Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 448: Mouth has no cure

Chapter 448 There is no cure for cheap mouth

During the time she was with the queen, apart from having to deal with Azshara's teasing from time to time, Charlemagne stood quietly behind her most of the time as a loyal valet.

At first, Azshara herself didn’t have too much expectation for his performance. Maybe it was just out of beating Xavius ??and curious that Charlemagne would not be affected by his beauty, so she deliberately found a male servant to serve her in the bedroom.

But after a long time, Azshara gradually began to discover some unusual talents in the valet she often teased.

Although Charlemagne hides his clumsiness most of the time, sometimes when he follows Azshara to handle government and military affairs, he will unconsciously reveal a hint of veiled disdain when he hears the reports of those incompetent officials below.

The same is true in other aspects. Even if he tried his best to restrain his emotions, he would still instinctively show a little emotional fluctuation when he heard the high-level elves happily report how many untouchables and territories the envoys had cleared today.

Azshara saw all the emotional changes in Charlemagne's eyes, and she became more and more interested in the valet she found on a whim. One day, the queen finally called Charlemagne to question.

Lazily leaning on her big soft bed, Azshara, who was wearing a cool attire in the bedroom, asked with great interest, "Ziran, you seem to be very contemptuous of the ministers' ability to handle affairs, and your massacre of the Burning Legion You're also against it, right?"

"...Your Majesty has the insight, most of the ministers are incompetent, and they just rely on family connections to obtain positions, and the Burning Legion... please forgive me for not dare to say it."

Azshara stepped down from the bed lightly, bent slightly as if meeting for the first time, and raised Charlemagne's chin with her hand, "It's okay, tell me your feelings, do you think I shouldn't let the Burning Legion enter our world? Slaughter our own people?"

Charlemagne looked at the beautiful smiling face in front of him and her perfect figure covered by the light gauze, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth to wake himself up again. What's the point of..."


Azshara gently rubbed Charlemagne's face with her right thumb, and chuckled like a silver bell when she saw Charlemagne shivering.

"It's not just you who don't understand, I'm afraid many people don't understand except those high-borne idiots who are blinded by power."

"Actually, my motives are not as lofty as what Varoson and Xavius ??said. Simply put, I hope to expand my journey to the entire universe. Little Azeroth can no longer accommodate me. ambition."

"It just so happened that Sargeras and the Burning Legion sketched out for me the scene beyond the planet Azeroth at this time. There are still many unknown civilizations waiting for me in the vast universe. As long as Sargeras and I With cooperation, it is not impossible to conquer the entire universe."


The flashing look in Azshara's golden eyes showed that she was serious. This night elf queen really planned to set her goal in the vast sea of ??stars.

Azshara smiled softly at Charlemagne with a sluggish expression, "Do the math, which race in Azeroth dares to disobey me now? The furbolgs, wild boars, and tauren are just a group of uncivilized primitive races."

"Those barbaric trolls were arrogant before, and they swore that the whole world was originally controlled by the troll empire, so what happened now?"

"Under the strong military strength of the Kaldorei Empire, even their most honorable Zandalari prophet can only prostrate at my feet, praying to continue to live in their holy mountain in Zuldazar in the south."

When talking about trolls, Azshara showed a clear disdainful expression on her face. Conquering these barbaric races has no sense of accomplishment for her. If she really wants to launch a large army to go out, with the national strength of the Dark Night Empire, she will destroy today's A splintering troll isn't too difficult to do either.

Charlemagne opened his mouth, he hesitated whether he should tell Azshara about the deeper secrets of Azeroth.

Azshara obviously noticed Charlemagne's hesitation, patted his cheek lightly and said, "Say it, I'm not a tyrant, as long as your words make sense, I will consider adopting them."


Charlemagne hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to tell Azshara about the Old God. As for the Dragon Clan, she should have known about it a long time ago.

"Your Majesty should be aware of the existence of the Dragon Clan. With the strength of the five guardian dragons, even Your Majesty cannot guarantee that they can win against them?"

Azshara's face sank slightly, but she didn't say anything to refute, but just watched Charlemagne quietly waiting for his next words.

"In addition, there are many powerful wilderness demigods on Mount Hyjal, but in fact..."

"What actually?"

Charlemagne slightly raised his head and glanced at Azshara's face, "Actually, these wilderness demigods are just animal companions domesticated by the more powerful Titan Guardian Freya..."

Azshara finally changed color when he heard this, "Titan Guardian...I remember Sargeras said that he is a Titan."

Charlemagne couldn't help but let out a sneer, "Accurately speaking, he used to be... In fact, he was frightened mad by the existence of the Lord of the Void, and now he is just hysterical and wants to destroy all those who have been killed by the Lord of the Void and the ancients." It’s just a planet where the God of God parasitizes.”

Azshara's eyes flickered when she heard these secrets. She stared at Charlemagne and asked word by word, "Who are you, and why do you know so many things?"

Charlemagne smiled and bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, my answer is still the same. I am just a traveling mage, but I found some relics left by the Titans during my travels, and found that the few words they left behind made up some truth. "

Although Charlemagne looks very calm on the surface now, in fact, his heart has been endlessly looping MMP'in the end, I can't help but talk cheap, how will history develop in the future...'

The expression on Azshara's face was a little uncertain, and Vashj, who was accompanying her, also sweated for Charlemagne. She, who had served the queen for the longest time, knew that Azshara's mood was very unstable now.

After a long time, Azshara's face finally returned to calm. She continued to stretch out her index finger and stroke Charlemagne's face slightly, "Go on, it seems that there are still many things I don't understand about Azeroth."

Charlemagne resisted the strange feeling on his face and continued, "Yes, I just mentioned the ancient gods and the guardians of the titans. In fact, they all lived in Azeroth. Many titans from the Pantheon had actually been to Aizen before. Russ once."

When Azshara heard this, the slightly teasing movements of her hands stopped immediately, "Titans have come, and there is more than one? Then why did they leave again?"

"Well, it's a long story..."

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