Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 351: Causal cycle, retribution unhappy

Chapter 351 Causal cycle, unhappy retribution

A total of more than 200,000 people from Lordaeron were evacuated before the magic power of the mage group led by Sean, Romans and others was exhausted. There will also be a short-term vacuum in the mage's mana cycle.

When the portal began to become unstable, Charlemagne wiped the sweat from his forehead and shouted to Uther who brought back the last group of people, "I can't hold it anymore, hurry up! You also pass through the portal, we have to evacuate." Already!"

Uther silently sent the terrified people into the portal. Among them, a 3-year-old boy was still not quite clear about the situation, crying loudly in his mother's arms.

Uther walked up to the child's mother and cast his pure holy light on the little boy with a benevolent face. The little boy stopped crying after feeling the warm light, and opened his mouth curiously. Looking at the kind-hearted old man in front of him.

At this time, the hands of Charlemagne, Sean and others had already started to tremble, and he hurriedly turned his head and urged again, "Uther hurry up! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

However, Uther watched the mother and son finally walk into the portal, but stepped back a few steps and showed a relieved smile, "You go, I want to stay and pay for my sins."


Before Charlemagne could finish speaking, Lightbringer picked up his warhammer and faced the Scourge approaching from behind.

"Let's go! From now on, the Silver Hand will be handed over to Saidan to manage, and besides... say sorry to Tirion for me."

Only the last sentence was left, and Uther rushed into the army of undead with a bright holy light shining all over his body. Only the flying rotting limbs and the angry shout from the Lightbringer could prove that he was alive.

Charlemagne closed his eyes sadly and silently offered blessings to Uther, then he turned his head and said to Sean, Aurelia and the others, "...Let's go, Uther has already decided to die for Alsace. His depravity and atonement, with his stubbornness, I am afraid no one will be able to persuade him."

Aurelia silently took one last look at Uther, whom she had known for nearly 30 years, ‘May the holy light of your faith bless you forever, old friend. ’ Then she turned her head and helped Charlemagne, Sean and others whose magic power was about to run out, walked into the rapidly shrinking portal.

The other end of the portal is on the northern coast of the Tirisfal Glades. The private ships of Quel'Thalas and Theron family have already docked here. Get out of this sad place.

Due to the advance layout, most villages in the entire Tirisfal Forest have received an evacuation order, but many people are unwilling to believe this ridiculous order, even if it was the former Knights of the Silver Hand who ordered it.

Including the evacuated people from Brill, Furnace Ash Manor and farms in various places, the alliance has taken away a total of about half a million people from Lordaeron, and the remaining people who do not want to leave can only wish them good luck.

The resettlement of these Lordaeron civilians is also a problem. The nearest Gilneas has been completely locked down. The majestic Greymane Wall was completed at the beginning of this year. With the efforts of Jean and Lord Godfrey, Crowley The family's resistance was suppressed.

In the end, Darius was driven into the Wall of Greymane with his daughter and his private soldiers, but he will not stop his struggle. Most of his territory is in Silverpine Forest, where Jinn's lock country The strategy amounted to confiscating most of his territory, which he could not accept anyway.

Gilneas refused to accept refugees, especially these refugees were from Lordaeron. Gene, who hated Lordaeron, rejected Saidan's application.

The second choice is Kul Tiras and Stormgard. Daelin is still relentlessly chasing the orcs in the sea at this time. These green skins directly led to the death of the crown prince of Kul Tiras. I swore to make them pay the price.

The new Crown Prince Tanred also went out to fight with his father. Now Catherine, Queen of Kul Tiras, is staying in Boralus. As the princess, Jaina discussed with her mother in advance, and Catherine agreed to accept some refugees.

Stormgard, caught in a population crisis, longed for more people to join them. Solas happily expressed his willingness to accept refugees, and he would accept as many as he came.

The rest of the refugees who belonged to the Stormwind Kingdom before the Orc War expressed their desire to return to their homeland.

It’s really a cycle of karma and bad retribution. Back then, the Kingdom of Stormwind was destroyed due to the orc war. After landing in South Sea Town, these refugees were kept by Terenas in Lordaeron and did not intend to return to the ruined Kingdom of Stormwind.

But who would have thought that their new homeland, Lordaeron, which they placed high hopes on, is now facing the crisis of extinction again, and these refugees can only choose to return to their roots again in the end.

After resettling the refugees, Charlemagne bid farewell to Jaina, who was about to return to Boralus temporarily, and conveyed Antonidas and Kael'thas' opinions to her before leaving.

"Both His Majesties have already agreed with your idea of ??going to Kalimdor to find Aegwynn to study. In fact, this time is just an opportunity. Now that the Eastern Continent is about to encounter catastrophe, if you can lead some people who are willing to follow you on an adventure to Kalimdor It would be best if the refugees from Limdor set up an outpost for the Alliance."

Jianna was very excited when she heard the first half of Charlemagne's words, but she was stunned when she heard the latter part, "Duke Theron, do you mean that I will lead them westward?"

Charlemagne nodded, "This is also what Master Antonidas meant. He has seen that the spread of natural disasters may not be optimistic. Your trip to Kalimdor this time can also preserve a little vitality for the alliance. Once the eastern continent falls..."

"This...can I do this well?"

Jaina's emotions at this time are a bit complicated, both a little eager to try and a little uneasy.

If she can lead some of the refugees to build a shelter in Kalimdor this time, then she will truly start to have her own strength independent of Kul Tiras, which will be of great help to the realization of her dreams. It is a very important step for national peace.

Charlemagne gently reached out and patted Jaina's head to encourage him, "Give yourself a little more confidence, and I can be regarded as an elder who grew up watching you. Your arcane talent is the same as that of Master Antonidas and His Majesty Kael'thas." I have praised you, but your biggest problem is that you are sometimes too naive, I hope you will know what real peace is after you start governing the people yourself."

"Don't worry, according to Medivh's information, the main purpose of the Scourge should be to summon Archimonde through the Book of Medivh. Once the second figure of the Burning Legion arrives, the Lich will no longer be in command. The king and Alsace are in the hands, and Archimonde will definitely go to Kalimdor to absorb the power of the World Tree."

"As long as Archimonde leads the Scourge to leave, Quel'Thalas will try his best to gather available soldiers from the Alliance to Kalimdor for support. At that time, the outpost you have established will be particularly important."

When it came to Alsace, Jaina looked a little sad. She didn't expect that her childhood sweetheart prince would make it to where she is today, but that's all. After sighing for a while, she quickly adjusted her mentality.

"I see! After returning to Boralus, I will immediately gather the people who are willing to follow me to the west, and I will definitely build a bridgehead for the alliance in Kalimdor!"

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