Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 355: Dragoon Squad

Chapter 355 Dragon Knight Squad

The dragon knight team was originally composed of the red dragon young dragons that the red dragon delivered to Quel'Thalas. Except for a small number of young dragons that were distributed to the generals of each legion, the remaining 80 red dragons were unified into a team. The squad is nominally under the jurisdiction of Sunstrider Wings.

But in fact, the direct command of this elite squad has always been in the hands of Kael'thas, and the captain of the squad is a hero-level spellbreaker of Kael'thas' royal guard.

The entire team includes Arcanist, Ranger, Paladin, Cleric, and Spellbreaker. The minimum selection standard is high-level, and it is a veritable elite team.

Unable to send a large army to support Sandara this time, Kaelthast deliberately handed over his elite air force to Charlemagne, hoping that these red dragon knights could play an important role at critical times.

Under Charlemagne's summoning, the dragon knights had already led their young dragons to the square to get ready to go, and the adventurers around who were too late to evacuate looked at this group of heroic high elf dragon knights with bright eyes.

"It would be great if I could steal their armor!" The man who spoke was a dwarf thief, and his nonsensical words drew the eyes of his companions.

"You can't wear it if you steal it, so save it."

"But the dragon knight... When I can ride a dragon, I will be regarded as a glorious ancestor."

This group of "foot men" wander around the world all the year round, wherever there is profit they go, although they often cause certain harm to the public security of Sandara City after getting drunk, at least it increases the capital flow and popularity of the city .

Kel'thas and the members of the upper house have been turning a blind eye to these guys, as long as they don't make too much trouble, there is no need to specifically control them.

Charlemagne saw that everyone was present, and jumped on Onyxia's back in three steps and two steps. After the black dragon princess flapped her huge wings and flew into the sky, these dragon knights also skillfully manipulated their young dragons into the sky.

Charlemagne, standing on Onyxia's back, glanced at the group of dragon knights who looked at him without saying a word and nodded in satisfaction.

"Everyone! This mission is very difficult. We need to leave the safe city barrier and go outside to hinder the actions of the Frost Bone Dragon. I cannot guarantee that all of you will return safely. Please be mentally prepared. Those who are not willing to take risks Please stay in the city, and I will explain to the Sun King for you."

What Charlemagne said deliberately made the eyes of all the dragon knights spit fire. As the captain, Critens Yangshen said in a deep voice with an unhappy face, "Duke Theron, don't you underestimate us by saying that? There is no coward in the knight team, and we will accompany you to the end of this mission!"

Charlemagne ticked the corner of his mouth and said loudly, "Very good! Then please follow me, and try to disperse the gargoyles along the way. Our goal is only the Frost Bone Dragon!"


Finally, Charlemagne took a comforting glance at the worried Alleria, and patted Onyxia's scales lightly.

As the assault arrows, she and her master were the first to break out of the barrier, and were undoubtedly besieged by the gargoyles.

"hold head high!"

Onyxia opened her mouth and sprayed out the shadow flames that had been prepared, and a large number of gargoyles that were sprayed from the front turned black and cracked on the spot, and fell straight down from the sky not long after.

"Don't worry about these miscellaneous fish! Follow me!"

Charlemagne used multiple shots and arrow rain to clear the airspace around Onyxia, and at the same time gave orders to the dragon knight team behind him under the blessing of amplification magic.

The position of the Frost Bone Dragon is very conspicuous. I don’t know if it’s because of the arrogance kept in front of him. The flying height of these Bone Dragons is much higher than that of Gargoyles.

These lofty bone dragons are just like what Ysera once said, they are all gray skeletons as a whole, and only the faint blue soul fire burns in the chest cavity and skull.

Unlike gargoyles that can cause damage to the whole body but have no weaknesses, these bone dragons that fly higher only have the biggest soul fire in their skulls as their fatal point. If this dark blue flame cannot be extinguished , These bone dragons will not suffer too much damage at all.

Although the range of the rangers can barely reach the height of the bone dragon, these ice dragons will not stand there stupidly and let people shoot their own weaknesses. They have strong instincts and will avoid the ranger's arrows and mages. The directional spell, which makes it very difficult to kill the bone dragon.

But for Charlemagne, their evasion was meaningless. As soon as he entered the effective range, he aimed directly at one of the bone dragons and launched the Arrow of Order.

The energy arrow shining with purple light smashed the bone dragon's skull almost instantly, and the soul fire inside was also gradually extinguished after being penetrated. The huge bone dragon body fell from the sky and smashed into the forest, causing a burst of shock. Huge noise.

After killing one of them, Charlemagne ordered amidst the cheers of the dragon knights, "Aim at the weak point, I don't ask you to kill them completely, but at least slow down their attack frequency on the enchantment, keep maneuvering, and be breathed by the ice dragon." It's not a joke to spray it!"

After all, these bone dragons are made from the bones of adult dragons, and these young dragons alone cannot compare with them in size.

But the advantage of the young dragon is also here. The smaller body means more flexibility, and although the young dragon only has the wisdom of a beast, it can make more flexible movements than the bone dragon under the control of its familiar master.

This elite team of dragon knights was taught by Saladley after accepting the appointment of the kingdom. Although the formation time is not as fast as that of the Sun Chaser Wings, under the control of the masters, these red dragon knights can perform better than the Sun Chaser Wings. Strong combat effectiveness.

The paladins proficiently turned on non-repeating auras in the air for support, and various blessings were also blessed in the order assigned during training, and the priests added the shield of truth to the red dragon and knights one by one, to the greatest extent. Guarantee the safety of these elites.

Led by the arrowheads Onyxia and Charlemagne, this team first seized the commanding heights and swooped down from a high altitude, like a sharp arrow piercing into the enemy's formation. Not enough time, when Ner'zhul wanted to fight back, the group of dragon knights hid back in the barrier again under the order of Duke Theron.

"Damn it! These treacherous long ears actually have the combat power of a dragon knight... Forget it, as long as we concentrate our firepower to capture this city, I can't let them destroy my plan."

Under Ner'zhul's order, the ice dragons ignored the dragon knight squad that came out to attack from time to time, and concentrated all their firepower to attack the barrier.

"Tsk... Ner'zhul, the old fox, did he notice that there was reinforcements? He fought so aggressively."

After several rounds of assaults, although the dragon knight team was not damaged, the red dragon young dragons were already exhausted, and the continuous explosive flight made these red dragons with outstanding physical conditions unable to bear it.

With the remaining fifteen ice dragons exhaling together again, the magical barrier covering the outside of Sandara City finally disappeared completely after a few flashes. Ner'zhul behind the scenes happily issued an order to his air force The massacre order was issued.

"hold head high!"

Then, just when Ner'zhul was about to get rid of this thorn in his side with great joy, there was a burst of loud dragon chants in the distance, and the dragon army led by Alexstrasza and Ysera finally delayed enough in Charlemagne. Arrived in time after the time.

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