Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 354: Shaky Sandara

Chapter 354 Shaky Sandara

When Alsace led the main force of natural disasters to the gate of Quel'Thalas, Charlemagne was not in the country. He, Alleria, Sylvanas, Onyxia and others teleported to Northon. Sandara of Germany.

The Lich King sent a large air force to Sandara almost at the same time that Arthas attacked Quel'Thalas.

This time, instead of just sending more than a hundred gargoyles to make trouble as usual, there are more than 2,000 gargoyles spreading out on the ground alone. Bone Dragon also dispatched more than 20.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The movement of Alleria drawing the bow almost brought out afterimages, the arrow of wind shot by Sasdora mercilessly knocked down the gargoyles in the air one by one, and Cirvanas beside her was not to be outdone, her spirit The stringed longbow also shot towards the sky with a strange brilliance.

"Olly, there are too many of them!"

Facing the massive attack of the Lich King this time, Charlemagne brought almost all the long-distance travellers who had been recalled back home, and a small half of the ranger troops were also sent by Cirvanas, but they still resisted in the face of the large number of air troops in the sky. very difficult.

Sunstrider Wings, under the leadership of Lieutenant Saladley, also tried their best to stop the gargoyles, but those ice dragons caused too much damage to the entire Crystal Song Post.

Alleria looked at the almost completely destroyed fortifications around her, and said unwillingly, "There is no way, this outpost can only be temporarily abandoned, return to Sandara City, and rely on the power of the barrier to defend. We must Hold on until Charlemagne returns!"

After receiving the order from Alleria, acting commander-in-chief, the Sunstrider Wings temporarily took charge in the form of a guerrilla attack, and the rangers on the ground abandoned the dilapidated outpost and began to retreat to the southern city of Sandara in an orderly manner.

With the barrier of the city's protective barrier, Ner'zhul's air force should not be able to break through the city defense for the time being, but Sandara, who does not have infinite energy, may not be able to last long in the face of the ice dragon's terrifying frost breath.

On the way to retreat, Alleria gritted her silver teeth and turned her head to look at the densely packed Scourge Air Force in the sky, "I can only hope for reinforcements from Charlemagne..."

At this time, Charlemagne had already ridden on Onyxia and rushed to Wyrmrest Temple. Ner'zhul this time made up his mind to remove the city that was stuck under his nose.

Judging from the number of gargoyles and ice dragons, Ner'zhul should have dispatched all available air forces from Icecrown Citadel except for the part of the air force that was sent to the eastern continent to support Alsace.

Fortunately, the location of Crystalsong Forest is rather special, and it is unrealistic for Ner'zhul to send an army in. Otherwise, Charlemagne would feel even more troubled if the undead Vrykul who had already been subdued by him would join the attack.

Onyxia turned her head worryingly and looked at the battlefield that was still fiercely fighting in the distance, and asked Charlemagne anxiously, "Master, do you think Aurelia and the others can hold on?"

Charlemagne shook his head with a wry smile, "At least the crystal song outpost will definitely be lost. Sandara City has ample supply of magic net energy from Crystal Song Forest, and the barrier should not be broken in a short time, but we still have to Hurry up and convince the Dragon Clan, otherwise it will only be a matter of time before the city is destroyed."

The Crystalsong Forest where Sandara is located is not too far from Wyrmrest Temple. Under Onyxia's full speed flight, it landed in front of the gate of Wyrmrest Temple about an hour later. Some guards The dragon beast approached the black dragon princess vigilantly.

"Your Highness Onyxia, may I ask why you are here today?" One of the tall dragon beasts cautiously asked Onyxia who had not yet transformed into a mortal form.

Princess Black Dragon gave him a majestic look, "I don't have time to explain. I hope to meet the three guardian dragons in the shortest possible time. It's about the stolen keel. Hurry up and report it!"


As soon as the keel was mentioned, the dragon beast hurriedly left a few other companions here to guard it, and ran towards the tower with big strides.

Not long after receiving the signal, Alexstrasza and Ysera flew from their respective holy places to the upper level of Wyrmrest Temple, and summoned Onyxia to report.

As for Malygos, um... this guy's mood is not very stable recently, and the two dragon kings didn't call him over.

"...The situation is like this. The Lich King sent more than 20 bone dragons to participate in the capture of Sandara this time. I hope to get the support of the dragon clan."

Time was running out, so Charlemagne simply told the two Dragon Kings, the Blue Dragon, and the Bronze Dragon Ambassador about the current situation. After listening to Charlemagne's description, Alexstrasza frowned.

"We have paid great attention to the protection of Dragonbone Wilderness in recent years. Where did the Lich King find the dragonbone?"

Ysera said with pity, "It should be the part of the blue dragon that was shot down by Deathwing on the Icecrown Glacier during the War of the Ancients. Fortunately, Malygos didn't come this time, otherwise..."

Blue Dragon Ambassador Kalecgos shrugged helplessly, "As you said, it's better not to let His Majesty know about this matter."

Closed his eyes and thought for a while, Alexstrasza finally decided, "I understand the situation. Since the Lich King's desecration of dragon bones is involved, we must let those bone dragons rest in peace. Please give us some time. After gathering the legions of all races, we will immediately head to Crystalsong Forest!"

Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Your Majesties, then I will return to the battlefield first. The current battle situation is not optimistic."

Now the large forces of the high elves are gathered in the southern part of Eversong Forest, and there is very little support for Sandara. If they want to defend Ner'zhul's wave of stealing homes, they can only rely on foreign aid.

Charlemagne understands the actions of Kael'thas and the council executives very well. After all, they have already been beaten to the door. First of all, the safety of the core territory in the country must be ensured. The Lich King should have figured this out. This wave of raids was launched deliberately.

When Charlemagne flew back to Sandara without stopping, Onyxia smashed a dozen gargoyles with bites and claws before breaking through the encirclement and rushing into the barrier. Standing idle, Thoridar's energy arrows have been providing strong support for the Black Dragon Princess.

When Onyxia landed on the central square, Alleria, who was directing the defense within the barrier, hurriedly jumped from the city wall to her boyfriend.

"How is it? Has the Dragon Clan agreed to send troops?"

Seeing some damaged leather armor on his girlfriend, Charlemagne hugged her distressedly and rubbed her face to comfort him, "Don't worry, His Majesty Alexstrasza promised to send reinforcements, we just need to hold on until the dragons arrive. "

It is easy to say, but it is not easy for the high elves, who have been completely pushed back to defend in the barrier, to survive until the arrival of the dragon clan.

After the ice dragons spewed out in turn, the enchantment covering the city declined at a speed visible to the naked eye. If they were allowed to continue to attack like this, the enchantment might not be able to sustain the arrival of the dragon alliance.

Charlemagne bit his lower lip, and after making up his mind, he let go of Alleria and said, "I will lead the dragon knight team with Onyxia to delay the attack of natural disasters, and I will leave the defense of the city to you! "

Aurelia's face tightened when she heard the words. When she looked up and saw the firm look on her lover's face, she opened her mouth, and finally gave Charlemagne a big hug.

"Be sure to pay attention to safety!"

Thanks to the book friend "Qing Ge's heartbroken string is gone" for the reward and support.

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