Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 353: Grind me...huh?

Chapter 353 Grind me flat...Huh?

Fortunately, Grom's Warsong clan was not the first batch of orcs to enter Azeroth, otherwise the orcs who were tricked at the beginning would definitely remember these treacherous short greenskins, but in fact this group of goblins from Ratchet City and The Steamwheedle Consortium is not a system either...

Grom was also worried about the whereabouts of Goyle and the others, so he exchanged some of the gadgets he looted from the humans to the goblins to get some meat supplies, and then he set foot on this land like Goyle. Exploring strange lands.

Brothers Go'el, Vol'jin, and Saurfang were standing in a daze in front of the majestic Mulgore gate at this time. This obvious man-made product showed that the land behind the gate was owned by the owner.

Although Goyle didn't understand what the gray building material used to construct the gate was, he didn't want to get into trouble with the local aborigines when he first arrived.

He still bears in mind Orgrim's original teachings. If the orcs want to fully integrate into this new world, the previous tradition of fighting and killing is not very applicable.

Goyle glanced at the gate with some regret, turned his head and said to the orcs and trolls who followed him, "Let's go, the eyes of these aborigines don't seem to welcome us very much, let's continue northward to see if we can find the Warsong clan whereabouts."

A few tauren stood on the giant gate of Mulgore made of cement. They were obviously relieved when they saw the orcs and trolls turn their heads and leave. They still remember these brutal green-skinned and hunchbacked trolls. The tauren fought these invaders in Quel'Thalas.

One of the tauren who looked older ordered another companion who was obviously still in his youth, "Luck, you immediately take the wyvern to Thunder Bluff to report to Chief Kane. I didn't expect these orcs to come to Kali!" Mudo."

"Yes, Captain!"

When the orcs were struggling to explore Kalimdor, the form of the eastern continent changed again.

Princess Jaina returned to Boralus to seek her mother's opinion and began to gather refugees to sail west to Kalimdor. At this time, she had already led the fleet sailing on the sea, and Catherine, who loved her daughter, sent a special team Jaina is protected by the Kul Tiran Royal Guard.

The natural disasters in the northern part of the continent are still spreading, and the vast area of ??Silverpine Forest has also been occupied by these undead. The Gilneans hiding behind the Greymane Wall are now singing praises to Jean, thanks to his foresight to block These stinking corpses.

At this time, Rhona Crowley finally learned of her boyfriend Alsace's murder of her father and teacher. This female man who is more decisive than men did not hesitate, and immediately prepared to go north to find Alsace with her shotgun. According to this theory, his father, Darius, finally persuaded her for the time being.

The natural disaster going south is just a partial division of Alsace. At this time, the fallen prince has obeyed Ner'zhul's order and personally led the army all the way east to Quel'Thalas.

The collapsed tunnel on the banks of the Sodoril River has been reopened by Baron Rivendell's spider monsters. Alsace passed through the tunnel very smoothly and arrived at the Gate of Salas in August 2020. before.

This gate was destroyed by the flames of the red dragon when the orcs invaded. After the war, Charlemagne rebuilt it and strengthened it. At this time, the high elf rangers who had been prepared for a long time were standing on the city wall with longbows in their hands. Keep an eye on the Scourge army below.

Arthas looked up at the gate in front of him with indifferent eyes, then turned to the death knight Rivendell and asked, "Have you explored from Stratholme to the interior of Quel'Thalas in the past few months?"

Rivendell froze all over, then bowed his head in shame and said, "Sorry, my subordinates are incompetent. The gargoyles they sent were all intercepted by the high elves' air force deployed in Dysome, and they didn't investigate Quel'Thalas clearly. internal situation."

"Hmph, forget it."

Arthas glanced at Rivendell indifferently, "The Lich King ordered me to use the sunwell in Quel'Thalas to revive Kel'Thuzad, then we only need to do one thing, relying on this army of half a million undead Roll over."

After several months of snowballing, the number of the undead army has not increased but decreased, but the quality has improved a lot. Many of the low-level corpses were assembled into abominations by the acolytes of the cursed sect.

These huge structural monsters have low-level intelligence. Ordinary human soldiers are no match at all. Usually, at least 5-10 people must be dispatched to defeat this abomination. Relying on this high-level unit, Alsace has advanced very smoothly, Gary Seth and Tyran dared not rush out to fight him.

But in fact, for rangers, this kind of bulky and stupid man is easier to deal with than a flexible ghoul. Anyway, just shoot the ugly big head of the abomination with one arrow.

Full of confidence, Arthas, like Orgrim back then, undoubtedly suffocated in front of the reinforced concrete gate. No matter how the abominations attacked, the gray gate that did not conform to the aesthetics of the high elves could drop some Except for the dregs, there is no movement at all.

Even the spider monsters who are good at drilling holes can't do anything with this gate. Even if they try their best to drill through the outer wall, the intertwined steel bars inside can make their heads bruise.

Alsace, who was slapped in the face, looked very ugly. Just now he boasted that he was going to run over it and encountered such a strong city gate, which made him, as the agent of the Lich King, feel embarrassed.

"Don't worry, young prince, this gate should be made of cement made by Quel'Thalas and the dwarves. Its strength is difficult to break with only these infantry units. We need siege weapons."

It was Kel'Thuzad attached to Frostmourne who made the suggestion. The Lich King needed this capable man to be resurrected to assist Arthas.

According to the orders of the Dreadlord and Kil'jaeden, to summon Archimonde first requires the knowledge of the Book of Medivh, which is now stored in Dalaran, as long as there is Kel'Thuzad in Dalaran However, the leading party who has lived for decades is responsible for leading the way, and the process of obtaining the Book of Medivh will become much easier.

On the other hand, summoning Archimonde requires a huge amount of energy, and it is most suitable for this energy to be taken from the Sunwell. As long as Kel'Thuzad can be resurrected with the energy of the Sunwell, the future Grand Lich can use these Vast energy summons the Defiler.

Of course, the treatment of Kel'Thuzad is definitely not as good as it was in the original history. There is no Terenas's ashes urn to hold his remains. Snatched back by the Silver Hand, now even Ner'zhul doesn't know where the poor old king is buried.

On the gate of Salas, Vereesa looked coldly at the Scourge below, and ordered loudly to the rangers around, "Don't relax! The Scourge will definitely find a way to make siege weapons. Hold here until you come back!"


Vereesa turned her head worriedly and looked towards the northwest of the mainland, "Bless the Sunwell, I hope that Charlemagne and the two sisters can return safely. '

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