Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 453: If you want to pass the strength, the whole body must be a little green

Chapter 453 If you want to be able to pass the strength, the whole body must be a little green

Azshara personally instructed Charlemagne to let Tyrande leave this time, and she assigned Charlemagne to go to the front line to inspect the battle situation in her own name. From this order, it can be seen that the queen's original blind trust in the Burning Legion has become obvious loose.

In order to ensure that he could see what Charlemagne saw with his own eyes, Azshara specially gave Charlemagne the two remote communication crystal **** he made in his spare time, and the other crystal ball was being made into a necklace by Charlemagne and hung on the his chest.

When he first knew the function of this crystal ball, Charlemagne was still crazily complaining in his heart.

‘What the **** is this! Facetime? It's a videophone, right? And it's continuous. Sure enough, the night elves' magic technology was already highly developed in ancient times, but it's a pity...'

The magic crystal ball on Charlemagne’s body, as long as both parties can recharge it regularly, this magic prop similar to a videophone will be in perpetual motion. Azshara, who is extremely bored in the palace, can enjoy midnight tea while watching Live comedy on Charlemagne's side.

Tyrande, who finally calmed down a little, was still hanging on Charlemagne's back at this time, biting his long ear persistently, "You said Queen Azshara let me go? Why did she do this, not her Did you order the demons to enter Azeroth?"

Charlemagne felt his ears itch, and couldn't help but shook his head to shake Tyrande's teeth away, which drew a burst of smug chuckles from behind him, "I can't tell you the details, anyway, I was also asked by His Majesty to inspect the battle situation." In the name of the Black Rook Castle, you will be sent to the front line of Black Rook Castle, and after the teleportation, you should go back to the rebel camp to find your mother."

Tyrande patted Charlemagne on the head with his hand angrily, "My mother has passed away long ago! You are not allowed to make fun of her!"

"Yes yes yes! I made a slip of the tongue, go back and find your little lover Malfurion, according to the information from the front, he and Cenarius have rushed to Black Rook Castle with demigods and giant dragons to resist In the military camp, you should do your best to destroy the demons."

Charlemagne, who had already walked to the outer area of ??the palace, quickly joined Dath Remar, who was in charge of supporting him. Seeing the way the founding king of Quel'Thalas saluted him respectfully, Charlemagne always felt a little weird in his heart.

So at this time, he naturally couldn't see the complicated look on Tyrande's face on his back, 'What is Queen Azshara thinking? He summoned the demons with his own hands but secretly instructed us to attack the Burning Legion with all our strength...'

"Dath'Remar, what's the situation, have those demons found anything?"

"Not yet, but Master Kieran, please hurry up, our side is ready."

The Highborne opposition headed by Dath'Remar Sunstrider finally could no longer bear the enslavement of demons and the massacre of civilians. They decided to escape from the palace and join the rebel army.

At this moment, Charlemagne contacted them, and he planned to find an excuse to take Dath'Remar and others away from the palace. Of course, this was also permitted by Azshara, but Dath'Rema and others did not know about it.

Thinking of this, Charlemagne hastily stretched out his hand and patted Tyrande behind him, "Come down! We're going to get ready to go. Before that, follow Dath'Rema and the others. I'm going to find the dog king who is stationed outside the palace." Ka said hello."

After climbing off Charlemagne's back, Tyrande bowed his head and walked towards Dath'Remar without saying a word. Charlemagne didn't have time to pay attention to her thoughts, and simply entrusted Tyrande to Dath'Remar before turning around. Walk towards the outside of the palace.

He didn't know that Tyrande was rubbing his **** at this time, looking at Charlemagne who was walking away with a gloomy expression, whispering, "I'll kill you..."

Dath'Rema seemed to have heard something, and turned to look at Tyrande suspiciously, "High Priest of Whisperwind, what did you say just now?"

"Nothing at all!"

Haka the Dog King’s name sounds very loud...in fact, it’s not very loud. To put it bluntly, he is just a demon **** shovel officer who can summon **** dogs infinitely.

I don’t know if the Burning Legion is short of people. In short, the status of this shit-shoveling officer in the legion is only a little worse than that of Mannoroth. Remains to act as a liaison between the Burning Legion and Azshara.

At this time, the demon shit-shoveling officer nodded his ugly head and said, "I see, is Your Excellency Kieran going to the front line as the queen's envoy to inspect? Well, if you want to bring Queen Azshara, it should be more inspiring." The Highborne on the front lines."

Charlemagne kept a formulaic smile on his face and bent down to salute, "That's right, that's why I came to say hello to Lord Hakar, and take away the disobedient people like Dath'Rema, and throw them into the front line to die .”

"Hahaha! Very good, very good, these highborne elves who don't work hard are also a headache for us to use, so I will trouble Your Excellency Zilan."

"Yes, then I will take my leave first, Master Haka, please do what you want."

"go Go."

Charlemagne, who returned to Dath'Rema again, nodded to the group of Highborne, "Hakkar's permission has been obtained, have you all arranged your family affairs? It will be impossible to come back after joining the Rebel Army."

Dath'Remar took the lead and said firmly, "It has been arranged! Since we have already planned to completely betray the queen, we naturally have to make arrangements for the funeral. Our family has been teleported to Mount Hyjal in advance by us."

"Then no problem, let's go, I'll build the portal!"


Charlemagne is now a trusted servant of the queen, and has extremely high authority to call the Well of Eternity, second only to Azshara and several important ministers. It is not difficult to build a large portal by mobilizing the huge magic power of the Well of Eternity.

"Quick! Leave quickly before the demons find out that the High Priest of Whisperwind is fleeing!"

Tyrande was the first to be led into the portal by Charlemagne's arm, and Dath'Remar and others quickly followed. Almost at the same time as the portal was closed, a night elf with Erkan's hand in the distance faced him. Shout out "NO!"

"Damn it! I'm one step too late, Tyrande..."

This night elf with a black eyepatch on his face is Illidan who has betrayed the Resistance Army and defected to Sargeras. Mr. Dan, who has been converted to a demon hunter, is eager for quick success and wants to do something great to win Tyrande's heart.

However, when Sargeras proudly showed him the truth, Illidan realized how naive his previous thoughts were. The Burning Legion that invaded Azeroth is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are countless planets stationed in the entire universe. Qing's army of demons.

And according to his understanding, these demons can be resurrected in the Twisting Nether after death...Of course he didn't know that Papa Argus was behind the scenes.

The resolute Illidan clenched his fists tightly, "Just wait, Tyrande, I will prove to you that I am more suitable to be your partner than Malfurion, and I will definitely expel and destroy the entire Burning Legion!"

However, poor Egg didn't know that when he received some kind of green energy, he was completely disqualified from competing for Tyrande.

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