Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 349: Chief Dutiful Son of Azeroth

Chapter 349 Azeroth Chief Dutiful Son

The space battleship jointly developed by gnomes and high elves has the characteristics of both engineering and magic mechanics.

Just like the space battleships in the original history, several huge propellers can be seen on the Lieyang, and at the same time, due to the floating anti-gravity technology developed by the high elves, the load capacity of the entire ship has increased a lot.

At the beginning of the research and development, the traverser Charlemagne provided Modant, Gelbin and others with a lot of ideas, such as building a hangar in the cabin, so that the battleship also has the function of a mothership.

At the same time, he also deliberately persuaded His Majesty Kael'thas to deploy a total of 12 X-series mechas equipped with air combat backpacks for the Lieyang. The pilots are also selected from the best, at least high-level professionals. A paladin who has just entered the hero rank.

In addition, he also provided some suggestions for the shape of the hull, abandoning the original shape of the big fat ship, and designing the hull into a streamlined shape that reduces wind resistance, which speeds up the maneuverability of Lieyang to a certain extent.

Due to the sunwell possessed by the high elves, this ship can exert its maximum combat effectiveness when it is within the range of Quel'Thalas. The sunwell with unlimited energy supplies energy, and the magic cannon on the ship can be fired infinitely before it explodes. , the mecha can also maintain high-intensity combat for a long time.

After leaving the mainland, the combat power of the Lieyang will be reduced. First of all, the activity time of the mechas. They can only fight independently from the mothership for about 30 minutes, and then they must return to the ship to replace the cores. .

And the firepower of Lieyang itself will be weakened a lot. After all, the energy stored on board is limited and cannot be wasted at will.

Although I don't know if Ner'zhul will attack Quel'Thalas to seek the Sunwell according to the original plan, but the necessary precautions must be taken well. be prepared.

In order to guard against the Scourge that might invade, Charlemagne, after consulting Kael'thas and the Silvermoon Council, transferred the Dawn Herald, Flame Eagle, Sunfury, Eclipse, and Firewing Legion to defend the southern forest.

Except for the Flameblades who stayed in Silvermoon City as usual and the ranger troops stationed in Sandara, the remaining half of Sunstrider Wings was sent by him to gather next to the Temple of Dysome, and the Sunset, which had just entered service, was also deployed quickly. in place.

Sandara's ranger troops were temporarily handed over to one of Sylvanas' adjutants to lead them. Once the Battle of Quel'Thalas started, he would bring most of the ranger troops back to the country, leaving only a few Part of the troops are stationed at various outposts.

After arranging the domestic affairs, Charlemagne secretly contacted the disbanded Silver Hand through Alonsus and the Church of the Void Light under his command. He planned to give Alsace a hand in the city of Lordaeron when he returned. surprise.

Dark Gate In June 20th, Prince Arthas, who had been missing for several months, finally returned to the Eastern Continent "safely" in Terenas' earnest expectation.

Glad Terenas prepared a grand welcome ceremony for the return of the crown prince. Although other countries were busy with internal affairs and did not send people to attend, almost all the important officials of Lordaeron were present.

Charlemagne was wearing a dark green hooded cloak at the moment, standing on the top floor of the mage tower belonging to the high elf embassy in the royal city of Lordaeron, watching Alsace and his party enter the city with eagle eye from a distance.

In order to welcome the return of the prince, Terenas specially sent people to sprinkle a lot of flower petals throughout the city. With the ringing of the Lordaeron bell and the cheers of the surrounding people, the whole welcoming ceremony has gradually reached its climax.

Alsace, wearing a hood, stretched out his hand to catch one of the petals. Before he could feel the magnificent scene in front of him, the petal in his hand withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a piece of fly ash.


Under the urging of the command in his mind, the corners of Alsace's mouth hidden under the hood slightly curled up, and a few strands of silver hair slipped out of the hood quietly following his movements.

Although they were far away, Charlemagne could instinctively feel something was wrong with the team led by Alsace. These people did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation, and followed Alsace silently like irrational puppets. All the way to the palace.

When Arthas entered the palace, the already extremely old Terenas stood up with a gratified smile, ready to give his son a hug.

"Welcome back, my son, I knew you would be safe."

However, what greeted him was not Alsace's enthusiastic response. The prince took off the hood on his head after entering the palace, and a head of snow-white hair and bloodless cheeks appeared in front of Terenas. He was surprised to see that his son had a wicked smile on his face.

Under the urging of Ner'zhul in his mind, Arthas stood upright and half-kneeled in salute. Since Terenas wanted to talk to his son alone, except for the two of them and some guards around him, only the two of them were in the throne room. The two guard captains of Alsace, Falrick and Marwyn, were left.

Seeing this, Charlemagne could no longer observe the internal scene. The gate of the palace had been closed by the guards, but he had already guessed the next development.

"Terenas, it must be hard for people to accept being betrayed by a son raised by myself. Although I really want to wish you rest in peace... But I'm afraid it will be difficult to do so."

Charlemagne looked at the gate of the palace with some pity in his eyes. The souls captured by Frostmourne had no way to escape from the shackles of this magic sword, unless one day this magic weapon was destroyed.

When the palace gate was opened again, Alsace, who had no need to hide, carried a guard in his hand, and inserted Frostmourne into his body while the opponent was struggling.

As his soul was sucked into the magic sword, the guard was quickly transformed by Frostmourne, his skin turned pale gray, and he held the sword and shield tightly to guard beside Prince Arthas who had just killed himself.

This situation is not an exception. When Alsace entered the palace, there were only two people following him. When he came out, there were already many members of the palace guards around him. Under Alsace's order, they began to spread out and become confused. The ministers of the situation rushed forward.

Seeing this scene, Charlemagne turned his head and said to Alleria, "It's started, let's take action here too. The evacuation of the people is the top priority, and Alsace will give them a few."

"Well, you have to be careful. Although Alsace doesn't have many troops now, as long as he has that magic sword, he may quickly condense an army that is completely loyal to him."

Before leaving, Alleria hugged her boyfriend to remind him to be safe. Having learned the truth from her lover, she also felt sad for Terenas and Lordaeron in her heart.

Charlemagne gently kissed Alleria on the forehead, and responded with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't fight him at close range, it's just to provide long-range support for Uther and the others, but you should move quickly, Mages shouldn't last long."

After Alleria left, Charlemagne looked sharply at Alsace who was killing all directions in the distance, drew Thoridar from behind and drew his bow fully.

"Let me see how far you will go after you get new power, death knight Arthas!"

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