Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 449: unfolding history

Chapter 449 The unfolding history

According to the testimony of the maid serving outside, Queen Azshara stayed in her dormitory with Kieran all day, and there were some cheerful laughter from time to time.

Xavius, who had already planted eyeliner in Azshara's bedroom, was furious when he heard the news, "Bitch! I've worked hard for you for so long, and you've just thrown yourself into the arms of a little boy! Continue on!" Don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Savis' handsome face has been squeezed out of shape by the expressions of jealousy and resentment, and the aura of evil energy on his body finally began to spread out uncontrollably.

Immediately, he turned around and walked out of the outer court of the palace without looking back, the note in his hand was also turned into flying ash under the erosion of evil energy.

"Since I can't get you for the time being, then I will thoroughly pursue strength. When I have the ultimate strength, I don't believe you can still refuse me!"

On this day, Xavius ??followed the Burning Legion to battle Black Rook Castle with full confidence. He believed that as long as he made contributions to the Burning Legion, Sargeras would not be stingy with giving his men strength.

Ten days later

"Report...Report! Lord Xavius ??was killed by a pariah named Malfurion in Black Rook Castle, and his body was transformed into a...new form by God."

After a panicked highborne reported, Azshara saw Xavius ??walking into the meeting hall and waved in disgust, "Get out of my palace! I don't need such filthy and unfaithful subordinates!"

At this moment, Xavius ??has turned into an ugly satyr with deformed horns and hooves on his feet. Under the hold of Varosen and other palace guards, he yelled unwillingly, "No! You can't do this to me! I have loyally helped you for thousands of years, but you actually..."

"Shut up!"

A strong arcane light flashed from Vaschi's hands, and a shot of added arcane barrage directly hit Xavius's face, preventing him from slanderous remarks that he was going to say next.

"Drag it out! This disloyal person will not be allowed to enter the palace again in the future, I hope everyone can take warning!"

As the most important female officer around the queen, Vashj's words represented Azshara's own meaning to some extent. Besides, Azshara, who was sitting on the throne with her face on her face, obviously did not stop her words, and the upper elves immediately understood. Queen's attitude.

Das Rema looked at Xavius ??who was being framed and showed a sneer on his face, "It really deserves it, it will end up like this if you delusional about things that don't belong to you, the radicals should be a lot more honest if they lose this leader." '

Just as Das Remar thought, the duck-voiced nobleman who had quarreled with him at the moment bowed his head like a frost-beaten eggplant and dared not speak, his hands were even trembling slightly.

Vashj looked around the highborne with majesty, and said loudly, "Your Majesty has an order! We and the Burning Legion are only in a cooperative relationship. If anyone dares to abandon his people and join the Burning Legion completely, Xavius ??is your role model!"

The conservatives and neutrals headed by Das Remar hurriedly knelt on one knee and shouted yes, and the male duck throat and others could only kneel down and prostrate on the ground in a hurry to ask the Queen for forgiveness.

At this time, Azshara's eyes were rarely empty, and her attention was obviously not on the boring political drama below, until Charlemagne, who was standing on the side of the throne, coughed lightly to remind her to come back to her senses.

The queen stood up with an elegant posture and said, "That's it, I hope you can think more about our ethnic group. In addition, the portal for Sargeras to pass must be completed as soon as possible. The rebel forces are just a disease of scabies." , don’t worry too much about it.”


On the way back to the bedroom, Charlemagne looked thoughtfully at Azshara who was walking slowly ahead, and he didn't know what the queen was thinking right now.

That day, he had already told Azshara the real purpose of the Burning Legion's invasion and the many dark forces hidden in Azeroth. Azshara was once excited to learn that there were so many secrets in Azeroth that she didn't know. High, but after a while she would always fall into the same contemplation as before.

‘What is she thinking? Forbidding her subordinates to completely surrender to the Burning Legion, but at the same time ordering to continue to expand the portal... Maybe she still has delusions of marrying Sargeras? '

Not to mention that Titans and night elves are completely different in size. Now that Azshara has understood the truth, she shouldn’t still think that Sargeras is omnipotent as before. How can a coward who is frightened by the enemy have the face to claim to be invincible...

The progress of the subsequent battle was as it was in history. The rebel forces in the night elves' major cities were all retreating under the attack of the Burning Legion. The only one that had a small victory was the coalition forces of Black Rook Castle in Valsharah.

Under the leadership of the Lord of Black Rook Castle, Kutalos Ravencrest, Malfurion, Tyrande, Illidan and others all joined the rebels in Black Rook Castle.

Charlemagne, who was standing by Azshara's side at the time, immediately pricked up his ears when he heard the report. As expected, the report mentioned a strange green-skinned man holding an oak battle ax and a short, A weird mage with pink skin.

Charlemagne stroked his chin and thought with great interest, 'Brox and Ronin? So Malfurion should have gone to Wyrmrest Temple with Krasus? '

Although I don't know why Malygos failed to convince his compatriots in advance, Charlemagne probably has a guess. It is likely that Neltharion, the fallen Black Dragon King, forcibly pulled the other guardian dragons to create the dragon soul. .

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Charlemagne to hear new news again. The Dragon Clan had joined the battle and was attacking the invading demons near Sandara City.

Charlemagne frowned, and he glanced at Azshara at the side, "It seems that there is a way to tell the outside resistance army the information obtained in the palace first, and... if there is a chance, it is best to give it to Malygos secretly." A word of warning. '

After all, Malygos was really nice to him, and he really regarded Charlemagne as a friend. He wanted to see if he could change the fate of the blue dragon clan on a small scale without touching history. Goss had taken precautions in advance, which could at least reduce the number of casualties of the blue dragon clan.

But now there is a very serious problem. A space-time anchor similar to a space-time anchor has been set up in Azshara's bedroom. Charlemagne cannot use teleportation in his room to report to Sandara.

And most of the time, there are maids waiting outside his room and at the gate of the bedroom, which makes it impossible for Charlemagne to sneak out to teleport at night. He needs to stay by Azshara's side all the time during normal times, and there is no chance at all.

Scratching his head irritably, Charlemagne finally planned to take advantage of the little time to go to the toilet to run back and forth. Anyway, he knew the structure of the magic net in the palace well.

Thanks to the book friends "Death Knight of the Demon King", "Assassination with the Wind" and "Evil & #183; Remnant Soul" for their support.

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