Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 350: Afterglow of Lordaeron

Chapter 350 Afterglow of Lordaeron

In front of the Palace Square, Alsace still obeyed the orders in his head with a cold face, massacring his own people wantonly.

The terrified people fled in all directions, and the inferiority of human beings was undoubtedly revealed at this time. Pushing and trampling, everyone wished that their parents would give them two more legs. As for the situation of other compatriots around them, they had no intention of caring .

Just when Alsace was grabbing a 7- or 8-year-old girl and intending to kill him, a spinning golden energy shield flew out of the crowd and precisely hit Alsace who couldn't dodge.


Amid the painful and distorted expression on Alsace's face, his body made a sound like being scorched by flames. Under Ner'zhul's order, he immediately dispersed the holy light with the power of death.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little girl was taken away by a white-haired man in heavy armor who suddenly appeared.

Arthas twitched his lips when he saw the four people on the opposite side, "Uther, I remember that you have been convicted of treason, why are you still showing up in Lordaeron with a big swagger?"

At this time, the four people standing opposite Alsace were Uther with an unbelievable and self-reproachful face, the former deputy head of the Silver Hand, Saidan Dathrohan, the Grand Crusader, and the head of the Morning Herald Legion. Liadrin and Benedictas, Archbishop of Light in Stormwind.

Among the six disciples of Alonsus, except for Turalyon who was locked on the other side of the Dark Portal and Tirion Fordring who had been expelled from the Knights for releasing the orcs, all of them had gathered at this time. here.

Except for Liadrin who knew about it in advance, the other three looked at the prince who had committed the crime of patricide with expressions of shock and anger.

Dathrohan's beard and hair were all stretched out, and he pointed at Alsace angrily and shouted loudly, "I really can't imagine that Uther's years of teaching would actually raise you, a patricide scum, and you plan to punish the sons you ruled?" Do you want to attack the people!?"

Uther's body trembled when he heard his old friend's accusation, and his straight back seemed to become less powerful. After letting go of the little girl in his arms, he pulled out his warhammer from behind and walked in front of Alsace.

"Alsace... tell me why? It was justifiable when you ordered Stratholme to be 'purified', but what do you mean now! Why did you kill the father who raised you?!"

Arthas twitched the corner of his mouth, and when he was about to defend himself, he suddenly stopped. Ner'zhul gave him new orders through Frostmourne.

"Avoiding them and fighting this group of epic clergy at the same time is not good for you. Our strength is not yet perfect."

Although Alsace today has reached the epic peak under the blessing of Ner'zhul's power, it is obviously not a good choice to fight four believers of the Holy Light whose attributes restrain him at the same time.


Alsace snorted displeasedly, "I don't need to answer your question, one day you will become one of us, death is..."


Before he could finish his exit, Arthas suddenly felt a fatal threat. It was too late for him to evade while wearing heavy armor, so he hurriedly raised Frostmourne and slashed in the direction Ner'zhul indicated.


The powerful energy hedging made Alsace, who hastily attacked, lose control of his posture and backed up several steps one after another. Liadrin took this opportunity to rush up with the other three brothers and planned to encircle Alsace, while Benedictus It is to provide support in the rear.

"Breakthrough quickly! Use your original mentor as a breakthrough, his attitude is not firm!"

Ner'zhul's order was conveyed before Arthas had time to recover. The fallen prince hurriedly observed the situation. Sure enough, although Uther also rushed up with the hammer, the look on his face Shaking is almost visible to the naked eye.

"Hmph! Unnecessary affection."

Alsace chose Uther as the target without hesitation, and at the same time started a cold and severe winter around his body, which players dubbed the drum washing machine. The powerful frost force temporarily blocked the pace of Liadrin and others' attack.

Just as Ner'zhul expected, Uther, who was shaken in his heart, failed to stop Alsace's breakthrough in time, and was finally rushed out of the encirclement by him. Alsace, who pulled out his hand, immediately used the corpses all over the ground to summon the undead army .

"Uther! You..."

Dathrohan had an expression of hating iron but not steel. Uther's behavior just now clearly violated his responsibilities as the former head of the Silver Hand.

But in the eyes of Charlemagne in the distance, this is also human nature. Although Uther is called the Messenger of Light, he is also a living person after all, not the kind of monster who has no emotions and desires. The sudden change of the prince's patricide must not be so easy to make up his mind to kill the killer.

Alsace, who broke out of the siege, quickly retreated under the cover of the death army. He also used the building to cover him to avoid many precise long-range attacks from Charlemagne. Dathrohan couldn't stop Alsace even if he roared to the sky run away.

Liadrin, Uther and the others quickly cleaned up the low-level undead around them under the shining holy light. Benedictas reached out and stopped Dathrohan who was about to pursue him.

"Forget Saidan, it is more important to save the people in the city now. Duke Theron has arranged a retreat for them. Lordaeron...is no longer safe."

Seeing more and more resurrected corpses around him, Dathrohan turned his head and shouted at Uther angrily, "Is this what you want? Uther! Do you know that letting this patricide **** go? How much disaster will it cause?"

Uther smashed the last ghoul to death with his warhammer without saying a word, then turned around and began to direct the soldiers who were still at their posts to evacuate the civilians.

Liadrin saw that Dathrohan was still relentlessly planning to catch up and ask for accountability, so she reached out and pressed his shoulder, "Alright Saidan, now is not the time to hold Uther accountable, the temporary portal for mages There's no way to last too long, so let's get down to business."

"Me! Hey..."

Dathrohan is not ignorant of the general situation. Although the former Silver Hand entered the city in pieces, after all, this disbanded knight order is not justified. If there is no prestigious Uther and him Responsible for commanding, I am afraid that the soldiers of Lordaeron will not buy it.

Charlemagne also put away Solidar after Alsace was completely out of his range, and he directly opened the portal and left the embassy that had been evacuated.

When he reappeared, he was already in the mage area of ??the east city of Lordaeron. At this time, Jaina, Lena, Rommath, Sean and others were leading the mage group to maintain a huge portal.

The people went to the other side of the door in an orderly manner under the command of the priest of the Church of the Void Light, and the knights of the Silver Hand were blocking the continuous army of undead for them.

Charlemagne strode up to Sean and the others and asked, "How is the situation? Can you still hold on?"

Sean deliberately showed a frivolous smile and replied, "Although it is a bit difficult, but it can be maintained for the time being, but you have to let the people of Lordaeron speed up, and you must also be mentally prepared. It is impossible for us to evacuate the entire Lordaeron." Residents of King Lun City."

Charlemagne sighed heavily, "Do your best to obey the destiny, save as much as you can. After all, there will be more important wars in the future. It is a little bit more population."

When Charlemagne also stepped forward to provide magic power to the portal, Alleria, who was guarding the side, looked at the burning city with slightly empty eyes.

The once-prosperous Lordaeron has fallen into complete chaos. Cries, screams, and the shouts of killing from the few soldiers who are still resisting permeate the capital city.

Aurelia sighed with emotion, "This once the most prosperous city of mankind will also become history..."

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