Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 447: First time meeting, brother of the family slave

Chapter 447 Meeting for the first time, the slave brother with three surnames

"very good."

Azshara walked up to Vaschi, reached out and raised her cheek, and gently stroked her, "You are my most trusted maid, you must remember your identity, if I find out that you and Xavius ??continue to communicate secretly... Do you understand?"

The cold sweat on Vaschi's forehead finally couldn't stop and began to flow profusely. She immediately put her head on the ground and said loudly, "I'm very sorry! I misunderstood what His Majesty meant, and I will definitely cut off contact with Xavis in the future!"

Azshara nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, a dog must have the self-awareness of a dog, that idiot Xavius ??is not qualified to be equal to me, after all, he is a vicious dog that may bite his master back at any time."

Charlemagne agrees with Azshara's evaluation in his heart. Isn't Xavius ??such a capricious person? The three-surname house slave is not joking.

Azshara turned around and walked towards her bedroom, while beckoning to the two of them to follow, "Let's go, the following matters will be handled by Vicious Dog and Angel, and it's time for me to take a break."

Speaking of which, Azshara suddenly stopped in her tracks, turned her head and said to Charlemagne with an interested smile, "You also follow, from today onwards you will be responsible for protecting my safety in the bedroom, no matter who wants to see , you have to block back without my permission, even if Vaschi agrees to come in."


Charlemagne could only temporarily admit his weakness at this time. After all, although the night elf queen in front of her was extremely beautiful, her incomparably profound arcane skills were beyond the reach of all night elves.

‘Although it’s a bit unexpected, becoming a guard of Azshara allows me to closely monitor the movements of the Burning Legion and the changes in the situation. Maybe...my mission target will fall on her. '

Looking at the swaying Azshara in a long skirt in front of him, Charlemagne temporarily settled down in his heart. I am afraid that he will serve as the queen's guard who can make Xavius ??jealous enough to kill for a long time. .

Thinking of the reactions of Xavius ??and other ministers who were fascinated by Azshara's charm, Charlemagne suddenly felt that this position might not be so easy to take. After all, it is a position that offends countless people...

Before returning to the bedroom, Charlemagne saw the captain of the royal guard, Varoson, who was guarding outside the bedroom. Although the other party was shocked by the sudden addition of a male servant by the Queen's side, he knew the Queen's temper very well and did not treat the Queen's Decided to make any comments, but the jealousy in his eyes was clearly conveyed to Charlemagne.

Under the respectful salute of the maids, Azshara took Vashj and Charlemagne directly into the inner courtyard of the bedroom. The whole bedroom consisted of a huge queen's bedroom and countless maid rooms around it.

Azshara walked into her room covered with purple veils, turned her head and said to Charlemagne, "From now on, your room will be on the right side of my bedroom, and Vashj's room will be on the opposite corner of yours. Please tell her, I have to change clothes, you should step back first."


Charlemagne turned his head and walked out without hesitation. On the way, he could hear the sound of clothes falling under the service of Vaschi. Charlemagne did not dare to look back, and quickly came to the Queen's bedroom. There was already a beautiful maid outside the door. Wait here.

"Lord Kieran, please follow me, your room is next door."

It can be seen that the maid looked at Charlemagne with a look of gossip and teasing in her eyes. Knowing the Queen's habits, she did not regard Charlemagne as Azshara's male favorite, but it was obvious that this thing that aroused the Queen's interest Lord Kieran may not have a good time in the future.

A narcissistic and self-admired ultimate evolution like Azshara obviously would not have any admiration for men who are weaker than her. If she is not as big as Sargeras... ahem, so powerful, she will not be able to see it at all. in the eyes.

In fact, to put it bluntly, when Sargeras seduced Azshara, he still played the trick of seducing the trio of consuls in Argus. However, Azshara, an old aunt who has been lonely for thousands of years, really fell for it. I didn’t figure it out. Sargeras's true body had arbitrarily placed the other party as his lover before.

There is no doubt that Sargeras has no interest in Azshara at all. His positioning of the night elf queen is nothing more than Azshara's definition of Xavius, a dog.

Kil’jaeden, who has followed Sargeras loyally for countless years, was not abandoned by Sargeras in the end. Azshara is nothing...

When Charlemagne lay down on the big bed in the room, he began to think about the next plan.

'Beside Azshara, you should be able to hear some plans of the Burning Legion and the latest movements of the Rebels. You can use my three-inch tongue to lick... No, do you want to persuade Azshara to turn around? '

Considered the feasibility, and finally Charlemagne shook his head helplessly and gave up, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. Azshara is a woman with a strong will and aggression, which can be seen from her continuous expansion of the territory of the Dark Night Empire." '

‘Suddenly learned that there is a vast land beyond Azeroth waiting for her to conquer. Even if she doesn’t consider the temptation of Sargeras, she must still be excited now, right? '

‘… What’s more, this is a general trend related to future history. It would be troublesome if it was changed by my itching for a while, hold it back, hold it back! '

The next period of time was exactly as Charlemagne expected. When Azshara's admirers knew about the man who lived in the queen's bedroom, the blazing fire of jealousy almost burned Charlemagne on the spot into ashes.

Among them, the one with the most resentful and hateful eyes, Charlemagne has a deep impression. Although the other party looks like a dog, the various negative desires revealed in his eyes make Charlemagne very disgusted.

On the way back to the bedroom, Vaschi whispered the identity of this person to Charlemagne, "That person is the chief advisor Savis, who was once considered to be the closest to the Queen's husband, but now it seems... everyone misunderstood, In the eyes of His Majesty, he is nothing more than a capable dog."

"Xavius... It seems that he is responsible for the connection with the Burning Legion?"

Vaschi slightly raised his eyelids and glanced at Charlemagne, "Indeed, Xavius ??is solely responsible for communicating with the envoys of the gods. Recently, there have been rumors that he has abandoned His Majesty and joined the command of God."

Charlemagne rubbed his chin, with a playful smile on his face, "It shouldn't be a rumor, this servant of the three surnames should have changed his family early, and the evil energy on his body can't be hidden from me." '

Azshara, who was walking in front with a long skirt, suddenly turned her face to the side and asked with interest, "Kiran, you seem to be quite disdainful of Mr. Savis from his expression. What is it?"

Charlemagne hurriedly lowered his head and replied, "Yes... I feel a power different from arcane art from him. It is a power that brings chaos and destruction. It feels very ominous, like..."

"Hehe, it's like the power used by the Burning Legion... right?"

"Your Majesty is wise."


Azshara sneered slightly and continued to walk forward, "It seems that the sincere dog is no longer obedient, so let him go to the Burning Legion as an outpost for us, I want to see this envoy Is the Legion really as beautiful as Sargeras described?"

Thanks to book friends "Bihai~Chaosheng", "bw2000", "Xia Mumu is a priest", "魔· remnant soul", "Husky is a little bit two", "King of Devildom", "Mango milk tea", "Wolong in the field" for playing reward support.

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