been trampled to death by the abyss lord, but I was almost trampled to death by the priest of Elune! Titans are amazing?"


It took several seconds for him to calm down, and he restored his elegant smile and said to Dath'Remar and the others, "You don't need to thank me, just do what you think is right. I believe we will meet again one day."

"Yes, then we'll say goodbye!"

When Dathrema led the highborne to catch up with Tyrande who was waiting in the distance, the High Priest of Elune deliberately made a contemptuous gesture and snorted at Charlemagne.

"Oh my god, really..."

Charlemagne shook his head helplessly, dragged his still aching right foot and limped towards the opposite direction of the Burning Legion camp.

‘Obviously the current Tyrande is quite interesting, why would it become that extremist old hag whose grandma doesn’t love her uncle or uncle after 10,000 years? '

Charlemagne's move has been discussed with Azshara before, and his help in Tyrande's escape will definitely be exposed, plus the crime of letting Dath'Remar and others join the rebels, 80% of those demons will put He gritted his teeth with hatred.

Now that the Burning Legion is so powerful, even Azshara, the most powerful night elf, dare not say that she can win against Archimonde, so Charlemagne suggested that Azshara abandon him, saying that Tyrande and Tyrande would be released. Dath'Remar and others are the betrayal decisions of Zilean alone.

Although the Burning Legion might not believe it, at least the queen's superficial attitude was shown. Moreover, the highborne elves are still expanding the portal to let Sargeras pass through. The demons really cannot do without the help of the elves.

Azshara's voice came from the crystal ball on Charlemagne's chest, "So, Kieran, you have completely offended the Legion now, where are you going? Join the Resistance?"

"No, if my teasing of Tyrande is exposed, Malfurion will tear it to pieces. I plan to go to Deathwing's lair in Highmountain to see the situation. If I can get the artifact from the fallen Black Dragon King , should be able to play a decisive role in the final situation."

Azshara sighed worriedly, "Ziran, can your plan really be realized smoothly? I have personally communicated with Sargeras, even if he falls, his strength will not be reduced in the slightest, even if his two Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are very difficult for us to defeat."

Charlemagne smiled confidently at the crystal ball, "Kil'jaeden did not come to Azeroth this time. As for Archimonde, there will naturally be someone to hold him back. Now the demigods and dragons are They have already joined the battle, as long as the commander of the resistance army can run them together, they will definitely become a powerful boost to resist the Burning Legion."

History has proved that Garald is capable of completing this difficult job, and with the help of Rhonin and Krasus and others, Charlemagne is not too worried about the situation on the frontal battlefield.

According to the plan he made, most of history will still follow the original track, and he dare not interfere too much with these established things.

But now that Queen Azshara has the intention of regretting it, then he must find a way to keep the queen's direct troops as much as possible without changing the history of the War of the Ancients.

Although judging from Vashj’s future Naga form, it seems that most of the Highborne elves still sank into the sea and became Naga under the transformation of N’Zoth, but if you operate carefully, maybe…

Whether Illidan and Malfurion will go to find the Dragon Soul, Charlemagne can't tell, but he wants to get this powerful artifact for another purpose.

The soul of the future dragon has already lost the power of the artifact after the guardian dragons regained their power one after another. What is placed in the Wyrmrest Temple now is nothing more than a memento of Uzuki, but this ancient times is different, Even the Burning Legion can't stop its powerful destructive power.

Although it is not easy to steal the artifact from Deathwing, according to Charlemagne's memory, the Black Dragon King seems to want to integrate this mighty power into his body because of his greed for the power of the dragon soul. The power that caused the whole body to be unable to bear the rage was completely split apart.

Fortunately, Malygos had already taught him many magic web nodes including Highmountain, and Charlemagne soon left the front line of Black Rook Castle and came to Neltharion's lair not far away. .

Thinking of Malygos who has fallen into madness now, Charlemagne feels very uncomfortable. Now he finally understands who the man who Malygos said ten thousand years later was the one who betrayed him is not Deathwing, but He was Charlemagne Theron himself.

‘Sorry... In order to go back to the future smoothly, I dare not change the established history at will. I will try my best to make up for my mistakes in the future, Deathwing, I will definitely let you kill him with your own hands! '

Thinking about it now, it’s really a peck and a peck. His ambiguity to Malygos in the War of the Ancients caused the blue dragonflight to still suffer disaster, and Sindragosa also died of hatred in Icecrown Glacier.

But in the future, under his plan, Senegos led a large number of blue dragons to return to Coldarra. At the same time, Sindragosa was finally able to return to his hometown. As Malygos gradually returned to normal, the blue dragon family finally Start to regain your strength.

‘Nozdormu, are you plotting against me? To put it bluntly, isn't the Eternal Dragon King who suggested to me at the beginning still Nozdormu himself? '

Thinking of the Bronze Dragon King, the magic stick, Charlemagne immediately gritted his teeth with hatred. That guy has been avoiding his mission of going to the War of the Ancients, probably because he was worried that he would soften his heart on the matter of Malygos due to his preconceived impressions. .

While Charlemagne was distracted, a violent roar of pain suddenly came from Neltharion's lair. The roar suddenly awakened Charlemagne, and he hurriedly entered a stealth state.

"Then, let's sneak in secretly now, Your Majesty, please don't make any noise for a while, otherwise I will be in big trouble if I am exposed in the black dragon's lair."

"Don't worry, you are such an interesting person, I don't intend to let you die so early, go ahead, be careful."

Thanks to book friends "BlackHarvest", "godora" and "victor Liu" for their support.

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